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For Morsi Or Against Morsi Jul29 2013 Turkish 33min
Sheikh Nazım
A man is more valuable than the whole world. Learn what gives man that value and what brings him down to the lowest level. Real gems are never given to an animal, yet the horse goes around proud of its false beads. The donkey, too, shocks the lion with its ugly loud voice. O Egyptians, do not waste your time and humanity fighting "For Morsi Or Against Morsi". In Brazil, all are excited over the Pope's visit, what has he really offered them?
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Distress and Its Cure Jul28 2013 Turkish 36min
Sheikh Nazım
Everyone is suffering from stress and looking for a cure. Shah-i Mardan says that the cure is with us. The Angels are calling, "ابنوا للخراب و لِدوا للموت - Build for destruction and give birth for death." So the Hadith Sharif "كن مع الله و لا تبالي - Be with Allah and do not worry."
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News Jul27 2013 Turkish 43min
Sheikh Nazım
Following closely the development of events in Egypt and the other Muslim and Arab countries, Mawlana points to how Islam has been deliberately abused by its enemies in order to deprive Muslims of their power, faith and even human honour. Mawlana gives important "News" and praises Obama.
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Iron Jul26 2013 Turkish 45min
Sheikh Nazım
Man has spent his precious time on earth forging iron to make machines and weapons. For what purpose? Allah said that He made the earth spacious. There is room enough for everyone. If it is not big enough He will make it bigger. There is no reason to fight and kill over the things of this world. Is there no one left who thinks? Earth, water, iron are all divine gifts. All men are brothers. If you do not change, there are those with the power to make you change and that time is approaching.
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Without A Guide Jul25 2013 Turkish 37min
Sheikh Nazım
Life is a road and religion is a guide to show the way. Since Adam (as) Allah Almighty has sent men and signs as guides for Mankind. Today the people have lost the way and they are lost. They cannot find their way home. Mawlana tells a story from his childhood that provides an illustration and a warning for the people of today. Remember who is your Creator and who is your enemy. Democracy and Freedom will not benefit you. Follow the Shari'ah and find your way home.
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The Story Of Dunya Jul24 2013 Turkish 35min
Sheikh Nazım
Mawlana begins by explaining in a unique way the fall from Paradise of the Prophet Adam (as) and our mother Eve and in so doing he tells "The Story of Dunya". At the end of the sohbah Mawlana transcends dunya altogether and reaches to the "highest horizon(53:7) - وَهُوَ بِالْأُفُقِ الْأَعْلَىٰ" to speak about the level given the Prophet Muhammad (sas) and the level of Islam.
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The Divine Seal Jul23 2013 Turkish 42min
Sheikh Nazım
Dunya is a prison and those serving it are its dirt. Allah gave all paradises to Man except one tree, shaytan's way. So the little ant called, " ادخلوا مساكنكم - enter your dwellings (27:18)", stay within your borders and do not go beyond your limits. But Man is ignorant and ignorance does not suit him. If you only can see "The Divine Seal" on every human being, you will be able to love and honor everyone. Not to honor the one Allah has honored is kufr. Know that Adab is higher than knowledge.
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Call Me I Answer (40:60) Jul22 2013 Turkish 33min
Sheikh Nazım
If you want something you must know how to ask. You are the honored Khalifa of Allah Almighty not an animal to carry loads in dunya. If you were less than that would the Angels have asked for your honor? Would shaytan have disobeyed his Lord in envy of that honor? Everything happens by Allah’s Order. In this Holy month of Ramadan “Call Me, I Answer” says the Lord. Every day the Angels remind us – Born to die, Build to ruin. You will be questioned. Say Bismi Llahi r-Rahmani r-Rahim and do not fear.
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Al-Mulk & Al-Malakut Jul21 2013 Turkish 28min
Sheikh Nazım
Dunya is a heavy burden on Man and what is even heavier on him is the burden of himself. Seek Fiqh, true knowledge with deep understanding, because the one who has the power of the word can turn the world upside down. Real power comes from Malakut, yet no one can comprehend it. You want to know Malakut, go in and only then you will know it!
