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1244 videos available
Who Doesn't Love Me ﷺ Is Kāfir Mar16 2017 Turkish 11min
Sheikh Nazım
The Prophet ﷺ said, ‘Who doesn’t love me, he is kāfir, he is not Muslim.’ The love of the Prophet ﷺ is the most powerful thing in Islām. You must have love, respect and praise for the Prophet ﷺ. But when you say ‘I cannot love the Prophet’ shayṭān enters this door to finish our belief. Even those with the highest Islamic studies and being ḥāfiẓ of Qur’ān, they are nothing at all without this love.
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Real Men Mar15 2017 Turkish 12min
Sheikh Nazım
Allāh ﷻ praises the people who are sincere and keep their promises. They are praised in the Holy Qur’ān as ‘Real Men’; they are real believers. They are the ones who promised to be with, obey and follow Allāh ﷻ, and the Prophet ﷺ. They are happy to make this promise and nothing can change their love; they are like steel. They only wish to please Allāh ﷻ. 
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Bay‘ah Mar05 2017 1min
Sheikh Nazım
Sufiland, Germany
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Nikāḥ Mar05 2017 9min
Sheikh Nazım
Sufiland, Germany
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Dhikr Mar05 2017 20min
Sheikh Nazım
Sufiland, Germany
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Qaṣīdah Mar05 2017 28min
Sheikh Nazım
Sufiland, Germany
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Prayer in the Park Mar05 2017 7min
Sheikh Nazım
Freiburg, Germany
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Dhikr Mar05 2017 21min
Sheikh Nazım
Freiburg, Germany
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Fight Your Ego Mar05 2017 English 30min
Sheikh Nazım
People look all over the world for happiness but real happiness lies in obeying Allāh ﷻ. To do this you must fight your ego. This is the way of all prophets and we accept all of them.
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A Special Love for Mawlānā Mar05 2017 English 26min
Sheikh Nazım
Mawlānā brought people to Islām and ṭarīqah through love. He accepted them however they came. Out of love for him they began to follow and imitate him. Through his connection to Allāh ﷻ and the Prophet ﷺ he led them on the straight way, in this the time of the second ignorance.
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Strong Belief Mar04 2017 English 28min
Sheikh Nazım
Those who rely on Allāh ﷻ are provided with everything and they are victorious. You must teach your children but for them to learn you must correct yourself first. We must have belief as strong as iron.
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Dhikr Mar04 2017 44min
Sheikh Nazım
Sufi Center Ludwigshafen, Germany
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The Secret Is Sincerity Mar03 2017 English 27min
Sheikh Nazım
Health for Shaykh Ḥasan who has brought so many to the right way. We all have different capacities but we must make our intention pure for Allāh ﷻ only. Allāh ﷻ knows best. Obama did the worst for Muslims while Trump is doing better. You cannot plan this; you can only be sincere for Allāh ﷻ.
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The Way of Love Mar03 2017 English 18min
Sheikh Nazım
People are still responding to the love of Mawlānā and coming to the right way. Awliyā’u Llāh from the sincerity of their love can attract people. There is no hidden shirk in their love. If you love and do not act, it is not real love.
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Ḥaḍrah Mar03 2017 24min
Sheikh Nazım
Osmanische Herberge, Germany
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Dhikr Mar03 2017 17min
Sheikh Nazım
Osmanische Herberge, Germany
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Be with Allāh ﷻ and Don’t Fear Mar01 2017 Turkish 16min
Sheikh Nazım
These are the difficult days at the end of time of which the Prophet ﷺ warned us. Be good with everyone, don’t harm anyone. Only Allāh ﷻ can save you, don’t fear and don’t give up hope.
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Only Show Them the Right Way Jan31 2017 Turkish 14min
Sheikh Nazım
“Allāh guides whom He wills” (28:56). Most people want to guide their loved ones to the right path. If Allāh ﷻ wills, it happens. If not, no matter how hard you try it doesn't work. Some people try to attract people by showing things, that aren't in Islām. No need, just be gentle, make it easy and not difficult. Do not mix Islām with other things. Show them the way of mercy. The gentle, sweet way Mawlānā taught us. Only show them the right way. The way of the Prophet ﷺ.
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