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For the Sake of Our Lord Apr11 2010 English 41min
Sheikh Nazım
Be wholly joyful says Mawlānā to those sombre, serious ones. Our Lord’s blessings for Mankind are endless. Rejoice. Give good tidings. Don’t make people sorrowful by admonishing them. Don’t make people run away from Islām. Make things easy for them. Being millionaires is the sorrow of the rich but real happiness is in being with our Lord. That message was brought by the one ﷺ who did not speak from himself. Officials, heads of government are under grave responsibility as oppression will be judged severely. Do everything fī sabīli Llāh, for the sake of our Lord.
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Daily Sohbat Apr11 2010 English 41min
Sheikh Nazım
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Prince Salim Value Of Old Money Apr11 2010 English 4min
Sheikh Nazım
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Sultan Salim Conquering Cyprus Apr11 2010 English 8min
Sheikh Nazım
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Take Wisdom from Stories Apr10 2010 English 46min
Sheikh Nazım
Man’s existence depends on a power coming from the heavens. His affairs are governed by a star that appears at the time of his birth. People take neither interest nor speak about such things. What has more value? The physical or the spiritual being. A parable teaches that all the king’s riches could not save him from hunger and death. People need to wake up. The ulama are proud of their knowledge. They are Doctors of Shariah, not storytellers. They don’t like ‘Israiliyat’ but the Holy Quran is full of stories. Take wisdom from stories.
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Ergenekon Hakkinda Apr10 2010 Turkish 47min
Sheikh Nazım
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Daily Sohbat Apr10 2010 English 46min
Sheikh Nazım
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Cyprus President Apr10 2010 Turkish 26min
Sheikh Nazım
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Ergenekon Hakkinda Apr10 2010 Turkish 47min
Sheikh Nazım
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Isinin Niyeti Apr10 2010 Turkish 35min
Sheikh Nazım
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Daily Sohbat Apr09 2010 English 37min
Sheikh Nazım
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Defend the Truth Apr08 2010 English 36min
Sheikh Nazım
Those who attend humble meetings based on the Truth support the Prophet (sas) and his Sharia. The scale that measures this? They are those who are unhappy with such meetings. They are proud and without mind. They compete in building skyscrapers, occupy themselves with that which does not concern them and dislike hearing about death or the Hereafter. They have been cheated. They must try to be from those who defend the Truth. The Truth will protect them. It will uphold their honour and on passing from this life they will be welcomed by the angels.
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Daily Sohbat Apr08 2010 English 36min
Sheikh Nazım
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Kibris Secimleri Apr08 2010 Turkish 3min
Sheikh Nazım
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Seytanin Devesi Apr08 2010 Turkish 7min
Sheikh Nazım
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Be As You Are Apr07 2010 English 40min
Sheikh Nazım
Assemblies for the sake of Allah (swt) are rare. Most gatherings tend to be official. This removes familiarity amongst people. They use one face for themselves and one for others. It is a grave mistake to sacrifice righteousness for the wishes of the ego. The whole world has fallen into a crisis. The economic crisis is really a decline of characteristics. A moral decline. Heavenly honour cannot be reached when one cheats others by hiding the true side of personality and showing the false one. It is prohibited in Islam. Be as you are.
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Education Man Honor Apr07 2010 Arabic 21min
Sheikh Nazım
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Daily Sohbat Apr07 2010 English 40min
Sheikh Nazım
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