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Tarikatena Assohba May15 2010 Turkish 28min
Sheikh Nazım
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Dr Mahmoud Sh Abdullah May14 2010 Arabic 3min
Sheikh Nazım
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Daily Sohbat May14 2010 English 36min
Sheikh Nazım
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Hosting 7 Priests May14 2010 Turkish 6min
Sheikh Nazım
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The Diamond Market Is Open May13 2010 English 39min
Sheikh Nazım
The market for heavenly diamonds is open. Come. See which one gives you pleasure. Know this: the Lord of Heavens has a crown prince who represents Him ﷻ on this planet. Unlike earthly creatures, his creation is different. He is a precious ruby among ordinary stones. His name adorns the Divine Throne and is linked to the name of the Lord of Might and Glory. Understand this: there are ranks for all, limitless ranks. Who can think deeply? Those, who discover these diamonds. They will be the most precious ones under the flag of the Prophet ﷺ.
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Daily Sohbat May13 2010 English 39min
Sheikh Nazım
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Countless Opinions, One Truth May12 2010 English 47min
Sheikh Nazım
Faith is unacceptable without the purity of mind. Without purity, one cannot reach understanding. People say, “according to my opinion”, but Reality comes from the heavens, not from opinion. People can know the ways of the heavens through the Qur’ān, the Seal of Prophets ﷺ and the Holy Ones. That is Pureness. There is no crookedness in it. Instead, using opinion, people leave the main road and lose Belief. As opinions are countless, true ones must be separated from wrong ones. “Lā ilāha illā Llāh” is Truth. Truth is One, from the beginning up to the end.
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Daily Sohbat May12 2010 English 47min
Sheikh Nazım
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Understand from Example May11 2010 English 37min
Sheikh Nazım
The business of this world amounts to nothing. Heavenly honour alone leads to the Light Dominions of the Lord. Heavenly jewels are more valuable than all of this world’s treasures but the mentality of common people denies those who speak the Truth. They are losing because of their heedlessness. In order for them to understand, an example is given: they are those who, if a bird spoke to them, would be astonished but were a man to speak to them of the ways to the heavens, he would carry no value. Let then a donkey be their instructor.
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To Arabs May11 2010 Arabic 35min
Sheikh Nazım
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Daily Sohbat May11 2010 English 39min
Sheikh Nazım
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Returning to Paradise May10 2010 English 36min
Sheikh Nazım
Whoever wishes to reach a heavenly position must become free of the desires of the ego. Man is a combination of the material and the spiritual, however, absolute freedom to do everything is destroying his spirituality. Real freedom is to rise from the Earth toward the Heavens. The soul is ordered to follow Heavenly Commands in order to ascend but Mankind doesn’t understand, thus causing chaos. Heavenly books were not sent for the dead only. Those responsible will be questioned for not instructing their nations. Guidance is given only so that Man may return to Paradise.
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Daily Sohbat May10 2010 English 37min
Sheikh Nazım
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As-Salāmu ‘Alaykum May09 2010 English 41min
Sheikh Nazım
Mercy descends through ‘As-Salāmu ‘alaykum’. There is hidden wisdom associated with spring, specially the month of April. Valuable treasures are granted during this month. A heavenly rain descends over the Earth renewing all life. Everything from Creation tries to reach that Mercy-wave, particularly Man. It takes away his burden. An example of this is: As-Salāmu ‘alaykum. The power and honour of this greeting opens the doors of Mercy, such that everything in Creation wants more and more of this blessing. It is the biggest grant of the Heavens. Therefore always begin with: As-Salāmu ‘alaykum wa-raḥmatu Llāhi wa-barakātuhu.
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Daily Sohbat May09 2010 English 42min
Sheikh Nazım
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The Rights of the Muslim ‘Ulamā’ May08 2010 English 40min
Sheikh Nazım
Knowledge must be sought from the cradle to the grave. The ‘ulamā’ of Azhar Sharīf are praiseworthy, like riders of stallions. An Egyptian, Imām Sha‘rānī, may Allāh ﷻ raise his rank eternally, was such a scholar; highly distinguished and humble. In the earlier periods of Islām, assemblies of eminent scholars were presided over by the Caliph. Knowledge was sought, encouraged and disseminated among people. Where are such meetings of knowledge now? The file of ‘Salafī’ must be closed. The Arab Kings must honour the distinguished ‘ulamā’ of the Muslim world and give them their rights.
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Daily Sohbat May08 2010 English 41min
Sheikh Nazım
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Calligrapher 1 May07 2010 Arabic 20min
Sheikh Nazım
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