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4047 videos available
Happiness Is in Reality Sep30 2012 English 16min
Sheikh Nazım
Shaykh Bahauddin speaks about true happiness, happiness in the heart. Your goals must be in the right place, in Reality, in order to feel this happiness.
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The Green Sep30 2012 Turkish 9min
Sheikh Nazım
Mawlana said that we have entered the time of Sayyidina Al-Mahdi (as) and the the command for Muslims now is to distinguish themselves from non-Muslims to be under Divine protection and "The Green - Yeşil" is the door.
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Sahib ar-Right Sep29 2012 English 20min
Sheikh Nazım
Shaykh Bahauddin Effendi speaks about the ego and about belief. He speaks about Mawlana, his power to help us in the fight with our ego and the reason that the awliya have not allowed him to leave this world.
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The Most Beautiful Color Sep29 2012 Turkish 4min
Sheikh Nazım
Mawlana gives permission to use some of the powers of Tekbir and reveals the secrets of certain colors.
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The Constitution Sep29 2012 Arabic 37min
Sheikh Nazım
Mawlana reminds us again in very strong language why Muslims find themselves today in very difficult situations. Muslims are looking for a means to arrange themselves and their lives and Mawlana offers us "The Constitution".
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Hadra Sep28 2012 20min
Sheikh Nazım
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The Retribution of Non-Muslims Sep24 2012 Arabic 31min
Sheikh Nazım
"The Retribution of Non-Muslims - قِصاصُ غيرِ المسلمين" is a very important message that Mawlana delivered today. It is addressed to all the young Muslims from all over the world who, motivated by love for the Prophet (sAs), went out into the streets in protests that filled the Muslim World.
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Fear, Love and Ego Sep23 2012 English 22min
Sheikh Nazım
Shaykh Bahauddin Effendi speaks about the relationship between fear, love and ego in the practice of Sufism.
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Mending Broken Hearts Sep22 2012 English 20min
Sheikh Nazım
Shaykh Bahauddin Effendi speaks about the importance of mending broken hearts and of appreciating the one who does the mending.
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To the People of Egypt Sep17 2012 Arabic 7min
Sheikh Nazım
In these difficult days Mawlana speaks to the Egyptians and again shows them the way out of the crisis …
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The Sacred Month of Dhul Qi'dah Sep17 2012 Arabic 4min
Sheikh Nazım
The first of the 4 Sacred Months in Islam (ash-sh'huru l-hurum - الأشهر الحرم), the month of Dhu l-Qi'da- ذو القعدة has begun. Mawlana gives important instructions for this Holy month.
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Batshu Rabbika Sep16 2012 Arabic 31min
Sheikh Nazım
There are people protesting in Egypt and all over the world in the name of Islam and for the love of the Prophet (sas). The question is, where do their actions stand in relation to Islam and the miseries that are happening in the Islamic world? Yesterday, after Mawlana reminded all Muslims of the Ayat, " إِنَّ بَطْشَ رَبِّكَ لَشَدِيدٌ - Indeed, The Vengeance of Your Lord Is Severe" (85:12), he answered this question. Mawlana warned Muslims that the holy month of Dhul-Qi'idah is starting and with it a manifestation of Divine Might.
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Malayani Sep15 2012 English 28min
Sheikh Nazım
Shaykh Bahauddin Effendi speaks to the controversy about the movie defaming the Prophet (sas). He says that Mawlana's advice is to stay away from what does not concern you. We live in the Age of Fitna. Keep yourself clean. Keep to your house. Keep to your self.
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Be Straight! Sep11 2012 Arabic 24min
Sheikh Nazım
Yesterday, addressing his honorable guest, a dignitary from the Arabic world, Mawlana reminds the Arabs in particular and all Muslims that there is no more time to waste. All the so-called political, social, or military solutions are illusory and ineffectual. The only solution is to "Be Straight! - إستقيموا". Without returning to the Word of Allah, the very core of human existence, there is no hope for any solution!
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Biggest Benefit Sep10 2012 Turkish 15min
Sheikh Nazım
Shaykh Muhammad Effendi asks what brings the biggest benefit? Don't question Allah's actions because their purpose may be to keep you from sin.
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Ego's Priority Sep08 2012 English 19min
Sheikh Nazım
Shaykh Bahauddin Effendi speaks about the necessity of dealing with the ego first. Then you will have a solid base from which to move on. And he gives us the good news that with each sohbat Mawlana is engraving on our hearts.
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Intention for Allah Sep07 2012 Turkish 14min
Sheikh Nazım
Shaykh Muhammad Effendi says that it is better to be a simple worker whose intention is for Allah than a big scholar who carries so much responsibility for both his private and public actions.
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Everything Is Possible Sep06 2012 Turkish 12min
Sheikh Nazım
Shaykh Muhammad Effendi says that the believer should know that Allah can do anything so don't be hopeless or against Allah's Will. He tells the story of Luqman (as) and the slave.
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