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Spiritual Taste Dec18 2012 English 16min
Sheikh Nazım
Shaykh Bahauddin likens the process of spiritual maturation to the purification of gold. The lucky ones are those who acquire spiritual taste and are chosen to become the Master’s masterpieces.
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Off the Track Dec16 2012 Turkish 15min
Sheikh Nazım
Endless problems in this world, but the real problem is only one! After Fajr prayer Mawlana gave a brilliant allegory to the root problem for the root problem of our times: The train is "Off The Track!"
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A Letter from Mawlana Dec16 2012 Turkish 22min
Sheikh Nazım
Shaykh Bahauddin Effendi reminds us of all the blessings we have been given in these days and to be thankful and hopeful. No people at any other time were given so much and were so ungrateful. We must pray in this month of Safar al Khayr that Allah Almighty remains patient with us or Doomsday will be on our heads.
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Al-Muqtadir Jalla Jalalahu Dec15 2012 Turkish 13min
Sheikh Nazım
Mawlana watched the sunrise and said, "Subhana Al-Qadir Al-Muqtadir!" Mawlana said that Al-Qadir (The All-Capable) is an Attribute of Allah for which we can find a reference but Al-Muqtadir, how can we even imagine it? Mawlana said that GrandShaykh (q) stopped at the interpretation of the Divine Name, Al-Muqtadir.
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Hope for Mahdi (as) Dec15 2012 Turkish 21min
Sheikh Nazım
Today Shaykh Bahauddin said to never lose hope in the appearance of S. Mahdi (as). This hope will carry you through the tormenting events taking place nowadays all the way to the shore of sincerity.
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Ṣafar and the Drums of Armageddon Dec15 2012 Turkish 11min
Sheikh Nazım
After Fajr prayer, Mawlānā said that the holy month of Ṣafaru l-Khayr has brought with it all the signs of Armageddon.
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Democracy Is the Dictatorship of Shaytan Dec14 2012 Arabic 24min
Sheikh Nazım
Last night Mawlana congratulated all of us on the beginning of the month of Safar. Mawlana explained the strong nature of this holy month and warned all Muslims to protect themselves from Divine punishments coming on the nation in the days of Fitan. And in a very strong statement to Ikhwan Al-Muslimin, Mawlana explains how "Democracy Is the Dictatorship of Shaytan".
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The Enemies of Islam Dec13 2012 Arabic 5min
Sheikh Nazım
Mawlana points to the real enemy of Islam, the enemy from within!
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As-Siratu-l Mustaqim Dec11 2012 Arabic 9min
Sheikh Nazım
Being able to walk on "As-Siratu-l Mustaqim - The Straight Path" is the only protection for believers from the fires of hell on the Day of Judgement. In the same way, the protection of Muslims from the hells of this world lies in their ability to keep the straightness of their path.
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What Is for Allah Dec10 2012 Arabic 9min
Sheikh Nazım
"What Is For Allah" is what lasts and bears fruit. Whatever is not purely for Allah Alone is for shaytan... With this strong guidance Mawlana explains all the miseries people are suffering from in all domains of life, personal, social, or political.
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My Lord Allows Me to Do Dec09 2012 Turkish 27min
Sheikh Nazım
Shaykh Bahauddin uses two parables describing Allah’s design of His servant. Anger and disappointment are the cause for the ego to be crushed. Pride in ones actions is misplaced because it is the Lord who allows me to do.
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The Land of Sham Dec07 2012 Arabic 7min
Sheikh Nazım
Yesterday we asked Mawlana about the Hadith about Sham being the Land of safety at the end of times. How can we understand this hadith given the present events in Sham? And what is meant by Sham?
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Natural & Artificial Dec04 2012 Turkish 30min
Sheikh Nazım
In the blessed hour after Fajr prayer and after having his tea, Mawlana started speaking about natural medicine and how we can find in nature the cure for our illnesses and the solution to our problems. In this beautiful sohbat "Natural & Artificial", Mawlana establishes a brilliant connection between Man turning his back on nature and the chaos and afflictions of his political and social life.
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To Malaysians Dec02 2012 Turkish 11min
Sheikh Nazım
This last week, a group of Malaysian brothers and sisters came to visit Mawlana. They got Mawlana to answer their important questions through Hji Ruqeya Sultan and represented to Mawlana the love and respect of their people..
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Sovereignty Is For Whom? Nov30 2012 Arabic 17min
Sheikh Nazım
Last night Mawlana asked Egypt's draft constitution and was told that among its statements is that , " Supreme Sovereignty is for the people" ...
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Glimpses of The Sultan Nov30 2012 5min
Sheikh Nazım
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Sultan - Inspirations After Fajr Prayer Nov28 2012 Turkish 7min
Sheikh Nazım
This morning after Fajr prayer, Mawlana gives Shaykh Mehmet Effendi and, generosily, to all of us from the holy inspirations of this blessed hour. Mawlana speaks about the value of the "Sultan" and tell us to make it known..
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Today's Sun Nov24 2012 Turkish 10min
Sheikh Nazım
In a beautiful meditation of the sunrise, Mawlana speaks of the tejjalis (Divine manifestations) of today, the 11th of Muharram.
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