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Respect Mar16 2012 English 40min
Sheikh Nazım
At the end of the seclusion that Shaykh Nazim and Shaykh Adnan did together at the maqam of Shaykh Badawani in Tripoli, Lebanon, the 10th of Sha'ban, June l974, Shaykh Nazim said: 'Adnan Effendi, the wisdom of this seclusion is to respect all because He is the All.'
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Mawlana Mar16 2012
Sheikh Nazım
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Pray For Me Mar16 2012 9min
Sheikh Nazım
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Love Mar15 2012 English 15min
Sheikh Nazım
Shaykh Adnan said Prophet (sas) built Islam on love. He (sas) told his companions that the nation at the end of times is my beloved nation. Therefore, all mureeds should love each other. Mawlana gave permission to broadcast this video.
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To Adnan Hoja Mar14 2012 Turkish 14min
Sheikh Nazım
The doctors, sent by Adnan Hoja Bey, came today from Istanbul for their periodic check of Mawlana's health. Before they left Mawlana sent a thank you and an important and beautiful message "To Adnan Hoja - إلى عدنان خوجه - Adnan Hoca'ya". He spoke to them about the imminent arrival of S Mahdi (as) and about the miraculous time in which we are living. He then gave permission to broadcast both the video and the audio, MashaAllah, Allah Shukr!
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A Glance From The Sultan Mar09 2012 Turkish 9min
Sheikh Nazım
MashaAllah, After Jum'a Mawlana greeted all brothers and sisters from his window today. AllahuAkbar!
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Hadra Mar09 2012
Sheikh Nazım
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A Picture Of The King Mar08 2012 Arabic 6min
Sheikh Nazım
Mawlana speaks again on the holy Hadith of the Prophet (sas), "Ask favors from those with enlightened and good faces”. He speaks in particular to the Egyptian people to compare pictures of their past leaders. And he reminds all of us that happiness rests in the support of Kingdom.
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How To Choose Your Leader Mar06 2012 Arabic 5min
Sheikh Nazım
Mawlana gives advice to the Egyptians in choosing their government by speaking on the Hadith of the Prophet (sas): "Ask favors from the people with enlightened and good faces.
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Uways al Qarani Mar02 2012 English 22min
Sheikh Nazım
Shaykh Mehmet relays salams from his father Shaykh Nazim who continues to recover slowly from his illness. Allah has sent so many doctors to serve him and with each medicine he takes he asks Allah's cure in it. He thanks all those who, following the sunnah, have come from all over the world to be near him and wish him health. But Sh Mehmet asks those people to consider their intentions. It becomes a burden on Mawlana if all these people have in their hearts intention to talk personally with him. Shaykh Mehmet tells the story of Uways al Qarani (ra) who was never actually able to see the Prophet (sas) but whose heart was so connected from a distance that the Prophet (sas) sent his companions to visit Uways (ra) with the gift of a cloak.
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Hadra Mar02 2012
Sheikh Nazım
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Eat Less Mar01 2012 Turkish 7min
Sheikh Nazım
Shaykh Mehmet delivers a short sohbat on the importance of being careful about what and how much you eat because it has spiritual as well as physical consequences.
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Naqshbandi Way Is The Heart Of Shariat Feb24 2012 English 7min
Sheikh Nazım
Shaykh Mehmet spoke after Juma saying that the recovery of his father, Shaykh Nazim, is a miracle, masha Allah. He also stressed his father's wish that we all keep the Shariat of Islam by following one of the four Madh'habs.
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Hadra Feb24 2012
Sheikh Nazım
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Allah Is Beautiful & Loves Beauty Feb22 2012 Turkish 8min
Sheikh Nazım
MashaAllah, Mawlana is getting better. Mawlana said that what is poured in his heart in this Khalwat of his illness is more than what was poured in his previous six Khalwats. And today after Fajr, Mawlana asked us to record his voice and broadcast this beautiful short sohbat with the message for the new Holy month.
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Hadra Feb17 2012
Sheikh Nazım
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Two Bow Lengths Feb17 2012 English 45min
Sheikh Nazım
Shaykh Adnan spoke about the blessings of the month of Mawlid, which Allah Almighty has chosen for His Eid and for which He decorates the Throne and the Heavens with lights in order to honor His Beloved. He spoke about the special power of the khalwat of Mawlana Shaykh Nazim during this month. He spoke about the nature of the Prophet (sas), his light, his honor, his ascendancy. He (sas) is constantly ascending within the distance of the two bow lengths as Allah continuously expands the way and the Prophet (as) continuously ascends. Sh Adnan concluded by saying that the true Muslim is the one from whose tongue and from whose hand the other Muslims are safe.
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Mawlana's Khalwat Feb16 2012 English 28min
Sheikh Nazım
Today after the Dhur prayer Shaykh Adnan Kabbani gave a sohbat in order to assure the murids and lovers of Mawlana Shaykh Nazim that Mawlana is well. His recent illness was in actuality a khalwat (seclusion) imposed on him by Allah Almighty from the beginning of the holy month of the Prophet (sas) Rabi'ul Awwal. This very strong and powerful khalwat has changed the manifestation of the times and increased Mawlana's station 70,000 times in preparation for the coming of S Mahdi (as). Mawlana will continue to recover quickly his physical power and be back with us, inshaAllah, after the end of the holy month.
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