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4047 videos available
The Long and The Wide Oct25 2012 English 16min
Sheikh Nazım
Shaykh Bahauddin Effendi speaks about his joy on being able to spend another Eid with Mawlana, and about the opening of H. Anne's mosque, and about the value of keeping promises.
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Al-Ahzab Oct25 2012 Arabic 12min
Sheikh Nazım
Mawlana was asked how it is that the Muslims cannot agree on the date of Eid Al-Adha. Mawlana answered that the problems of the modern Muslim world stem from the fact that it is broken into many different "Ahzab - الأحزاب"
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Eid al-Adha Oct25 2012 Turkish 31min
Sheikh Nazım
Eid prayers in Haji Anne's new mosque.
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Takbirs of Eid Oct24 2012 Turkish 30min
Sheikh Nazım
Shaykh Muhammad Effendi continues speaking about the gifts of Eid, specifically the Takbirs of Eid which are obligatory, wajib and the sacrifice.
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Allah's Gifts Oct23 2012 Turkish 13min
Sheikh Nazım
Shaykh Muhammad Effendi speaks about the gifts Allah gives the Nation of The Prophet (sas), the two Eids and the blessings of fasting.
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Visit the Graves on Eid Oct22 2012 Turkish 16min
Sheikh Nazım
Shaykh Muhammad Effendi speaks about the gifts of the Holy month of Dhul Hijjah.
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Allah's Orders Benefit You Oct21 2012 Turkish 11min
Sheikh Nazım
Allah's orders are only for your own good. There is nothing you can do for Him but obedience brings benefit for you.
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Dhū l-Ḥijjah Oct16 2012 Turkish 5min
Sheikh Nazım
Mawlānā congratulated all of us on the beginning of the Holy month of "Dhū l-Ḥijjah" and gave some instructions. Mawlānā also added that the whole Waẓīfah for this month is in Haji Anne's books.
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Ahlu-l Hawa Oct16 2012 Arabic 13min
Sheikh Nazım
By describing "Ahlu-l Hawa - The People of Desire", Mawlana shows all of us that the only way to be successful in dealing with the problems of our material world is to correct our spiritual lives.
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The Children of the Prophet (sas) Oct12 2012 Arabic 23min
Sheikh Nazım
We have been blessed by " أولاد النبي ص - The Children of the Prophet (sas)", by the fact that Allah made the blood line of the Prophet (sas) apparent to us as a Mercy from Him. In the presence of his honorable guest, a Hashemite prince from Jordan, Mawlana asks Arabs in particular what have they done with this Mercy?
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The Purpose of Living Oct07 2012 English 18min
Sheikh Nazım
Shaykh Bahauddin Effendi speaks about his father, his spiritual youth and strength in spite of his physical age. And he says that the reason for this is that Mawlana knows the purpose of living.
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A Critical Eight Hours Oct06 2012 English 20min
Sheikh Nazım
Shaykh Bahauddin Effendi speaks about Allah's plan for the apportionment of the day.
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All Things Change Oct05 2012 Turkish 22min
Sheikh Nazım
Shaykh Muhammad Effendi speaks in general about the benefit of being with good people and in particular of being with Mawlana.
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Contagion Oct04 2012 Turkish 13min
Sheikh Nazım
Shaykh Muhammad Effendi warns us about one of our responsibilities that Mawlana has never spoken about.
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Doubt Oct03 2012 Turkish 15min
Sheikh Nazım
Shaykh Muhammad Effendi speaks about different kinds doubt, some normal, some dangerous.
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Lion, Wolf and Fox Oct02 2012 Turkish 30min
Sheikh Nazım
Shaykh Muhammad Effendi tells a funny story to illustrate that Allah has created a special character for each job. And he reminds people to be careful to speak the truth, especially about the Shaykh.
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Islam Is Mercy Oct01 2012 Turkish 21min
Sheikh Nazım
Shaykh Muhammad Effendi speaks about the merciful nature of Islam, to people, animals and even insects.
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The Way Out Sep30 2012 Turkish 31min
Sheikh Nazım
In a time full of Fitnas and difficulties that makes Muslims unable to stand on their own feet, or make their word heard, or even distinguish between the right and the wrong, Mawlana points to "The Way Out".
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