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Insanlara Aslan Lazim Nov16 2011 Turkish
Sheikh Nazım
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Rule of the Donkeys Nov15 2011 English
Sheikh Nazım
Addressing his guest, the English Professor, Mr. Michael Rose, Mawlana recalls the splendors of the British Kingdom. It is the majestic rule of the lions as opposed to the present, everywhere dominant, "Rule of The Donkeys! - حكم الحمير".
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We Were Led by a Lion Nov15 2011 Turkish
Sheikh Nazım
Mawlana says that our Tariqat is sohbat but there is no one today capable of either giving sohbat or understanding it! What has lowered the level of the people to this degree? What did we have before that we no longer have?.. "Başımızda Aslan Vardı - We Were Led By A Lion - كان يحكمنا سبعٌ ".  
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Hadra At Dinner Nov14 2011
Sheikh Nazım
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The Canadian Ḥajj Group Nov13 2011 English 13min
Sheikh Nazım
Many of our brothers and sisters who went on Ḥajj this year came to visit Mawlānā before going back to their homes. They came to have Mawlānā's blessings and they brought us here in Lefke the blessed scents of Al-Ḥaramayn Ash-Sharifayn. May Allāh ﷻ bless them and accept their Ḥajj.
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With Russian Guests Nov12 2011 English
Sheikh Nazım
Mawlana speaks to his Russian guests.
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The Key of Hearts Nov12 2011 Turkish 5min
Sheikh Nazım
Mawlana, with Sh. Mehmet, examined the book "Kalplerin Anahtarı - The Key of Hearts - مفتاح القلوب" and explained how Shaykhs in older times used to train their Dervishes to read such books.
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Hadra Nov11 2011
Sheikh Nazım
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The Divine Fist Nov11 2011 English
Sheikh Nazım
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Teach about the Realities Nov11 2011 English
Sheikh Nazım
"Teach about the Realities - علِّموا الحقائق"."Teach About The Realities - علِّموا الحقائق ".. Mawlana  draws our attention to a puzzling question. He says there are so many new schools, curricula, fat text books, enforced school attendance, insistence on children remaining in school - yet - the children are uneducated and ignorant. They are devoid of both knowledge and understanding, and even of common sense. What is the cause? What is lacking in our  view of education?
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Protection from Calamities Nov11 2011 Turkish
Sheikh Nazım
Last Friday night, Mawlana explained some of the secret power in Surat Al-Kahf and how it can be used for protection. Mawlana asked Sh. Mehmet Effendi to prepare a book in which he collects such Fatwas and knowledge that is needed by people in their daily lives today.
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Weqayah for Protection Nov11 2011 Turkish
Sheikh Nazım
After listening to Surat Al-Kahf as he usually does every Friday, Mawlana gave some instruction for protection against Earthquakes or any fear.
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An Opening Is Coming Soon Nov10 2011 Arabic
Sheikh Nazım
After Eid, Mawlana met three Palestinian families and gave them good news, "An Opening Is Coming Soon - فَرَجٌ قريب". Mawlana explained about this year's special tejelli/manifestation on Arafat.
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Eid Al Adha Nov06 2011 English 23min
Sheikh Nazım
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Ahmad, the Servant of Shaykh Sharafuddin Hz. Nov06 2011 Turkish
Sheikh Nazım
Mawlana always mentions "Ahmad, the Servant of Shaykh Sharafuddin Hz." may Allah bless his soul and tells his funny stories.
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The Late King Abdullah I Nov06 2011 Turkish
Sheikh Nazım
Addressing an honorable guest from the Jordanian Royal Family, Mawlana tells the story of Grandshaykh's advice to their Grandfather, the late King Abdullah I, may Paradise be his abode. Mawlana says: "It is not something that I just witnessed but I wrote the letter with my own hand."
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Ziyarat Hj Aminah Nov06 2011 Turkish
Sheikh Nazım
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The Night of Eid Nov05 2011
Sheikh Nazım
The Holy Hair of Prophet (sAs) Sakalı Şerif لحية السعادة
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