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Why Oct09 2011 Turkish
Sheikh Nazım
A group of Turkish young men were eager to kiss Mawlana's hand and get his blessings. Mawlana gave them important advice. Then, one of them asked a question. His question is one that keeps imposing itself on the minds of many of us; whether or not we have the ability to verbalize it or the courage to pose it. "Niçin - Why - لماذا"
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Tanzimat Fermani Oct09 2011 Turkish
Sheikh Nazım
"Tanzimat Fermani" was the first step in the decline of the Great Ottoman Empire  leading to its final breakdown. This Ferman stated the equality between Muslims and non-Muslims regardless of their religion. This opened the door to the secularization of Turkey and was completed with the declaration of the Secular Turkish State. This was  an unprecedented step  that contradicted, and even negated, the glorious history and tradition of the Turkish people. Because of the possibly sensitive nature of this sohbat we asked Mawlana's permission today before announcing it.
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Through a Magnifying Glass Oct08 2011 English
Sheikh Nazım
Last night Mawlana gave an unexpected English Sohbat. He got out his magnifying glass to illustrate how man in his pettiness can justify his false sense of self-greatness. "Through a Magnifying Glass", Mawlana showed the difference between the sons of Adam and Shaytan. Mawlana showed the true essence of human greatness to which man, despite all his grandiosity and endless endeavours to assert himself, is blind. Mawlana explained the meaning of 'fana fillah - annihilation in Allah' and revealed the seed of all evil and human misery. Mawlana asked for this sohbat to be translated into as many languages as possible.
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Way Of Abraham Oct08 2011 English
Sheikh Nazım
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Punishment for the Wrongdoers Oct08 2011 Turkish
Sheikh Nazım
In half-serious, half-joking tone, Mawlana discusses with H. Feridun, his son-in-law, the possible forms of punishment. "Punishment - Ceza" is the main tool by which governments can treat the wildness and the irresponsibility of its subjects. The main point about punishment is not merely taking revenge from someone for committing a certain crime, but to teach the individual to carry the consequences of his actions and forbid the society from committing such forbidden actions. In all Divine Laws, Punishment is an essential tool to develop the individual and clean the society, and not to destroy or damage.
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Hadra Oct07 2011
Sheikh Nazım
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Keep the Surviving Group Oct07 2011 Arabic
Sheikh Nazım
Some Egyptians and Syrians asked about: the constitution, the conflicting political parties, the lawful ruler and the signs of the end of times. They also asked, 'Since Mawlana always calls for the rule of Shari'at, does this mean accepting the rule of Ikhwan (Muslim Brotherhood) or Salafis, who are the only powerful voices calling for Shari'at in the political arena?' Mawlana gave clear answers to all these questions and an important warning: "Keep the Surviving Group - إلزموا الفرقة الناجي".
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Juma Sohbat Oct07 2011 English
Sheikh Nazım
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The Lions of the Beloved's (sas) Nation Oct05 2011 Arabic
Sheikh Nazım
In the car, during the usual afternoon drive to the mountain, Mawlana addressed his honorable guests, "The Lions of the Beloved's (sas) Nation - Habibin İmmetinin Aslanları - أسود أمة الحبيب".
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Banu Esfar Oct04 2011 Turkish
Sheikh Nazım
After the sohbat, "Tebligat", many people send to ask Mawlana what they should do in these difficult days. Today after Fajr prayer, Mawlana shortly explained how difficult these days are and said he will explain more later "Banu Asfar - بنو أصفر"
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A Question and an Answer Oct04 2011 Turkish
Sheikh Nazım
Mawlana speaks about Sayyidina Musa - Prophet Moses (as) and some of the unique qualities of other Prophets too, "Sual ve Cevap - A Question and an Answer - سؤال و جواب"
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A Waterwheel Without Water Cannot Turn Oct03 2011 Turkish
Sheikh Nazım
Mawlana recites the names of the Daghestani Grandshaykhs of the Naqshibandis to some of his Turkish guests whose parents had come from Daghestan. They asked about the present conditions. But if you get rid of the Kings and replace the head with the feet, then what kind of results should you expect? Mawlana said, "A Waterwheel Without Water Cannot Turn! - Susuz Değirmeni Dönmez!"
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And They from Every Elevation Descend (21:96) Oct02 2011 Arabic
Sheikh Nazım
After Fajr Prayer, Mawlana explained another important sign of the end of times, "And They from Every Elevation Descend (21:96) - من كل حدب ينسلون".
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At the Door of Armageddon, a Warning Oct01 2011 Turkish
Sheikh Nazım
Last night Mawlana described the three parties into which the Muslim army will split during the Battle of Wadi el-Umuq, in the big war of Armageddon. The entering of some pieces of the Russian navy to the Mediterranean Sea through Turkey is a big sign of the coming close of such events. Mawlana gave important instructions for protection.
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Hadra Sep30 2011
Sheikh Nazım
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Egypt in the Times of Fitna Sep30 2011 Arabic
Sheikh Nazım
Again Mawlana addresses the Egyptians but the warning includes all Arabs and Muslims. They complain they cannot find a good ruler but that is because they have the wrong system of government. They run after Satanic ideas like democracy and nationalism and they harm and destroy themselves and each other. Yet Egyptians should be grateful to their Lord.
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Juma Sohbat Sep30 2011 English
Sheikh Nazım
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Ihvanlar Ile Sep30 2011 Turkish
Sheikh Nazım
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