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In Attendance At The Diwan Jul20 2013 Turkish 28min
Sheikh Nazım
Learn what takes you to be "In Attendance At The Diwan". At the Sultan's Palace a kuheylan, not a donkey, waits. Do not be weak, have the haybat of Ahlu-lLah. Learn the secret of IllalLah, IllalLah (except for Allah).
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Prostrate And Draw Near (96:19) Jul19 2013 Turkish 35min
Sheikh Nazım
"مَّا فَرَّطْنَا فِي الْكِتَابِ مِن شَيْءٍ - We have not neglected anything in the Book(6:38)". Therefore, " وَإِذَا الْوُحُوشُ حُشِرَتْ - And when the wild animals are gathered.(81:5)" Safety is in " وَاسْجُدْ وَاقْتَرِب - Prostrate And Draw Near (96:19)". Seek nearness, Ishq and shawq. Know the dress of honor comes from the Qibla, Baytullah. And Baytullah cannot be empty!
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With Mawlana Jul19 2013 Turkish 4min
Sheikh Nazım
After Juma Prayer, Mawlana returned to his house and sat on his veranda. He gave a short talk to the ladies who gathered there before inspecting the kitchens and the gardens. MashaAllah!
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Fight The Awliya' Of shaytan (4:76) Jul18 2013 Turkish 36min
Sheikh Nazım
The holy verse, " فَقَاتِلُوا أَوْلِيَاءَ الشَّيْطَانِ - Fight The Awliya' Of shaytan (4:76)", poses important questions. Can shaytan have awliya (allies, friends)? Must be! Can we recognize them? Must be! The command to fight them assumes that we are able to see them. Then why is the world trapped in this confusion? Why are the people not able to tell the good from the bad, the Divine from the satanic? How can some even go so far as to deny one or both?
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His Master's Voice Jul17 2013 Turkish 37min
Sheikh Nazım
Allah (swt) says, " كنت كنزاً مخفياً و أردت أن أعرف فخلقت الخلق فبي عرفوني -I was a Hidden Treasure and wanted to be known, so I created the creation, so through Me they know Me." The mirror of Al-Haqq swt is the Prophet (sas). If the power of Jazbah(Spiritual pull) is to be used, there will be nothing left on the face of Earth, only black, the maqam that contains all ranks. The Disciples asked for the heavenly table, for Ma'rifatulLah. O Pope, do you tell your people about that? O Man, in your constant pursue of your animal life, can you be even like that dog on the gramophone capable of recognizing "His Master's Voice"?
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He Drew Close And Closer Still (53:8) Jul16 2013 Turkish 46min
Sheikh Nazım
If your business is dunya, then you are buying and selling dirt! Dunya is Najasah/filth and Allah's order is, "Clean yourself and approach." Constantine built Istanbul/Constantinople but could not build himself. The table for which the Disciples asked, was only granted to the Nation of the Beloved (sas). And from the bounties of this table Shahi-Mardan's Yaran is nourished. " ثُمَّ دَنَا فَتَدَلَّىٰ - He Drew Close And Closer Still (53:8)".
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In Whose Name? Jul15 2013 Turkish 40min
Sheikh Nazım
No one wonders "Who is man?" Everybody is busy studying the animal and no one is asking what makes a man Man! A 4-legged animal knows its purpose, while man is alienated from his reality and true identity. Allah created the whole world in the service of Man, so for what does Man need technology? When the Chinese old man was told that the new turbo train will save a lot of time, he asked, "what should I do with all this saved time?!""
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The Ocean Of Being Jul14 2013 Turkish 46min
Sheikh Nazım
If you say "I am weak", then make sajdah. The station of angels increases with sajdah. Eating and drinking gives power to the animals, but man gets power from "Allah Hu Allah Haqq", from Adab. Know that "The Ocean Of Being" all comes from the two letters, kaf and nun, the Divine Command: Be and it Is. Do not be from the animal kind running after dunya, nor from the traders seeking Akhirah. Be from the sincere ones who want only Allah!
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In The Middle Of The Sea Jul13 2013 Turkish 36min
Sheikh Nazım
Today's Man does not have even as much brain as a bird. A bird runs after its rizq and glorifies its Lord. Man runs after dunya and is blind to his spirituality. There are so many parties, groups, and sects all fighting over the same claim, Pharaoh's claim; and it is the same claim that carried Pharaoh to "The Middle Of The Sea"!
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