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An Example of Edeb Jan02 2013 Turkish 4min
Sheikh Nazım
In the very important sohbat "Edeb Ya Hu" Mawlana spoke to Shaykh Muhammad Effendi after Fajr instructing him to teach the people adab. Good Adab is the path to knowledge, Nur and nearness to Allah. Shaykh Muhammad took his father's advice and after Dhur, seeking to teach by his own example, he announced that since Mawlana is giving sohbat almost every day it is not proper for others to speak. He declared that this would be his last sohbat.
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This Year Jan01 2013 Turkish 19min
Sheikh Nazım
After Fajr Prayer today Mawlana spoke about "This Year", the year that had just started a few hours before. In this first sohbat of the year 2013 Mawlana warns all the Muslims that the signs of the new year make it clear that it will be their last chance to correct their steps.
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New Year Dec31 2012 Arabic 16min
Sheikh Nazım
Mawlānā gave an important address about the new year and its celebrations. Mawlānā spoke about the coming year and how we should receive it.
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The Foundation of the Day Dec31 2012 Turkish 18min
Sheikh Nazım
To be able to start your day and live it properly, you have to know what is "The Foundation of the Day".
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Love Sayyidina Ali (ra) Dec31 2012 English 26min
Sheikh Nazım
Heavenly tests are difficult to carry says Shaykh Bahauddin. Death’s arrow has been drawn and released. Dunya is empty; you can’t leave this world even with an old pair of socks so, live with integrity and be like Sayyidina Ali (ra), the smallest effort is rewarded.
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Bir Adım Kaldı Dec31 2012 Turkish 8min
Sheikh Nazım
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Race for Allah (swt) Dec30 2012 English 20min
Sheikh Nazım
Realness is Truth. The work of ego is to uphold the false in oneself. Shaykh Bahauddin contrasts these two aspects encouraging sincerity in ones actions. He cautions against jealousy and judgment. The race should only be for devotion to Allah (swt).
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The Devil's Time Dec29 2012 Turkish 31min
Sheikh Nazım
After Fajr Mawlana, by giving gentle but clear direction to his grandson, not only gives everyone good advice but demonstrates the proper and effective way to give advice in general.
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Nero Dec29 2012 Turkish 15min
Sheikh Nazım
Mawlana recited the Hadith, "And there will be a day for you, oh Zhalim! - لك يوم يا ظالم ". And the symbol of Zulm in history is the Roman Emperor Nero who, in his madness, demonstrated to the world how dark and brutal the human ego can become
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What Is Our Goal? Dec28 2012 Turkish 7min
Sheikh Nazım
Mawlana asked the important question, "What Is Our Goal?" If this question does not become a pressing reality propelling man to realize its answer then man can never have true purpose, satisfaction, or peace of mind.
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The Punishment of the Grave Dec26 2012 Turkish 10min
Sheikh Nazım
Usually Mawlana does not speak much about "The Punishment of The Grave" but today, after Fajr prayer, in a very special sohbat, he gave us a taste of what is waiting when, sooner or later, each one of us will reach his last breath in this world.
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A Straight Talking Man Dec25 2012 Turkish 24min
Sheikh Nazım
By means of the funny story, the "Straight Talking Man", Mawlana illustrates the low level to which humanity has fallen in our modern age.
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The Glory of Praying Dec24 2012 Turkish 12min
Sheikh Nazım
After Fajr Mawlana spoke about the secrets of prayer. GrandShaykh, through his karamat, displayed to all those on the battlefield the secret and power of prayer.
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The Minister & The Sultan Dec24 2012 English 13min
Sheikh Nazım
The Chief minister of the state of Perak in Malaysia paid a brief visit to Mawlana. Mawlana made a strong du'aa and sent an important message to His Majesty Sultan Azlan Shah and the royal family of Perak.
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Know This! Dec23 2012 Turkish 8min
Sheikh Nazım
After Fajr prayer, Mawlana addresses his grandson H. Mehmet Nazim. It is our past actions that determines the picture of our present day, a big lesson that can be learned from Palestinians ... Mawlana said "Know This!"
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The Sandala Mandala System Dec22 2012 Turkish 21min
Sheikh Nazım
After Fajr prayer, Mawlana gave a brilliant description of our modern times. It is "The Sandala Mandala System" that manifests itself in all aspects of our life.
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Where Is Your Sultan? Dec20 2012 Arabic 21min
Sheikh Nazım
Yesterday night, Mawlana was listening to the thunder and recited the thunder ayat and the hadith of Ibn Abbas (r) saying that whoever recites this ayat when he hears thunder is guaranteed safety. Then Mawlana asked why Muslims do not seek refuge in their Lord from all their problems. Why do they not ask for what they want from their Lord instead of asking from each other? Then Mawlana asked the Egyptians, and all the Muslims in the streets, " Where Is Your Sultan?"
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With Adnan Hoja Dec19 2012 Turkish 12min
Sheikh Nazım
Adnan Hoja spoke to Mawlana on the phone today and Mawlana promised to share with him such inspirations every now and then.
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