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Hadra Jul13 2012 17min
Sheikh Nazım
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The Fear of Allah Jul12 2012 Arabic 21min
Sheikh Nazım
Mawlana warns Egyptians and all Muslims to return to the Banner of Islam and to fear Allah. "The Fear of Allah - مخافةُ الله” is the way and the sign of True Knowledge.
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A Word of Haqq Jul12 2012 Arabic 18min
Sheikh Nazım
With "A Word of Haqq", Mawlana reminds Muslims and all believers of the events foretold in all four Heavenly Books. Remembering this news should serve to focus the consciousness of modern man who, drowned and scattered in the pettiness of daily life, needs to collect himself and begin the process of self-realization.
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About the Permission to Travel to Cyprus Jul10 2012 Turkish 4min
Sheikh Nazım
After Laylatul Baraat, Mawlana gave instructions concerning traveling, and especially coming to Cyprus. The very same day Mawlana received the good tidings from Hala Sultan Hz. that he should not to worry about Cyprus because the island and whoever comes to it is under her protection and she intercedes for them. This news seems to have caused some confusion so today Haji Rukiye Sultan asked Mawlana to make it clear. This was the answer:
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Banu Israil Jul08 2012 English 26min
Sheikh Nazım
Yesterday at Asr time, Mawlana called Dr. Munir Sperling and his wife (of Jewish ancestry) to tell them an important message. He began by praising the Prophets of the "Banu Israil" saying that with all the honor, knowledge, and power they have been given in the past, today they are unable to keep their people or their State in one piece. He had seen the demonstrations and the fighting within the Jewish community in Israel on television the night before and asked who now can control the reins of this world?
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O People of Sham! Jul06 2012 Arabic 3min
Sheikh Nazım
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Instructions from the Night of Barā’at Jul06 2012 Turkish 18min
Sheikh Nazım
After Jumah today Mawlana made an announcement from the Night of Barā’at especially for those visiting Cyprus or with the intention to visit Cyprus. He also gave instructions for the Syrian and Egyptian people. Whoever does not listen carries the responsibility.
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Hadra Jul06 2012 21min
Sheikh Nazım
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The Manifestation of the Night of Barā’ah Jul05 2012 Arabic 28min
Sheikh Nazım
Mawlānā said that last night, the Night of Barā’ah, had a special Tajallī (manifestation). It is a night when all the Saints tremble with fear because it is a night in which big things are decided. Whether we are Muslim, Christian, or Jew, there are things we must watch out for.
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Mawlana Visits the Prophet (sas) Jul04 2012 3min
Sheikh Nazım
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Be Small Obedient Servants Jul03 2012 English 12min
Sheikh Nazım
Mawlana greeted and consoled the murids of the late Shaykh AbdulKarim. He advised them to not look for titles or ranks but rather to be "Small Obedient Servants".
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Rajulun Rashīd Jul03 2012 Arabic 22min
Sheikh Nazım
Mawlānā congratulated the Muslim nation on the night of Laylatu l-Barā’ah and said that the Tajallī (manifestation) has changed. The Age of Tyrants is ended. And what each one of us can do is to ask for “Rajulun Rashīd”.
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Condolences on the Passing of a Brother Jul02 2012 Turkish 8min
Sheikh Nazım
Mawlana today expressed his sorrow at the passing of Shaykh Abdul Kerim and sends condolences to his family and those who loved him. May Paradise be his abode.
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My Shaykh Didn't Cry for Me Jul01 2012 Turkish 7min
Sheikh Nazım
Mawlana said yesterday morning that Shaykh Abdul Kerim (Allah yarhumhu) came to him during the night saying that he had been told that his Shaykh had not cried for him. So Mawlana cried for him. When asked if this incident should be broadcast to the people, Mawlana said, "Yes, they should know that there is definitely life after death”.
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All of Us Have a Job Jul01 2012 English 13min
Sheikh Nazım
Shaykh Bahauddin Effendi gives thanks that Allah Almighty has given us another day, another day to worship Him, to work for Him, to bring benefit. Each of us has a circle of responsibility. Every day we must work on behalf of and for the benefit of Mawlana, who prepared the difficult part and now we must do our part.
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A Prayer Jun30 2012 Turkish 6min
Sheikh Nazım
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And Our Duty Is but Plain Conveyance (36:17) Jun30 2012 Arabic 3min
Sheikh Nazım
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Look For Hope Jun30 2012 English 21min
Sheikh Nazım
Shaykh Bahauddin Effendi says that it is a happy day because all of us are saints. The light of Mawlana makes everyone a saint even shaytan if he could see. This world tends toward hopelessness. We must be strong and always look up to the Light of Allah and hope. Keep hope, the greatest gift from Allah without which nothing can get done.
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