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1244 videos available
The Heart of the Believer Jul02 2016 Turkish 14min
Sheikh Nazım
The Prophet (sas) said that the heart is the most important part of a human being. If it is good the rest is good. A believer wishes only good, light, and mercy for others. Non-believers are dark and miserable and they wish misery for others.
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Laylatu l-Qadr Jul01 2016 Turkish 15min
Sheikh Nazım
Laylatu l-Qadr is the night the Qur’ān descended from Lawḥu l-Maḥfūẓ. It occurs one night of the year but which night is a secret. Usually it is in the last 10 nights of Ramaḍān, often the 27th night. The Prophet (sas) said it is good to be awake and praying this night and to ask for forgiveness and for health.
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The Celebration of Laylatu l-Qadr Jul01 2016 38min
Sheikh Nazım
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The Secret of Success Jun30 2016 Turkish 10min
Sheikh Nazım
Mawlānā said that the secret to success is to always move forward slowly. Don’t take on more than you can carry and then get fed up. In both material and spiritual matters take it slowly but steadily and persevere.
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Time of Fitnah Jun29 2016 Turkish 21min
Sheikh Nazım
When man follows the Order of Allāh he can be the highest of creatures. When he follows shayṭān he is the worst. Now fitnah is normal until the coming of S. Mahdī. Then divine revenge will be taken for the killing of innocents. Only love and respect for the Prophet (sas) will protect from the fire. 
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The Real Way Jun28 2016 Turkish 9min
Sheikh Nazım
Don't let shayṭān or your imagination cheat you of your eternal life. Follow the way of Ḥaqq, the real way, that Allāh has shown in His Book and with His Prophet (sas).
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Zakātu l-Fiṭr Jun27 2016 Turkish 12min
Sheikh Nazım
Before the prayer of ‘Īd, Allāh orders all Muslims old and young, rich and poor, to pay Zakātu l-Fiṭr. This brings more blessing than at any other time. So do not postpone it.
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Allāh Loves Justice Jun26 2016 Turkish 16min
Sheikh Nazım
The most important thing in life is justice. In Islām the judge must be very educated and his judgment given quickly. It was like this in Ottoman times but now Muslim countries are slower than Europe. He gives example of a court case against someone who slandered Mawlānā.
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The Big Barakah of I‘tikāf Jun25 2016 Turkish 9min
Sheikh Nazım
Today is the 20th of Ramaḍān. In the last 10 days the Prophet (sas) did I‘tikāf. He secluded himself inside the mosque and devoted himself 24 hours a day to worship. Following this sunnah brings big barakah to the one who does it and to the whole community.
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The EU Is Finished Jun24 2016 Turkish 22min
Sheikh Nazım
The Ottomans ruled by Allāh's orders and they knew how to behave and were happy. Now they follow the West and the orders of shayṭān. Even the EU is finished but the Turks still want to join.
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The Religion of Mercy Jun23 2016 Turkish 17min
Sheikh Nazım
Islām is the religion of Mercy. If you sin 100 times, Allāh forgives 100 times. Islām, Christianity, and Judaism come from the same source one after the other. What you see today is like the story of the terrible mu’adhdhin whose call turns everyone away. Islām is not like this.
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Tarāwīḥ Prayer Jun23 2016 53min
Sheikh Nazım
The complete Tarāwīḥ Prayer for download.
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The Battle of Badr Jun22 2016 Turkish 19min
Sheikh Nazım
The first battle between the Muslims and the mushrik Quraysh was on the 17th of Ramaḍān. The 313 Ṣaḥābah who fought beside the Prophet (sas), without the help of angels, were forgiven their sins past and future. We make Du‘ā’ in their names.
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Zakāh Is for Cleaning Jun21 2016 Turkish 15min
Sheikh Nazım
To give zakāh is obligatory for every Muslim with wealth. It is a small amount but still people complain. Giving it cleans you and your property. Not giving it is as if you have stolen from the poor. Give and be thankful you are wealthy enough to give. 
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The Most Important Weapon Jun20 2016 Turkish 16min
Sheikh Nazım
Life, until the end, is jihād against our true enemy, our ego. Patience is our most important weapon in this fight. Be soft, be patient, not angry. Every time you win a battle with the ego you become more happy and less wild, making you a better servant to Allāh and your shaykh and your community.
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Only Strong with Allāh Jun19 2016 Turkish 19min
Sheikh Nazım
Mankind is weak. Allah created everything even sickness and hot days. We must accept this and find power from Allah. With His help we can travel the universe.
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Du‘ā’ for a New Life Jun18 2016 Turkish 24min
Sheikh Nazım
The modern educational system and its teachers have become soldiers for shayṭān by excluding Allāh and religion from the schools. Even though the graduates have little education at least they should know to get the blessings of a holy person for the success of their future life.
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End of Time Jun17 2016 Turkish 20min
Sheikh Nazım
This is the end of time. Don’t endanger yourself or others by trying to change the bad things you see. Keep clean and out of danger and obey those in authority over you. Allah will take care of it.
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