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Study Prophet Muḥammad ﷺ May01 2010 English 43min
Sheikh Nazım
Coming to this life from nothing and then departing it, is material for serious consideration but people have lost their intelligence. All religious scholars are asked: “Why are you religious people?” Their impressive, self-appointed titles carry no heavenly authority. The Prophecy of the Seal of Prophets ﷺ is denied by the non-Muslim World. An orphan from unknown lands, he is the fountain of infinite knowledge. Instead of their trivial, prolonged research into Egyptian cadavers, they must devote their time to study his ﷺ life and personality. Jews, Christians, self-titled Muslims, whoever seeks Allāh ﷻ, finds Him ﷻ.
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Daily Sohbat May01 2010 English 43min
Sheikh Nazım
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Khalwat Tesbeeh Arraad Apr30 2010 Arabic 1min
Sheikh Nazım
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Daily Sohbat Apr30 2010 English 34min
Sheikh Nazım
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Sh Efendi Cay Aldi Buyuk Sh Efendiye Apr30 2010 Turkish 7min
Sheikh Nazım
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Sh Efendi Cay Buyuk Seyh Apr30 2010 Turkish 17min
Sheikh Nazım
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The Prophet (sas) Reminds You Apr29 2010 English 38min
Sheikh Nazım
Real belief cannot co-exist with lying. Shaytan’s worst characteristic is lying. Real religion is to speak the truth and be a true and righteous one. The Prophet (sas) never spoke from ego. He said: qul amantu billahi thumma’staqim, believe in your Lord and be true. The Islamic World is suffering by not keeping this advice. It offers safety from the trials of this life and the Hereafter. It should be proclaimed in gold and silver letters everywhere. Calligraphers should copiously pen it. All ulama and Muslim leaders, the people need to be reminded of this.
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Daily Sohbat Apr29 2010 English 41min
Sheikh Nazım
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Midwife Of Sh Efendi Apr29 2010 English 1min
Sheikh Nazım
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Eski Zaman Ebe Apr29 2010 Turkish 2min
Sheikh Nazım
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The Command to Be Clean Apr28 2010 English 36min
Sheikh Nazım
Every Command has a precise measure with Allāh ﷻ. There is no chaos but one bad characteristic throws man into endless chaos. ‘Azāzīl, honoured in Paradise was kicked out because of its pride and became Iblīs. Therefore, before every ritual purification one must make the intention of taking refuge in Allāh ﷻ from Iblīs. Man’s very soul incites him to evil and people now have fallen into pride. The Command is to cleanse the animal self of its garments and adorn clean, pure ones. Islām brings purity, both inner and outer. Come clean, leave clean.
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Daily Sohbat Apr28 2010 English 37min
Sheikh Nazım
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Sultan Icin Siir Apr28 2010 Turkish 4min
Sheikh Nazım
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The Way of Allah Apr27 2010 English 41min
Sheikh Nazım
Arrogant in his drunkenness, 21st Century man is confused. He is occupied with useless belief and theory. Theory is not Reality. Allah Almighty has granted the Straight Way which provides the solution to every problem facing man. The weakest teacher is teaching all Muslim ulama but their egos bristle in front of Truth. Real knowledge belongs to the heavens through the Direct Way. Honour the Way of Allah Almighty by revering the Call to Prayer then will He honour you. Man needs to wake up from his sleep of foolishness and follow Siraatullah, the Way of Allah.
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Daily Sohbat Apr27 2010 English 41min
Sheikh Nazım
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Bow to Whom? Apr26 2010 English 42min
Sheikh Nazım
Our Lord in His Most Glorified Greatness grants a subtle reality to the heart. Just as electricity runs through wires, special people on Earth have a special being. Their hearts are transmitting because their Lord is resident there. To whom must we bow? Bow only to Him Who created you. Allah Almighty’s command comes through the Holy Quran as a heavenly declaration to all. Are the scholars teaching people to bow only to Allah Almighty? No. Bowing is a sharpened sword, not just performed during prayer, it must be performed through the 24 hours of the day.
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Daily Sohbat Apr26 2010 English 43min
Sheikh Nazım
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Hacivat Karagoz Apr26 2010 Turkish 6min
Sheikh Nazım
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