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Who Is the Mushrik? May17 2013 Turkish 39min
Sheikh Nazım
" إِنَّمَا الْمُشْرِكُونَ نَجَسٌ - Indeed the Mushriks (polytheists) are unclean" (9:28). Who is the Mushrik? In the presence of the Sultan, how can one ever look at anyone else? Do not be jealous! Be pleased with what you are given and do not interfere with the Divine wisdom.
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Hadra May17 2013 23min
Sheikh Nazım
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Sakala Sharif May16 2013 2min
Sheikh Nazım
Mawlana congratulates all Muslims on Laylatul Ragha'ib, and and on the the day of Ragha'b (today, Friday17, May). Mawlana urges all of us to know the value of this blessed day and to benefit from it. Mubarak.
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Laylatul Raghaib May16 2013 86min
Sheikh Nazım
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The Lionheart May16 2013 Turkish 38min
Sheikh Nazım
Today after Fajr prayer, Mawlana congratulated all Muslims on the holy night of Laylatu-l Ragha'ib. Mawlana also set an example to Shi'as and Alawis on how to follow Shahi Mardan and become true Muslims. Only a Muslim deserves to be a "Lion Hearted". S Mahdi (as) is coming and he is wearing a black turban.
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Do Not Harm and Do Not Be Harmful May15 2013 Turkish 39min
Sheikh Nazım
"Do Not Harm and Do Not Be Harmful - لا ضرر و لا ضرار" is a Hadith and a Heavenly Command. But are the Shia and Alawi listening to S.Ali (ra) and stopping the slaughter? Is the Christian world listening to S. Isa (as) and stopping making weapons? Why does the Orthodox church not warn Putin against killing so many people with one signature? The goal of humanity is not to fight one another but to fight shaytan.
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The Big War May15 2013 Turkish 13min
Sheikh Nazım
Mawlana says that the world is now ready for "The Big War". People must take their precautions.
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Identity May14 2013 Turkish 46min
Sheikh Nazım
Allah (swt) created us to be Rahmani. But people follow shaytan and become shaytani. Our main problem is that we do not know our identity. Nowadays, no one says I am from Ummatu-l Habib sas. They are Arabs, Iranians or Turks. Protect your women and children; and let your governments use their power to keep Shari'ah. Prophet sas points to the safe way, "Become a Muslim, you become safe - اسلم تسلم" And know that if the boat of S. Nuh (as) was enough for 80 people, the boat of the Seal of Prophets (sas) is more than enough for 7 worlds.
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Divine Wrath May14 2013 Turkish 3min
Sheikh Nazım
Mawlana gave this du'aa to be read daily and asked us to inform the people. "نعوذُ بِاللهِ من غَضَبِ الجبَّار"
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The Definition of Man May12 2013 Turkish 49min
Sheikh Nazım
Philosophers define man as the speaking animal. What a shame! Allah created the whole creation for man, His Khalifah, and created man for Himself. Man is the servant of The Lord Almighty, a station that no other creature can attain and no creature can exceed. Yet man defines himself as an animal! Allah (swt) sent prophets (as) as teachers and sent His Habib (sas) as the master of all, Sayyidu-l Khalq and Abdullah (sas).
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Time May12 2013 English 17min
Sheikh Nazım
Everything is replaceable except time. Its value increases in accordance to its length, as in a prayer that goes on without end, ‘time inside time’. How time is used is vital. Our intention says Shaykh Bahauddin should be to use it for Allah Almighty.
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Understanding May11 2013 English 21min
Sheikh Nazım
Everything begins with understanding. Understanding means to be in love. Why are we with Mawlana Shaykh? It is because we love him says Shaykh Bahauddin. And we love him because he is in love with Allah Almighty. Allah Almighty is more than enough. We have to look inside in order to understand, to know what we have.
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Stop the Slaughter May11 2013 Turkish 39min
Sheikh Nazım
Rajab is Eid for Muslims to celebrate and buy Eid clothes. O Shia and Alawi, what are you offering your brothers on this Eid? Blood and destruction? O Ajam, O Alawi, for the sake of Shahi Mardan stop the slaughter! You cannot make Ummatu-l Habib (sas) kurban! But Shahi Mardan is not for the Shia or the Alawis. He is for the whole Ummat-i Muhammad (sas) and Ummat-i Muhammad (sas) cannot be a kurban! Where are the Alims? Why are they not opening their mouths? The war of the Shia is not for Allah. Divine Revenge is approaching and the big war is coming.
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Rajab Shahru Llāh May10 2013 Turkish 4min
Sheikh Nazım
Mawlānā said that the tajallīs of the month of Rajab are coming very powerfully. Mawlānā said that he is afraid of Divine Wrath. After ‘Aṣr, Mawlānā gave a very short ṣuḥbah.
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The House and the Servant of the Lord May10 2013 Turkish 51min
Sheikh Nazım
Mawlana asks: if Baytullah, the House of the Lord built of stones by S.Ibrahim (as), has so much value and honor, then what about Abdullah, the servant of the Lord who is you, O man? Man, Allah's (jj) most honored creation does not know his true value nor his real limit. Allah (swt) sent to every nation a prophet teaching them this. Confucius was sent to the people of China.
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Salamun Alaykum May09 2013 Turkish 44min
Sheikh Nazım
In the whole of creation, man is the most honoured. Yet, "Man was created weak (4:28)", and because of that he cannot see his honour or recognize his enemy. Al Habib (sas) was invited to step on The Throne with his shoes, while Al Kalim (as) was ordered to take off his shoes on Mt Sinai. Learn the extent of the honor given to you and know your real enemy. O Shi'a read our names before you kill us to know we do have Muslim names. shaytan is your enemy so even when it tells you "Salamun Alaykum", its only intention is to steal your faith, so never answer! (This was Mawlana's answer when we asked him, after the sohbat, if shaytan really gives salams.)
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Man the Beautiful May08 2013 Turkish 59min
Sheikh Nazım
Man by nature seeks beauty and desires to love and be loved. He, however, seeks beauty from this world, where it never belongs. He forgets that the very act of his creation is an act of Divine Love that filled him with heavenly beauty. Therefore, all Man needs to do is to realize what he already is, "Man The Beautiful".
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Turn Back to the Prophet (sas) May07 2013 Turkish 37min
Sheikh Nazım
Do not run after Dunya or even after Akhirat. Seek only Allah. All Muslims now are after the dirt of this world; but Qiyamah is near. Allah (swt) points to the way of salvation, "And if, when they wronged themselves, they had come to you, [O Muhammad], and asked forgiveness of Allah and Prophet had asked forgiveness for them, they would have found Allah Accepting of repentance and Merciful. (4:64) - وَلَوْ أَنَّهُمْ إِذ ظَّلَمُوا أَنفُسَهُمْ جَاءُوكَ فَاسْتَغْفَرُوا اللَّـهَ وَاسْتَغْفَرَ لَهُمُ الرَّسُولُ لَوَجَدُوا اللَّـهَ تَوَّابًا رَّحِيمًا"
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