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1244 videos available
Don't Reply to the Ignorant Jun16 2016 Turkish 9min
Sheikh Nazım
If you like to be happy, keep your tongue. Don’t reply to the ignorant. To reply is to descend to their level. Only the Shaykh and the Awliyā’ can speak.
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Time: The Most Precious Gift Jun15 2016 Turkish 12min
Sheikh Nazım
Be happy with the gifts Allāh gives you. Time is one of the most precious. Don’t waste it, don’t “kill it”. Use it to try to be His beloved one.
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Du‘ā’ at Ifṭār Jun14 2016 Turkish 15min
Sheikh Nazım
In the month of Ramaḍān Allāh is even more generous. The Du‘ā’ made by the fasting person at the time of breaking fast is accepted. So ask for every good thing.
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Come to the Light Jun13 2016 Turkish 10min
Sheikh Nazım
Allāh created two ways for mankind. One is the way of light and one is the way of darkness. Most people are unhappy and preparing to follow shayṭān into the dark. Allah is calling to us: Come to the Light.
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Love of the Prophet (ص) Jun12 2016 Turkish 15min
Sheikh Nazım
It is obligatory to love, respect, and praise the Prophet (ص). It is more important than ‘ibādah. Without love we are nothing.
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Shayṭān Jun11 2016 Turkish 15min
Sheikh Nazım
Every person has a shayṭān that follows him and encourages him to do bad things. If you curse him that makes him happy. Just do the opposite of what he advises and Allāh will be happy with you.
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Do Good in Ramaḍān Jun10 2016 Turkish 24min
Sheikh Nazım
Allāh is looking for the believer who does good during this month and He is proud and happy with him. Ramaḍān is a special gift for the spirit. Worship, do good deeds and pray for the good of everyone.
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Be from the Special People Jun09 2016 Turkish 14min
Sheikh Nazım
People divided themselves into casts or classes but the only ranks that have honor are those given by Allah. We should try to be the special ones, not the ordinary or the animal ones. We can all do this by following Allah’s orders.
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Never Alone Jun08 2016 Turkish 12min
Sheikh Nazım
Allāh says: Believe in Me and I am your eyes, your mouth, your hands. You will never be alone or unwanted. The world is a test but Allah shows you the easy path through it. Follow His easy and beautiful way.
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Don't Be Afraid of Fasting Jun07 2016 Turkish 18min
Sheikh Nazım
Ahlu s-Sunnah wa l-Jamāʻah follows the Prophet and you cannot change it to suit yourselves. If you do this you spoil your fasting. We are created for worshiping. As much as it is difficult as much Allāh rewards you with light and belief. Don’t be afraid.
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The Sulṭān of Months Jun06 2016 Turkish 14min
Sheikh Nazım
Ramadan has arrived. It is the Sulṭān of Months. For every act, even for eating the early morning meal, suḥūr, there are rewards and blessings. But for breaking the fast without a proper excuse there is punishment and the expiation is hard.
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The Cure for Spiritual Heaviness Apr03 2016 Turkish 14min
Sheikh Nazım
What sins you commit become heaviness for you. It is much easier to carry material heaviness than it is to carry spiritual heaviness. It brings you troubles in dunya and punishment in akhira. So ask forgiveness from the Most Merciful Lord while you can.
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If You Want to Be Loved by Allah Apr02 2016 Turkish 13min
Sheikh Nazım
Allah told His Prophet: Tell them, if you love Allah follow me (3:31). Follow the Prophet (sas) and those who follow him, the way of Tarīqa. Be kind, be merciful, be polite as he was. Allah will love you.
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The Spiritual Spring and Khalwat Apr01 2016 Turkish 28min
Sheikh Nazım
The spiritual season of the three holy months arrives April 8. It is special this year as it begins on the holy day of Jumaa. All murids should try to make one khalwat (seclusion). This is food for the soul. What makes the soul strong, weakens the ego.
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Hadra Apr01 2016 13min
Sheikh Nazım
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Imprison Your Ego Mar31 2016 Turkish 11min
Sheikh Nazım
The ego continues to test you until your last breath. Even the Prophet (sas) asked Allah to protect him from the ego. The more you feed it, the more it wants. It is never satisfied and you can only keep it locked up for your sake and that of others.
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Strong Belief Mar05 2016 English 28min
Sheikh Nazım
Ask Allah for strong belief because with strong belief everything is easy. Shaitan is always fighting to destroy belief, now and in the past. Sheikh Mehmet talks about Shah Naqshband and the Grandsheikhs in India and how they strengthened the belief of so many. They are an example for us.
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Beware of Shaitan Feb28 2016 Turkish 17min
Sheikh Nazım
Our meeting here is just for Allah, not for buying or selling. Shaytan hates such gatherings. Good and bad are clear. Beware shaytan and leave doubtful things which are the door through which shaytan enters.
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