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Lords Power Oceans Jul12 2010 English 48min
Sheikh Nazım
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Dogru Ilham Nedir Jul12 2010 Turkish 38min
Sheikh Nazım
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Oh Adam Jul11 2010 English 46min
Sheikh Nazım
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Heavy Winter Conditions Jul10 2010 English 38min
Sheikh Nazım
Man refuses to admit that by allowing technology to take over he has imprisoned himself. A robot, he cannot taste the pleasure of life anymore. Heedlessly seeking pleasure, he abandoned his spiritual goal. Unwilling to ask: “Who am I?” he is now moving from the easier seasons into heavy winter conditions.
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Modern Life Jul10 2010 English 39min
Sheikh Nazım
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Gain the Two Worlds Jul09 2010 English 16min
Sheikh Nazım
This world is a place of ordeals. It is running away from the level of humanity. A believer seeks the pleasure of the life to come. Knowing that Allāh ﷻ grants the heart satisfaction, a servant strives to please his Lord by remembering Him ﷻ. He then gains the happiness of the two worlds.
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Daily Sohbat Jul09 2010 English 17min
Sheikh Nazım
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The Foretold Identity of Man Jul08 2010 English 31min
Sheikh Nazım
The real purpose behind “the most disagreeable sound is the sound of donkeys” (31:19) is a panoramic telling of man’s identity for the coming time. It is a fall from the Oceans of Unity into oceans of dirtiness. Man must accept this truth. Every happening is foretold in the Qur’ān.
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Koran Contains All Jul08 2010 English 32min
Sheikh Nazım
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Kandil Gecesi Jul08 2010 Turkish 21min
Sheikh Nazım
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Mirac Kandili Jul08 2010 Turkish
Sheikh Nazım
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Who Is the Expert? Jul07 2010 English 44min
Sheikh Nazım
The full moon is a symbol of Rasūlu Llāh’s ﷺ perfection; his ﷺ light is enough for all nations. There is no need to look elsewhere, however, people need clarification of the message. So Mawlānā asks the Salafī ‘ulamā’ to explain who the ‘khabīr’ (expert) is in “fa-s’al bihī khabīrā” (25:59).
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Everyday New Appearance Jul07 2010 English 44min
Sheikh Nazım
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To Concern or Not Concern Jul06 2010 English 48min
Sheikh Nazım
Ḥadīth: "Part of a person being a good Muslim is to quit that which does not concern him.” Mawlānā emphasizes its gravity for mankind, saying, for Believers and all others, there are two directions. To quit that which does not concern them, or, to concern themselves with it. Understanding and practicing this can save Humanity.
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Not Your Concern Jul06 2010 English 51min
Sheikh Nazım
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Sunday Jul04 2010 English 45min
Sheikh Nazım
Why are the Muslims taking Sunday to be their day of freedom, following the non-believers? They must leave this and trust that Allāh ﷻ is Mutakāfil, their Protector and Guarantor.
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Shaytan Sunday Jul04 2010 English 45min
Sheikh Nazım
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Hap Almaya Jul04 2010 Turkish 2min
Sheikh Nazım
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