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Enough Jan06 2012 English
Sheikh Nazım
Mawlana says: O people! Enough with drunkenness, enough with disobedience, turn back to your Creator! Mawlana warns the Egyptian people and 'Ulama, if they judge or execute their aged, former president what came on Pharaoh will come on them, they must beware the flood.
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Devran Dondu Jan06 2012 Turkish
Sheikh Nazım
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It is We who divided among them their livelihood Jan04 2012 Turkish
Sheikh Nazım
Mawlana has been seeing many people as usual. He gives some instructions, especially concerning the month of Safar. He describes S. Mahdi's time and his longing to see him. Then Mawlana explains a very subtle point. Is one's efforts to earn one's rizq (provision) in accordance with one's submission to, and acceptance of, Divine Will or not? "It is We who divided among them their livelihood (43:32) - نحن قسمنا بينهم معيشتهم -٤٣:٣٢”
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Alexander The Great Jan03 2012 Turkish
Sheikh Nazım
What could have motivated a young man to devote his life to conquering the World? What qualified him for the title The Great and at such a young age and his greatness is still remembered? Mawlana speaks with much respect about "Alexander The Great - الإسكندر الأكبر".
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The New Year Jan02 2012 English 10min
Sheikh Nazım
The whole world, Muslim and non-Muslim, spent all their efforts and money to celebrate, "The New Year". And now? Mawlānā addressed the Turks and all the Muslims and he urged them to correct their steps and return to the only safe way.
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The Spirit Is Of The Command Of My Lord (17:85) Jan02 2012 Arabic
Sheikh Nazım
Allah (swt) endowed Muslims with a power above technology, nuclear power, or its missiles. It is the power of "Be And It Is! - كن فيكون". Mawlana allows us a glimpse into "عالم الروح - The World Of The Spirit" with all its wonders and its secrets. "The Spirit Is Of The Command Of My Lord (17:85) - الروح من أمر ربي".
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Egypt And The Big War Jan02 2012 Arabic
Sheikh Nazım
Then Mawlana asked the Egyptians, and all the Arabs and the Muslims, 'what are you seeking?' Without the right intention, one's steps are lost and one's life and sacrifices are a waste. "Egypt & The Big War".
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Mawlana At Seaside Jan01 2012
Sheikh Nazım
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Hadra Dec30 2011
Sheikh Nazım
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Habibu l 'Ajamy Hz Dec30 2011 Arabic
Sheikh Nazım
Do Muslims have power? Mawlana says, Yes! The true and the only power in this world is in the hands of the Muslims. But they are made to forget it, in order to stay under the command of the non-Muslims and subject to their technological progress and weapons. To illustrate the kind of power Muslims have, Mawlana tells the beautiful story of S. Abu-l Hassan el-Basri and S. "Habibu-l 'Ajami".
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70 Times Shame Dec30 2011 English
Sheikh Nazım
Mawlana says 70x shame on the Muslims who celebrate Christmas and New Years and follow the lifestyle of shaytan. Learn from the story of Qarun; Dunya is a carcase.
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The Devil's Puppet Dec29 2011 Arabic
Sheikh Nazım
Mawlana again stressed the value of Adab. And addressing his eldest grandson, Dr. Noor Qabbani, Mawlana showed how the devil infiltrated all aspects of Man's life to make Man, "The Devil's Puppet - مسخرة الشيطان".
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Finding The Guide Dec29 2011 English
Sheikh Nazım
How to "Find One's Guide?" is the question an Austrian professor asked Mawlana.
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The Indian Ocean Dec29 2011 Turkish
Sheikh Nazım
Mawlana watched a program that showed the wide variety and complexity of life forms under "The Indian Ocean".
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Every Ant Has A Name Dec29 2011 Turkish
Sheikh Nazım
Mr. Ali Riza, a well-known Cypriot lawyer, asked about the knowledge of the future that some shaykhs have. The Prophet (sAs) is the crown and fountain of knowledge. Yet what can human knowledge attain from the infinity of Allah's Power Oceans and from His Never-Ending Acts of Creation. In this majestic creation even "An Ant Has a Name". When trying to push beyond one's personal limits, Mawlana says, “you must stop. Beyond that you get only the talk of the common people!"
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Charity Dec28 2011 Turkish
Sheikh Nazım
"Give, Bilal, give without refusing, and never fear that what The Lord of The Throne is providing you with, will ever become less - انفق بلالا و لا تخف من ذي العرشِ  إقلالا". This Hadith contains the cure for all the crises of the modern day.
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From The Meanings Of The Holy Quran Dec27 2011 Arabic
Sheikh Nazım
In "Meanings From The Holy Quran - معاني من القرآن الكريم", Mawlana recites seven ayats (verses) of Surat Saba' (34). It gives us a taste of how the meanings of Quran are for every times.
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Marry Dec27 2011 English
Sheikh Nazım
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