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1244 videos available
The Way of Truth Sep16 2016 Turkish 25min
Sheikh Nazım
Once you believe Islām forgives all sins like the shepherd who died shahīd before having prayed even once. Shaṭān is stubborn and never forgives. We follow the Prophet (sas) and the Qur’ān, the way of truth. But even on this way there can be those who are misguided and misguiding. So be careful.
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Then He Cures Me (26:80) Sep15 2016 Turkish 18min
Sheikh Nazım
Be careful what you eat and drink. In what and how you eat lies the cure for most illness. All healing comes from Allāh. See a doctor if you must but ask Allāh to cure you by means of the doctor or medicine and this will be rewarded as worship.
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Ziyārah Hala Sultan Sep14 2016 19min
Sheikh Nazım
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Don’t Cheat Sep13 2016 Turkish 14min
Sheikh Nazım
Don’t cheat people by looking better on the outside than you are inside. If you wear the dress of the Prophet (sas) you must have good behavior and try always to be better or it is like praying without wuḍū’. And don’t let shayṭān cheat you by wearing a turban and jubbah. 
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Millati Ibrāhīm (2:130) Sep12 2016 Turkish 13min
Sheikh Nazım
We should not be proud of our national origins rather we should be proud to be Millati Ibrāhīm, in the way of S. Ibrāhīm (as), and Ummati Muḥammad, the nation of S. Muḥammad (sas). The Ḥajj is a gift of S. Ibrāhīm. He and his son Ismā‘īl built the Ka‘bah on Allāh's orders and he called the people to come. Lucky are the ones who answered.
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Ziyārah Mawlānā Sheikh Nazim Sep12 2016 12min
Sheikh Nazım
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Ziyārah Ḥājjah Amīnah Sulṭān Sep12 2016 12min
Sheikh Nazım
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Labbayka Llāhumma Labbayk Sep11 2016 Turkish 14min
Sheikh Nazım
"We accept You, O our Lord and we are coming. What You say we accept and are happy to do." These are the most beautiful words in Islām. Today the pilgrims are on ‘Arafāt and at maghrib they become Ḥajjī. One day a year, certain place, certain people. All other pilgrimages are imitations.
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Love the Prophet ﷺ Sep10 2016 Turkish 22min
Sheikh Nazım
Today is Yawmu t-Tarwiyah. We give thanks a 1000 times to Allāh for making us among the Nation of the Beloved. To love him is obligatory, more than your family or yourself. But to love him is also easy because Allāh made him the finest and best. Even in dreams he smells of roses. Our intention is to follow his sunnah and we ask forgiveness for what we cannot do.
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The Ten Days of Dhū l-Ḥijjah Sep09 2016 Turkish 23min
Sheikh Nazım
Allāh makes an oath by the ten nights (89:2) these are the first ten nights of Dhū l-Ḥijjah. Who can fast these days gets much reward. Who can fast the 8th and 9th is forgiven the sins of the year before and the year after. Who can fast the 9th day is given the reward of S. Ayyūb (as). The animal sacrifice of ‘Īd is required and must be done with mercy.
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A Shaykh for the World Sep08 2016 Turkish 21min
Sheikh Nazım
Shaykh Mehmet is just returning from a visit to the Far East, one of the many places his father used to visit to meet with those who loved him for the sake of Allāh. There he found that no one had forgotten Mawlānā. When one serves for Ākhirah it lasts forever.
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Accept the Truth Jul24 2016 Turkish 11min
Sheikh Nazım
Allāh ordered the Prophet (sas) to tell people to accept the Truth, al-Ḥaqq. This is a command for all people until the end of time. For those who accept, there is paradise here and in the hereafter, in shā’a Llāh.
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Long Life Full of Goodness Jul23 2016 Turkish 14min
Sheikh Nazım
The Companions asked the Prophet (sas): who are the best of people? He answered: those who live long and do good throughout their lives. Mawlānā Sheikh Nazim (q) was the best example of this - 92 years of goodness without changing.
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Armageddon Must Come Jul22 2016 Turkish 31min
Sheikh Nazım
We are getting close to the end of the time allotted the children of Ādam (as). The whole world knows that Armageddon must come. They try to make it happen in countries other than their own as they tried in Turkey last week. Mahdī (as) will come and clean the world of unbelief. Until then stay away from the oppressors.
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Be Prepared for Death Jul21 2016 Turkish 12min
Sheikh Nazım
The Prophet (sas) said that two things stay young in every person no matter how old they get: love of life, and hope they will live forever. But Ṭarīqah teaches us to think of our death at least seven times a day. We must be prepared so we are not ashamed.
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Think Only Good Jul20 2016 Turkish 12min
Sheikh Nazım
The Prophet (sas) said to think and look only at what is good at all times. This makes him happy with us and keeps us pure Muslims from whose hand no one fears harm. We ask Allah to help us do good for others.
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Those Who Have No Value Jul19 2016 Turkish 14min
Sheikh Nazım
There are two kinds of people who will have no value on Judgment Day. The first are those who are proud because the dress of pride belongs solely to Allah. The second are those who doubt the orders of Allah and choose not to follow them.
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Allāh Does What He Wants Jul18 2016 Turkish 14min
Sheikh Nazım
We want things but what happens is what Allah wants. Everything is according to His Will. But we should be happy even in these difficult times because what He wants is what is best for us.
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