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Borscht Apr30 2017 English 20min
Sheikh Nazım
Allāh ﷻ gives you everything. Like the soup called borscht that has every vegetable in it, take what Allāh ﷻ gives you and make the soup to your taste. Don’t be arrogant. A wild human is worse than an animal.
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Look for the Spirit Apr29 2017 English 18min
Sheikh Nazım
Allāh ﷻ made us with body and soul. Without the soul we are dead. Today we know the books but have lost the spirit. Taṣawwuf brings the spirit. Be full of love for Allāh ﷻ, the Prophet ﷺ, and Awliyā’, and be alive.
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Checkmate for Culture Apr25 2017 English 21min
Sheikh Nazım
Everyone has culture. The culture of the Muslims is Wuḍū’, to keep clean all the time, to do everything for Allāh ﷻ. People today are wild. They need pruning and training. This is the job of Anbiyā’, Awliyā’ and ‘Ulamā’. Your ego is your enemy or it would be called ‘amigo’.
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Our Hope Apr23 2017 English 26min
Sheikh Nazım
Everything created must end. The world has an end and we also have an end. Instead of planning for this world, we should plan for the next. The Prophet ﷺ cares first about saving his nation and his nation includes everyone. He is our only hope.
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The Purity of a Child Apr22 2017 English 18min
Sheikh Nazım
The true meaning of the Arabic word ‘ummīy’ is pure, clean. We must learn from the purity of children. He tells a Naṣrū d-Dīn story to illustrate that knowledge comes from Allāh ﷻ and can be spoken clearly by the pure. 
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A Message from Rasūlu Llāh ﷺ Apr18 2017 English 23min
Sheikh Nazım
Mawlānā asks, does Allāh ﷻ prefer the one who is ‘Abdu ṣ-Ṣabūr or the one who is ‘Abdu sh-Shukūr? We can never be thankful enough for all the gifts of our Creator. Shaykh Bahauddin tells of a dream he had in which the President of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, was hugging Mawlānā, bringing a message from the Prophet ﷺ.
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Victory for Islam Apr16 2017 English 19min
Sheikh Nazım
As Allāh ﷻ promised in Sūratu r-Rūm, Europe will be renewed and Islām will be victorious. Allāh ﷻ protects His Qur’ān. Don’t be confused. Follow those who love Allāh ﷻ and His Prophet ﷺ, not those who think they are the Judge.
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Spirituality Teaches Humanity Apr15 2017 English 20min
Sheikh Nazım
Spirituality teaches us how to be as we were created to be, to return to our original humanity. Today between the ego and shayṭān we cannot distinguish truth from untruth. With spirituality, first we ask our heart then we ask our Murshid and we will find the true way.
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The Best Food Ever Apr11 2017 English 23min
Sheikh Nazım
Time is precious: one third for work, one third for rest and one third for worship. Everything has its proper value. One ṣaḥābah prepared a meal for the Prophet ﷺ for six months but he spoke one word that made the Prophet ﷺ ashamed to eat it.
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Student All Your Life Mar26 2017 English 20min
Sheikh Nazım
Mawlānā taught that you have been a student all your life. It does not stop when you finish school. Don't say “I have finished.” It is important to keep learning. The key of learning is adab; to be humble. 
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Attention Deputies Mar25 2017 Turkish 20min
Sheikh Nazım
The deputies in ṭarīqah are there to collect and teach people good manners and this good way. They must be careful not to follow their egos and not to believe their imagination. To be proud is the worst. Be humble and don’t think “I am awliyā’, I am shaykh”. Be sincere and sacrifice your ego for the people. “Die before you die.”
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The Three Holy Months Mar24 2017 Turkish 27min
Sheikh Nazım
The three holy months are a gift from Allāh ﷻ for the ummah of Muḥammad ﷺ. Allāh ﷻ is giving us millions of spiritual presents, holy days and nights in this time, bringing the happiness that so many are searching for. In shā’a Llāh this time makes our belief stronger and gives hidāyah to those being cheated. 
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Night Prayers Mar23 2017 Turkish 16min
Sheikh Nazım
Allāh ﷻ created us for His ﷻ pleasure, and He ﷻ likes us to worship Him ﷻ. Qiyāmu l-Layl is the more acceptable and valuable ‘ibādah. It was obligatory for the Prophet ﷺ to make it, but it was made sunnah for his ﷺ ummah because it is so difficult. The night time, is when the servant and Allāh ﷻ are closest. Many are sleeping so late, so it is even more difficult to wake up. But you must make your time and listen to the Prophet ﷺ. 
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The Wisdom of Creation Mar20 2017 Turkish 14min
Sheikh Nazım
Allāh’s ﷻ order and wisdom is to make people like passengers in this world to remember Him. First morning, then evening, then quickly morning again. Every day is the same. Without belief, this becomes boring; waking, eating, working, sleeping. With belief we are able to wait and arrive to the next prayer remembering Allāh ﷻ, and so He remembers us also.  
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Begin with Yourself Mar19 2017 Turkish 13min
Sheikh Nazım
These are the worst days in the history of humanity. Some ask, "What can we do?" Everyone should know their responsibility. You must look to yourself; make yourself a good man, train yourself and your ego first. After, you can train your family. Be with your children. Take care of them; teach them good behaviour and to be good people and good servants for Allāh ﷻ. And then after that, those around you.
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The Worst Attribute: Envy Mar18 2017 Turkish 16min
Sheikh Nazım
The worst attribute for human beings is envy. The first one that had envy was shayṭān. He went from being the highest among the angels to the lowest because of his envy of Ādam (as). We must be happy and accept what Allāh ﷻ gives us. He ﷻ made us all different. We must follow the way of ṭarīqah to cure this illness of envy to slowly, slowly finish your ego.
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The Way of the Prophet ﷺ Mar17 2017 Turkish 26min
Sheikh Nazım
We are following ṭarīqah; the way of the Prophet ﷺ. Many, especially Muslims are looking for ṭarīqah, taṣawwuf. Some say that it is not necessary, but this is ridiculous. Because our life is not for this dunyā, our life is for ākhirah. And ṭarīqah is showing us this way for eternity, for heaven, for good things through teaching the farḍ, sunnah, nafl and khalwah.
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Who Doesn't Love Me ﷺ Is Kāfir Mar16 2017 Turkish 11min
Sheikh Nazım
The Prophet ﷺ said, ‘Who doesn’t love me, he is kāfir, he is not Muslim.’ The love of the Prophet ﷺ is the most powerful thing in Islām. You must have love, respect and praise for the Prophet ﷺ. But when you say ‘I cannot love the Prophet’ shayṭān enters this door to finish our belief. Even those with the highest Islamic studies and being ḥāfiẓ of Qur’ān, they are nothing at all without this love.
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