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4047 videos available
An Amazing Book Oct30 2011 Turkish
Sheikh Nazım
One Turkish sister brought Mawlana an old book that he was looking for. Mawlana was very pleased with the book and said that it is "Acayip Kitap - An Amazing Book - كتاب قيم". Talking to his guests, Mawlana gave advice about the education of youngsters, explained the best time for night prayer, described the Barakat of the food in his place and how so many people can be fed twice daily, gave instructions about Zikr and answered a question about not seeing his face in dreams.
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We're the Last Generation Oct29 2011 English
Sheikh Nazım
Mawlana generously gives valuable advice to the German, Pakistani and Spanish brothers and sisters who come up to see him. Mawlana reminds us all that "We're the Last Generation!" before the End of Times.
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Hadra Oct28 2011
Sheikh Nazım
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Hakawi Oct28 2011 Arabic
Sheikh Nazım
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Juma Sohbat Oct28 2011 English
Sheikh Nazım
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Ucan Suyu Oct28 2011 Turkish
Sheikh Nazım
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Salams to Our Prophet (sas) Oct27 2011 Turkish
Sheikh Nazım
Mawlana sends "Salams to Our Prophet (sas) - Effendimize (sas) Selam" through his daughter, Haji Nazihe Hanim who is now in Madinah, with her family, ready for Hajj. Mawlana asks the Wahhabis two questions about the legitimacy of giving salams to Prophet (sas) that leave them and the Madhhab in pieces.
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The One Allah Loves Oct22 2011 Arabic
Sheikh Nazım
Are Allah's love for His creation and people's love for each other, related, and how? What can we learn from this relation to correct our own footsteps. Mawlana was talking again about Qadhafi's tragic end, and addressing his guest, Sh. Mustapha Alayli, at the breakfast table. Mawlana gave an important message to all presidents and leaders. He gave them the key to political peace and harmony, "The One Allah Loves - من أحبَّهُ اللهُ".
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Hadra Oct21 2011
Sheikh Nazım
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Juma Sohbat Oct21 2011 English
Sheikh Nazım
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Tragic Fate Oct21 2011 Turkish
Sheikh Nazım
After watching the "Tragic Fate - Kötü Akıbet - سوء العاقبة" of such megalomaniacal figures as Qadhdhafi, Mawlana asked his guests at the dinner table about the value of all worldly possessions in the face of such a fate. Allah protect us! Without guidance, man is a toy in the hands of his ego and the devil. It is only in the mirror of the Murshid that man can see his reality and realize it.
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Advice to All Oct19 2011 English
Sheikh Nazım
Mawlana sees many people everyday, MashaAllah! They all seek to have a glimpse of his spiritual fountain and Mawlana is generous. "Advice to All - نصائح للجميع" gives some valuable advice about different issues.
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With the Ghazis Oct19 2011 Turkish
Sheikh Nazım
Last week, a huge group - four full buses - of Ghazis, together with some members of their families, came to visit Mawlana. They were part of the Turkish army sent to Cyprus in the 1974-war. For some of them who had seen Mawlana then, this meeting was the second after almost 40 years! Mawlana made strong, beautiful du'aa for them and explained several important issues, "Gaziler İle - With The Ghazis - مع المحاربين القدامى".
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Pilot Nerde Oct19 2011 Turkish
Sheikh Nazım
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Let's Make Peace with Nature Oct19 2011 Turkish
Sheikh Nazım
"Tabiat Ile Barışalım - Let's Make Peace with Nature" is an awakening call to all the dangers, bad habits and complications that technology has introduced into our lives.
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With the Daghestanis Oct18 2011 Turkish
Sheikh Nazım
Watching the Sohbat, "With the Daghestanis - Gağıstaniler İle", is like enjoying Mawlana's company for 20 minutes with all its blessed energy and vivid humour. MashaAllah! Daghestan is the homeland of Grandshaykh, Abdullah Fayez Al-Daghestani Hz. and several Grandshaykh of the Naqshibendi Golden Chain.
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Maliki l Mulk Oct17 2011 Turkish
Sheikh Nazım
Mawlana sees so many people everyday, MashaAllah! "Maliki-l Mulk - مالك الملك" contains some important advice to different people. It carries another strong warning to the people of Antalya and those in their footsteps. It has the prayer new couples should make to have good children InshaAllah, an address to Bosnians, the value of the name Fatima and the Meaning of Maliki-l Mulk.
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The Devilishness of the Devil Oct16 2011 Turkish
Sheikh Nazım
The cutting off of the heads and the turning over of the natural social pyramid through the introduction of Democracy is what paved the way for all the present fitnas. It provided the right atmosphere for man to learn and practise all the bad habits, and thus drawing the most vivid picture of the "Şeytanın Şeytanlığı -The Devilishness of the Devil".
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