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Instructions Nov21 2012 Turkish 10min
Sheikh Nazım
Last night Mawlana gave important instructions and asked us to broadcast. Mawlana also referred to the tragic accident that happened to a school bus in Egypt last week. This tragedy resulted in the death of all the children in the bus of ages ranging between 3-6 years old.
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No Empty Door Nov18 2012 English 19min
Sheikh Nazım
Bahauddin Effendi speaks about the blessing of having Mawlana with us. Even if we cannot see him he is here and breathing. Hold on to him tightly and know that what you ask is accepted.
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The Seeing Blind Nov17 2012 English 16min
Sheikh Nazım
Shaykh Bahauddin Effendi speaks about those who are not thankful to Allah as ''The Seeing Blind". They can see but they do not appreciate. He tells the story of Nasruddin and his brand new donkey.
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Happy New Year Nov15 2012 English 2min
Sheikh Nazım
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Dala'ilu-l Khayrat Nov14 2012 Turkish 7min
Sheikh Nazım
With the beginning of the sacred month of Muharram and the new Islamic year, Mawlana gives two important instructions and tells some of the benefits of reciting "Dala'ilu-l Khayrat - دلائل الخيرات"
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The Teaching of the Dove Nov13 2012 Arabic 19min
Sheikh Nazım
Last night Mawlana congratulated all of us on the beginning of the Holy Month of Muharram. He said that a strong Divine Tajalli started coming down to earth and in a very sweet sohbat Mawlana called on all believers to learn from "The Teaching of The Dove - تعليم اليمام"
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He taught him Bayan (55:4) Nov12 2012 Arabic 26min
Sheikh Nazım
Man, the representative of Allah (swt) on Earth, is honored by the Creator Almighty. Man's mark of distinction is not only his creation but also the teaching he received: "He taught him Bayan". He was given expression, distinction, discrimination, and guidance. What is left if Man turns his back on his honor and on the Divine Teachings and tries to make up his own laws?
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Allahu Rabbi Nov11 2012 Turkish 5min
Sheikh Nazım
Mawlana gave these instructions today after Fajr prayer and ordered us to put it online immediately.
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The Maqam of Al Jibawi (Hz.) Nov10 2012 Turkish 13min
Sheikh Nazım
Nations as well as individuals are responsible for the the actions they took or failed to take. This is one of the pieces of wisdom that unfolds as Mawlana tells the story of "The Maqam of S. Al-Jibawi (Hz.)" to Haji Bahauddin Effendi and some cousins from Sham.
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Pervez Musharraf Meeting with Mawlana Nov03 2012 English 32min
Sheikh Nazım
His Excellency General Pervez Musharraf, the former President of Pakistan in a visit to Mawlana Shaykh Nazim.
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Women in the Age of Fitnah Nov01 2012 Arabic 8min
Sheikh Nazım
Mawlānā watched the news about the two explosions that took place in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Mawlānā said that we are in the Age of Fitnah in which everything contributes to the fitnah and nothing can stop it.
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The Complaining Slave Oct31 2012 Turkish 18min
Sheikh Nazım
Shaykh Muhammad Effendi speaks about the wisdom of being happy with Allah's Orders and tells a story about a slave who was dissatisfied with his master.
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Spiritual Protection Oct31 2012 Turkish 9min
Sheikh Nazım
This morning after Fajr prayer Mawlana gave Shaykh Mehmet Effendi important instructions before he left for Istanbul. Given the very volatile and dangerous condition of the world these days, the one real protection is "Spiritual Protection". Mawlana ordered us to make these instructions known.
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Black Magic Oct30 2012 Turkish 17min
Sheikh Nazım
Shaykh Muhammad Effendi speaks about the danger of dealing with people who claim they have knowledge about black magic and jinn. He warns women in particular to be careful.
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Amrullah Oct29 2012 English 14min
Sheikh Nazım
Shaykh Bahauddin Effendi speaks about the Greatness of God and His Order from which all things proceed.
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Without Reins Oct29 2012 Arabic 37min
Sheikh Nazım
Addressing the German professor, Dr. Abdul Jalil Stelzer, Mawlana explains the value of story-telling in conveying wisdom and teaching. It is like the water from which all life springs. And through the story of Al-Bistami (Q), we learn how the devil classifies people into those who need reins to be ridden with and those who can be ridden "Without Reins". Then Mawlana points to some of the reins that the devil uses in our days.
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Triangle Prison Oct28 2012 English 18min
Sheikh Nazım
Shaykh Bahauddin Effendi speaks about the three sided prison in which we are caught in this world, Time, Space, and Breath.
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Everyone Needs a Murshid Oct26 2012 English 15min
Sheikh Nazım
Shaykh Bahauddin speaks about the need for a murshid whose love for Allah is so great that he can hurt no one and who makes things simple for us to understand.
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