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1244 videos available
Ṭarīqah Is to Face Difficulty Dec13 2016 Turkish 10min
Sheikh Nazım
Ṭarīqah teaches us to be patient with difficulty. People outside of ṭarīqah get upset and do not accept. They take this life seriously while ṭarīqah takes the next life seriously. Acceptance makes you spiritually stronger.
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With Love You Win Dec12 2016 Turkish 17min
Sheikh Nazım
In the blazing sun of the Day of Resurrection there will be no shade except under the Throne. This shade will be for believers and lovers of the Prophet (sas). Love the Prophet (sas) and, for his sake, show love for everyone and you will be rewarded by Allāh.
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Mawlid Sharīf Dec11 2016 Turkish 16min
Sheikh Nazım
Tonight is the celebration of the birthday of the Prophet (sas). Allāh loves him and ordered us to praise and love him. He (sas) perfected the religion and his example in all things big and small is perfect. By his love we will be saved.
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Mawlidu n-Nabīy Dec11 2016 21min
Sheikh Nazım
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Mawlid Sharīf Dec11 2016 55min
Sheikh Nazım
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Look for Barakah Dec10 2016 Turkish 14min
Sheikh Nazım
Listening to poems in every language in praise of the Prophet (sas) brings Barakah, blessing and light. Barakah makes a handful of rice sufficient for the believer. It comes from pure actions.
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The Light of the Universe Dec09 2016 Turkish 28min
Sheikh Nazım
It is Rabī‘u l-Awwal - Spring even in wintertime. It is the month of the Prophet's (sas) birth. He is the light of the universe and to love him is obligatory. Who doesn't love him is shayṭān.
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Ḥaḍrah Dec09 2016 16min
Sheikh Nazım
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Ḥaḍrah Oct14 2016 12min
Sheikh Nazım
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The Highest Level Oct14 2016 Turkish 19min
Sheikh Nazım
Allāh made man on the highest level but some men are higher than others. The Prophet (sas) was the most perfect, and to love him and respect him is the first step of belief. Then Allāh will open for us higher levels.
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Sulṭānu l-Awliyā’ Oct13 2016 Turkish 11min
Sheikh Nazım
Mawlānā was like a university, teaching us to happily accept what comes from our Lord. He learned from his shaykh, who learned from his, and so on until the Prophet (sas). Being with him was like being in the presence of the Prophet (sas). He was Sulṭānu l-Awliyā’.
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As-Salaf aṣ-Ṣāliḥ Oct12 2016 Turkish 16min
Sheikh Nazım
The people who call themselves salafīyūn today neither follow nor respect the Salaf aṣ-Ṣāliḥ - the companions of the Prophet (sas), those who followed the companions and their followers. Al-Ḥasan al-Baṣrī was one of the greatest salaf, a scholar and a ṣūfī. All of them taught love of the Prophet (sas) and the remembrance of Allāh.
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The Rewards of ‘Āshūrā’ Oct11 2016 Turkish 24min
Sheikh Nazım
Every prophet and saint was saved to a safe place on the day of ‘Āshūrā’. Sayyidinā Ḥusayn achieved martyrdom. Sayyidunā Mahdī (as) is expected to appear in Muḥarram. It is a blessed, holy day of fasting and happiness. Every good deed is rewarded a thousand fold.
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The Barakah of ‘Āshūrā’ Oct10 2016 Turkish 12min
Sheikh Nazım
All prophets respected the 10th of Muḥarram. Our Prophet (sas) loved it and gave us the 9th as well to begin the barakah. Peace and happiness come from following the Prophet (sas) not from following dunyā looking for money, or schooling, or position.
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The Biggest Favour Sep20 2016 Turkish 19min
Sheikh Nazım
The biggest favour Allāh can give is belief. A person becomes Muslim by tongue but a believer is by heart. A believer knows that everything is from Allāh and is happy with it, no fighting, no complaining, no fear. One kind of Awliyā’ has such strong belief that they do not interfere even to save a drowning man.
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Arḥamu r-Rāḥimīn Sep19 2016 Turkish 14min
Sheikh Nazım
The Ḥujjāj have completed their duties and are going home clean. Shayṭān is waiting to make them dirty again. But as much as we don’t tire in sinning, Allāh Almighty doesn’t tire in forgiving. He is the most Merciful of the Merciful.
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Like a Round Rock Sep18 2016 Turkish 13min
Sheikh Nazım
A Muslim should be strong in his belief but soft in his dealings with people, especially parents. A Muslim knows the value of everything, even small things, and doesn’t waste water or pollute the earth. Be like a rock, hold hard to your belief but without sharp corners that will harm others.
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‘Umrah without Ḥajj? Sep17 2016 Turkish 19min
Sheikh Nazım
Islām is the perfect system and Allāh made it clear. It is wrong to say something is allowed when it is not but it is also a sin to say something is not allowed when it is. Shaykh Efendi addresses the question of whether it is permissible to make ‘Umrah before you have made Ḥajj.
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