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Tabat Yada Abu Lahab Jun29 2010 Turkish 5min
Sheikh Nazım
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The Purpose of Existence Jun28 2010 English 41min
Sheikh Nazım
Now mankind is looking and searching. It has no base to stand on. Man wants to know his identity and the purpose of his existence. The Salafīs and Wahhābīs wish to reform Islām. What is the basis for this? Can those with imitated titles explain why we have been created? They must only speak the truth. They must remind all nations that men are servants and our purpose servanthood.
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Jinniler Zikri Jun28 2010 4min
Sheikh Nazım
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Mountain Jun28 2010 19min
Sheikh Nazım
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Kab Al Abaar And Sh Abdullah Death Jun28 2010 Arabic 9min
Sheikh Nazım
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Jinns Coming To Mawlana Jun28 2010 English 12min
Sheikh Nazım
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Main Purpose Servanthood Jun28 2010 English 45min
Sheikh Nazım
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Hanim Nasihat Jun28 2010 Turkish 12min
Sheikh Nazım
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O Wahabis, Be Gentlemen Jun27 2010 English 38min
Sheikh Nazım
What is man asking? Pleasure. Without pleasing his Creator there can be no pleasure. This is the only way; a point that Salafi ulama must make clear to people. Servants need reminding that the angel of death may come anytime. The days of life are numbered. Where are the books of the Wahabi to remind this? They must leave argument and roughness; take care not to attack those who follow the Sunnah. And, as Allah says, be gentle in their dealings with the People of Scripture. They must give pleasure to others and be gentlemen.
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Our Days Counted Days Jun27 2010 English 42min
Sheikh Nazım
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Buyuk Seyimizin Kuvveti Jun27 2010 Turkish 1min
Sheikh Nazım
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Two Hundred Years of Wahabism Jun26 2010 English 42min
Sheikh Nazım
Those who stand in respect of the Prophet are falling in error according to the Wahabi. Their understanding is imprisoned. Let us learn by analogy, says Mawlana. Angels stand, bow and prostrate in glory to their Creator. When attending His Majesty’s presence, your excellencies also remain standing until His Majesty arrives. Why? Has the Lord dressed His Majesty the same as them? Nor can they claim that the Prophet is a man like themselves. No, he received revelation. They did not. Thirteen centuries of real belief against the falseness of two hundred years of Wahabism.
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Islam Indestructible Jun26 2010 English 46min
Sheikh Nazım
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Fi Fen Al Khutba Jun25 2010 Arabic 3min
Sheikh Nazım
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Crown Of Islam Jun25 2010 English 26min
Sheikh Nazım
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Omrun Kiymetini Bilin Jun25 2010 Turkish 6min
Sheikh Nazım
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Unknown, To Be Nothing Jun24 2010 English 37min
Sheikh Nazım
The purpose of Man is to reach higher and higher stations. The ego’s desires weigh man down. Wanting himself seen, man falls. Unless he sacrifices himself, he cannot rise, he cannot reach Oneness. To be known in one’s real being belongs to Man’s spiritual aspect. Mawlānā explains that the qur’ānic āyah “wa-kuntu nasyam mansiyyā” is just such a call from Sayyidatunā Maryam to her Lord ﷻ, yearning to be unknown, to be nothing.
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Wish To Be Nothing Jun24 2010 English 40min
Sheikh Nazım
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