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Mawlid Feb03 2012
Sheikh Nazım
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Mawlid Mubarak Feb03 2012
Sheikh Nazım
MashaAllah, Mawlana is getting better and sends Mawlid congratulations to everybody. Mawlana watched the whole ceremony live, MashaAllah.
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Masha'Allah, Mawlana Is Better Feb01 2012 Turkish
Sheikh Nazım
In this heartrending video Mawlana speaks from his sickbed of his inspiration. He directs his sons and Shaykh Adnan in singing a short salawat that he said would grant even shaytan paradise if he could say it.
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The Ottomans & The Victory Of Islam Will Come Jan28 2012 Turkish 13min
Sheikh Nazım
The last keepers of the Prophet's Banner and the Islamic Caliphate and Imamat, the guardians of the safety, unity and honor of the Muslim Nation, were the Ottomans. Therefore, the strike against the Ottomans was actually a strike against Islam. It left Muslims an easy prey to unbelief, extremism, fragmentation, and tyranny. It is S. Mahdi's (as) order to give the rights back to their owners, so "The Ottomans & The Victory of Islam Will Come".
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Keep Your Lights Jan27 2012 English 17min
Sheikh Nazım
Mawlānā welcomes in the holy month of Rabī‘u l-Awwal. He reminds us that the Last Days are approaching and cautions us to "Keep our Lights", to keep the Nūr that Allāh ﷻ granted us. And to pray that He ﷻ send His ﷻ Khalīfah and that we see the "brilliant days of Sayyidunā Mahdī (as)".
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Hadra Jan27 2012
Sheikh Nazım
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Long Live Our Sultan Jan27 2012
Sheikh Nazım
"Long Live Our Sultan!" and may Allah grant him long healthy life, to reach the time of S. Mahdi (as) and S. Isa (as) and grant us their blessed company.
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We Have Honour Jan27 2012 Turkish
Sheikh Nazım
"We Have Honour", but then what happened to us, Muslims? What made us a toy in the hands of the West & the unbelievers? Why cannot the Muslim World act? Or even decide on a course of action? What has fragmented us to these impotent units? In this very important sohbat, Mawlana awakens us to a history that we've been made blind to!
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A Happy New Month Jan25 2012 Turkish 13min
Sheikh Nazım
"A Happy New Month." Mawlānā is happy with the coming of Rabī‘u l-Awwal. He recounts some memories of Cyprus and Hala Sultan. Mawlānā then declares the new appointment for Shaykh Mehmet.
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Give Birth for Death & Build for Ruin Jan24 2012 Turkish
Sheikh Nazım
Mawlana said he wants to write short articles to remind people of Islamic values they have forgotten. An example of this is the hadith: "Give Birth for Death & Build for Ruin - لِدوا للموت و ابنوا للخراب". Mawlana shows the unchangeable truth in this hadith and the consequences of forgetting it.
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Al-Maqāmu l-Maḥmud Jan23 2012 Turkish 16min
Sheikh Nazım
Rabī‘u l-Awwal has come. Show respect for the Prophet ﷺ who was commanded to step with his shoes on the Divine Throne, who was given the Station of Praise. How can you not praise the one Allāh ﷻ praised? Allāh ﷻ created everything for him ﷺ. The Christians and Jews are jealous and cannot see – the orphan from unknown deserts who is now known around the world.
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A Mawlid Khuṭbah Jan22 2012 Turkish 33min
Sheikh Nazım
In an address to Cypriots in particular and all Muslims in general, last night, Mawlānā welcomed the coming of the holy month of Rabī‘u l-Awwal with a special "Khuṭbah".
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The Month of the Mawlid Is Starting Jan22 2012 Turkish 10min
Sheikh Nazım
Mawlānā made an important announcement about the beginning of the holy month of Rabī‘u l-Awwal and its wird.
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Hadra Jan20 2012
Sheikh Nazım
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Fish, Eating One Another Jan20 2012 Arabic
Sheikh Nazım
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For Whom Are You Working Jan20 2012 English
Sheikh Nazım
We are so weak and on a small planet, O Lord help us to be Your servants. People are doing their worst instead of their best. An important question you must ask yourselves, "For whom are you working?" All day working, all night spending. Ask forgiveness and enjoy eternal life.
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A Bridge to Faith Jan19 2012 Turkish
Sheikh Nazım
In an interview by "Havadis", a leading Cypriot newspaper, Mawlana answered the important question of how a community, like that of Turkish Cyprus, can be so alienated from its own history and tradition, with no bridge left to its Religion. And what about the Greek Cypriots? Several important and real questions, Hasan Hasturer Bey managed to ask Mawlana in a simple way and in a pleasant atmosphere of familiarity and deference.
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Du‘ā’ for the Last Wednesday of Ṣafar Jan18 2012 Turkish 3min
Sheikh Nazım
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