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The Most Perfect Example Feb25 2018 Turkish 19min
Sheikh Nazım
Mawlānā Shaykh Nāẓim (q) was the best example of those who follow the Prophet ﷺ and are thankful to their Lord ﷻ. He was hard on himself and soft with others. He avoided sins and doubtful things.
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Respect: The Teaching of the Prophet ﷺ Feb24 2018 Turkish 19min
Sheikh Nazım
Adab is the attribute of the Prophet ﷺ. The Prophet ﷺ taught to show respect to the elderly, to the men of knowledge – ‘ulamā’ and awliyā’ – and to the rulers. The way of no respect is the way of shayṭān.
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Zāhid Feb08 2018 English 18min
Sheikh Nazım
To be zāhid is to care nothing for dunyā whether Allāh ﷻ gives it to you or not. This sohbet explains the advice of Shaqīq al-Balkhī to Sulṭān Ḥārūn ar-Rashīd. A leader should be one who serves the people and keeps them from Hell. A leader should not be one who follows his desire for power or wealth.
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Be with the One You Love Feb07 2018 English 33min
Sheikh Nazım
Only Allah ﷻ can cure the heart and bring happiness. Happiness does not come from having material things, even bread for tomorrow. Love Allah ﷻ and love His Prophet ﷺ and Awliyā’, in shā’ a Llāh, you will pass over the bridge with ease and be in Paradise near them.
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Don’t Follow Your Self Feb06 2018 English 29min
Sheikh Nazım
Shaykh Mehmet tells the story of Mullā ‘Iwaḍ and Shāh Qubād to illustrate that if you want to progress faster you need a murshid of Ṭarīqah. Don’t think you can direct yourself. What is important is to follow order not to make what you think is good.
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The Ottomans Feb05 2018 English 24min
Sheikh Nazım
Before the Ottomans took over, the Muslim world was miserable. They didn’t take over for material gain but in order to unite the ummah under the flag of the Prophet ﷺ with justice for all. Many of the Sulṭans were also saints and they followed spiritual guides.
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The Beauty of Ṭarīqah Feb03 2018 English 29min
Sheikh Nazım
Tell your children about the beauty of Ṭarīqah. It is the spirit of Islām. It is the middle way, the way of adab, the way of the Prophet ﷺ, the Mashāyikh, and the Awliyā’. And do not think of yourself as better than others.
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I Am Not Tired from Cleaning Them Feb01 2018 English 24min
Sheikh Nazım
It is time for Mahdī (as) to come and clean the dirtiness of the sins in this world. To clean yourself of dirt, it is easy. But an ocean cannot clean the sins inside you. If you repent, Allāh ﷻ will turn your sins into rewards. So don't lose hope. It is a sin to not respect the Prophet ﷺ, because Allāh ﷻ respects him ﷺ and he ﷺ will make shafā‘ah (intercession) for us on the Day of Qiyāmah. Now, some people are rejecting ṭarīqah, sharī‘ah and ḥadīth. ‘Ulamā’ not accepting ḥadīth are kāfir; next they will reject the Qur‘an. It is important to be in the middle, and be with the majority. Those who are not accepting help from Prophet ﷺ can help themselves.
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Don't Be Afraid Jan20 2018 Turkish 13min
Sheikh Nazım
People think they can change what is happening but only Allāh ﷻ can change things. What is happening now is the will of Allāh ﷻ and our Prophet ﷺ has already told us about it. So watch and don’t be afraid. There is no fear for the believer.
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Who Dies from Love is Shahīd Jan19 2018 Turkish 20min
Sheikh Nazım
Good ones will be with good ones. When good men are married to good women, Allāh ﷻ shows His ﷻ forgiveness for them, rizq increases and it brings light and comfort. Shayṭān is working to destroy marriage especially in western countries. People are following their ego and not what Allah ﷻ ordered; after ten or twenty years wanting a different spouse. It may be that you fall in love, but you must keep your belief stronger than your love. The Prophet ﷺ said those who die from love, die as shahīd. So, don’t give a chance for your ego to finish you.
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Ḥaḍrah Jan19 2018 11min
Sheikh Nazım
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Be Careful from Dirtiness Jan18 2018 Turkish 15min
Sheikh Nazım
Beware of impure, evil things. Watch what you eat and drink; that it does not have impure things in it. Because when you eat them, your spirituality weakens and your body is harmed bringing illness. Eat pure food and be with pure people. Don't be in dirty places with dirty friends. There are many beautiful things, but they are dirty at their core. Look at the core of things. If it is pure admire it, and like it.
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Insānu l-Kāmil Jan17 2018 Turkish 18min
Sheikh Nazım
To reach happiness, a person should try to become a perfect man, with high manners like our Prophet ﷺ; beloved one of Allāh ﷻ. Those that respect the Prophet ﷺ, and aspire to be like him ﷺ will be given from his ﷺ attributes. The Prophet ﷺ is perfect but we are human beings and make many mistakes. But we must move slowly towards perfection, and do good. When we do good, often others will do wrong to us. But we should forgive those ones. It is not easy, but difficult things have greater virtues. You can kill your ego and strengthen your spirituality through forgiveness.
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Accept Your Creator Jan16 2018 Turkish 15min
Sheikh Nazım
Allāh ﷻ sent us to this life, to this world. Don't question your existence in dunyā. Instead make shukr to Him ﷻ, be patient in dunyā and earn for the Ākhirah as Allāh ﷻ gave you this chance. This world is a place of tests. First you must accept your Creator ﷻ, then His ﷻ favour, and then accept your condition. If you accept, and are patient, then you may be in comfort, in shā’a Llāh.
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Real Happiness Jan15 2018 Turkish 10min
Sheikh Nazım
There are three things that bring happiness in this dunyā. Safety, health and nourishment. You must be thankful to your Lord ﷻ for what He ﷻ gives you. Remember Him ﷻ, accept and follow His ﷻ order.
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The Time of the Antichrist Dec08 2017 Turkish 18min
Sheikh Nazım
This world will finish. There is no forever in this life. Every day a new test appears because the time of the Antichrist is near. Stay away from oppressors and only fear Allāh ﷻ. It will be difficult but afterward will be happiness.
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Ḥaḍrah Dec08 2017 11min
Sheikh Nazım
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Light for Your Mind Dec07 2017 Turkish 13min
Sheikh Nazım
There is a global system today that causes all people to hold the same opinions. But wisdom is only for those following the right way. Mawlānā Shaykh would tell people the opposite of what was accepted and enlighten their minds with the truth but to accept is one thing, to follow is another.
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