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Two Kinds of Love Apr04 2012 Turkish 19min
Sheikh Nazım
There are many kinds of love. One is the highest and one is a curse. When you love for Allah, everything becomes easy for you to carry. All of us make mistakes so if you see something wrong in your brother, forget it otherwise Allah will make you commit the same wrong. Love of Allah and His Prophet brings happiness. Love of dunya is a curse.
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Remember Goodness Apr02 2012 Turkish 21min
Sheikh Nazım
Today Shaykh Mehmet spoke about remembering the good things done for you and forgetting the bad things, whether coming from people or from Allah. He recounts the story of three men in the time of the Bani Israel.
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Quran and Du'aa Apr02 2012 Turkish 5min
Sheikh Nazım
Mawlana gave a beautiful Du’a after Quran recitation from Shaykh Abdur Rahman.
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The Danger of Bad Company Apr01 2012 Turkish 6min
Sheikh Nazım
Shaykh Mehmet speaks about the dangers of keeping bad company. Bad friends are worse than shaytan, they will ruin your dunya and your akhira. The cure is to keep company with Tariqat and the shaykh.
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Religion Is Advice Mar31 2012 Turkish 13min
Sheikh Nazım
Shaykh Mehmet speaks on the Hadith of the Prophet (sas), Ad Din an Nasiha - religion is advice - advice that leads to the right way. If a scholar or shaykh gives a sohbat and does not say what he knows out of fear for what people will say it is a big sin. If he speaks just to please people - only Allah can please people.
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Raja Ashman Maqam Mar31 2012 English
Sheikh Nazım
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His Royal Highness Raja Ashman Shah Mar30 2012 Turkish 37min
Sheikh Nazım
After Juma today Shaykh Mehmet spoke about the unexpected death of his Royal Highness Raja Ashman Shah. He was a big awliya, loved by his people and by people all over the world. He was Sultan, not of dunya, but of Akhira. Shaykh Mehmet went on to explain that everything is in the hands of Allah Almighty; the length of someone's life is written. Who says differently is wrong. No one can give life to another. Allah is Most Generous, He gives. The running of the Tariqa in Malaysia is left in the hands of HRH Raja Ashman's sister, her Royal Highness Raja Eleena.
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Sleep Less Mar29 2012 Turkish 13min
Sheikh Nazım
Shaykh Mehmet finishes the series of Sohbats with advice on Sleeping Less. He says the day is divided into 3 parts each of 8 hour duration. For physical and spiritual health you should sleep only 8 hours, not even 5 minutes more.
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Speak Less Mar28 2012 Turkish 10min
Sheikh Nazım
Shaykh Mehmet continues with the series Eat Less, Speak Less and Sleep Less. Today Shaykh Mehmet explained the importance of being careful with your speaking.
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What Is Destined Must Be Mar27 2012 Turkish 12min
Sheikh Nazım
Shaykh Mehmet Effendi today spoke about the poetry that Mawlana often recites, 'What Is Destined Must Be' therefore, no need to worry.
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Divine Knowledge Mar24 2012 English 46min
Sheikh Nazım
In this sohbet Shaykh Adnan again gives greetings from Mawlana Shaykh Nazim and talks briefly about his position as Sultan ul Awliya, the Imam for all the awliya and the channel from Rasulullah to all the awliya. This is the new month of Jumada al Awwal and it arrived with strong inspirations, preparing the earth for the coming of the month of Rajab. Then he told some stories of Sulayman (as), and of Musa (as) and Al Khidr (as), and of Uways al Qarani (ra).
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The Key to Paradise Mar23 2012 English 44min
Sheikh Nazım
In this sohbet Shaykh Adnan relays salams from Mawlana Shaykh Nazim. He quotes a Hadith of the Prophet (sas), "There is no iman if I am not more beloved to you than your self and your family." He then relates a story of Imam Shafii, who as a child, debated a group of priests and brought them all to Islam when he asked them "What is the key to Paradise?"
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Hadra Mar23 2012
Sheikh Nazım
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The Time of Sayyidina Mahdi (as) Mar22 2012 English 40min
Sheikh Nazım
Today Shaykh Adnan spoke about the secrets of the Holy Water of Life, the secrets of the Holy Quran, which will be opened in the time of Sayyidina Mahdi (as) and Sayyidina Isa (as). Then He spoke about S Musa (as) and Imam AlGhazali (q). Serve Allah by serving mankind. Always ask forgiveness for any bad action, however small, because you do not know how Allah will judge it. Also do not overlook the performance of any good action, no matter how small. The high station of Imam AlGhazali was achieved when he allowed a fly to drink from the ink of his pen in honor of the Prophet's birthday.
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Seek Your Sultan Mar22 2012 Turkish 20min
Sheikh Nazım
Yesterday at Asr Mawlana, MashaAllah, gave an important sohbat. Addressing his grandson, Mehmet Nazim, Mawlana ordered the Turks and all nations to "Seek Your Sultan". Mawlana poses the question: "How can a state function effectively without a sultan, the head of a religious state?" Without a sultan, the "shadow of Allah on earth", there is no fixed hierarchy. This leaves the crude use of open power as the main determinant of authority. (We apologize for not having the camera open at the beginning of the sohbat, so the first half is audio only.)
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The Spiritual Shahid Mar21 2012 English 34min
Sheikh Nazım
Today Shaykh Adnan spoke about the way to reach the rank of a spiritual Shahid.
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The House Of Allah Mar19 2012 English 48min
Sheikh Nazım
Shaykh Adnan brings greetings from Mawlana Shaykh Nazim and then speaks about the honor with which Allah Almighty dressed the Children of Adam (as). Allah chose the heart of man as His dwelling place. The sohbet finishes with a sort summary of the five stations of the heart.
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Jewels Of Reality Mar18 2012 English 44min
Sheikh Nazım
The Essence of Human Beings is our Reality in Allah’s Divine Presence. On the Day of Judgement we will be ashamed to face Allah Almighty because of our badness, especially when we see the Maqam of the Prophet (sas). Every Reality is in Allah’s (swt) Hands, but the missing point for the Believer is to find his True Reality. We must have Taqwa by turning to Allah (swt) to purify ourselves. Our badness, particularly our jealousy harms others. Awliya now are hidden and they are ready and prepared for the coming of Sayyidina Mahdi (as).
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