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The Jewish Nation’s Locked Hearts Mar25 2010 English 49min
Sheikh Nazım
What is Israel compared to the Kingdoms of David and Solomon (as)? What happened on Mount Sinai? The Children of Israel argued with their own prophets and although the Torah never mentions the denial of a prophet the Jewish nation told Sayyidina Muhammad (sas), “Our hearts are locked”. They lack goodwill towards their Lord. There is a key to open locked hearts and bring the towers of shaytan down. Answers to everything are found in the Holy Quran. Religious leaders must answer an important question: Why are hearts locked and how can they be opened?
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Daily Sohbat Mar25 2010 English 49min
Sheikh Nazım
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Iranian Minister Mar25 2010 English 25min
Sheikh Nazım
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Tarikatan Yardim Mar25 2010 Turkish 11min
Sheikh Nazım
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The Value of This World Mar24 2010 English 45min
Sheikh Nazım
The Lord of Heavens is granting valuable treasures by means of a heavenly broadcast. Come and listen, O People. Give your attention and do not be heedless. Here, are given precious stones for the life to come. The ego pursues the world but the value of all its treasures cannot outweigh the wing of a mosquito. All religious people must answer the question: What is the value of this world?
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Daily Sohbat Mar24 2010 English 51min
Sheikh Nazım
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Be Proud to Be Muslim Mar23 2010 English 48min
Sheikh Nazım
Be proud of Sayyidina Muhammad (sas) and to be Muslims. Both are granted the highest honour. The Salafi ulama, using the authority of Islamic knowledge must broadcast this day and night through their satellites worldwide in order to destroy disbelief and build faith. They must publicise the honour granted to the Seal of Prophets (sas), as well as to Muslims. Muslims must not follow Christians or Jews. They wish to change the understanding of Muslims. True religion in Allah’s (swt) eyes is Islam.
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Daily Sohbat Mar23 2010 English 48min
Sheikh Nazım
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The People of Grace Mar22 2010 English 51min
Sheikh Nazım
Words cannot describe what Heavenly Beings send. The real wisdom of Creation is lost on those who are unable to see, or make a connection, or ask why or how they are in existence. Can a person look from east to west? Yes. Those claiming to be Salafī ‘ulamā’ need to correct their understanding and learn good manners. Who are the Salafu ṣ-Ṣāliḥ? They are those with invisible heart connections, the Ahlu l-Faḍl, possessors of their Lord’s grace and in their presence one must stand up.
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Daily Sohbat Mar22 2010 English 57min
Sheikh Nazım
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Men and Women in Islam Mar21 2010 English 47min
Sheikh Nazım
No one is infallible. We are all servants. We must protect our eyes from that which is forbidden. Those responsible for Islam must advise the Nation. If they are claiming to be Ulama, they must keep their balance. A woman in Islam justifiably seeks her rights. The man in Islam must comply with Shariah. He must act as her protector and guardian. A cat with many names is still a cat. Titles do not give value. Men must learn their lesson and be men.
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Daily Sohbat Mar21 2010 English 47min
Sheikh Nazım
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Aki Aramaya Geldiniz Mar21 2010 Turkish 28min
Sheikh Nazım
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The Final Judgement Mar20 2010 English 46min
Sheikh Nazım
At the Day of Resurrection Allah will order His creatures, “Be dust!” It will be finished. Those following Shaytan will be stripped of honour as deputies, neither living nor dying. Without hope or light. They will blame themselves and ask to be dust. It will be denied them. They had choice. They created their own Eternity. Life is not a joke. Everything, every atom has a Reality, which glorifies its Creator. Allah clarifies this through His Prophets and His Books. And, on that Day, all secrets will be revealed. Judgement is with Allah, Most High, Most Great.
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Daily Sohbat Mar20 2010 English 46min
Sheikh Nazım
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Daily Sohbat Mar19 2010 English 34min
Sheikh Nazım
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Their Souls Were Free Mar18 2010 English 49min
Sheikh Nazım
The planet is speedily moving to its last station. Shayṭān is trying every possibility to deter sincere Believers of Real Belief. Technology is in control and life is losing its pleasure. As conditions worsen, people are getting bewildered and hopeless. Bound to external pleasure, they are enslaved. The Companions of the Prophet ﷺ knew about the power of technology and sought pleasure within their hearts. Gazing upon the Prophet’s ﷺ Heavenly Light was their food and servanthood their only aspiration. Their joy was unimaginable and their souls were free.
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Daily Sohbat Mar18 2010 English 50min
Sheikh Nazım
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