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Be Happy Feb27 2016 Turkish 7min
Sheikh Nazım
The summary of Quran is that believers should not be sad about anything of this world. In the end you will be in paradise with Allah’s Mercy. Be happy!
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Those Who Do Not Desire Position (28:83) Feb26 2016 Turkish 20min
Sheikh Nazım
To seek knowledge is a fard in Islam. Real knowledge comes from a connection to the Prophet (sas). Other kinds of learning only feed the ego. The desire for fame or position is worse than the desire for wealth because it cannot be shared with others. Tariqa connects you to the Prophet (sas).
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Hadra Feb26 2016
Sheikh Nazım
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Our Way; Mawlana’s Way Feb25 2016 Turkish 14min
Sheikh Nazım
Mawlana planted the seed and it continues to grow. New people are still coming to his place for his baraka. A very few people have a love that makes it hard for them to come here, like the love of S. Bilal (ra) for the Prophet (sas). Others should come and continue on the way he planted.
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Allah Calls to the Place of Peace (10:25) Feb06 2016 Turkish 14min
Sheikh Nazım
People are looking for peace, inside and outside. Allah sent the Prophets to call people to the place of peace. The graves of holy ones are gardens of paradise. When you ask from Allah through these holy ones, if you don't get what you ask for in dunya, you will receive it in akhirah. Listen to the Prophet (saws) telling us to respect and visit these maqams.
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The End of Time Feb05 2016 Turkish 32min
Sheikh Nazım
Nuh (as) was trying to bring people to the right way for 950 years. Mawlana was like this also. Mawlana was bringing good tidings because we are in the end of times. Since the time of the Prophet (saws) we have been waiting for Mahdi (as) and there are many people believing they are Mahdi. But he is only one. Insha'Allah his time is near.
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Hadra Feb05 2016 12min
Sheikh Nazım
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Only Follow Allah’s Order Feb04 2016 Turkish 10min
Sheikh Nazım
We must be careful not to follow people and their ideas. People are giving ideas, all the time with new things. But after time, we see that these ideas are rubbish. Allah said "Follow Me, I will take you to Paradise." Those with their own ideas, will be in hell alongside those who followed them. Follow only the right things that Allah ordered, and we will be safe Insha'Allah.
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Run to Allah (51:50) Feb02 2016 Turkish 13min
Sheikh Nazım
All human beings complaining now, "Where must we go?" They are running away, taking dangerous journeys to other countries, looking for shelter. Allah says, "Come to Me!." Running from country to country, you will lose a precious thing; your adab and belief. If not you, your children, and grandchildren. The only safe place to run to is Allah. 
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Fill Your Life with Belief Feb01 2016 Turkish 17min
Sheikh Nazım
We must fill our lives with love of Allah and the Prophet (saws), by following His order and doing good things. With the minimum of belief, you will be saved from eternal hell in the akhirah. Believers have value in the divine presence and Allah has mercy and love for them. May Allah help us to be precious people in the divine heaven.
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Prayer, in Allah's Presence Jan31 2016 Turkish 16min
Sheikh Nazım
It is an order from Allah for humans and jinns to pray five times a day. It will give you spiritual power, because you are in the presence of Allah when you pray. It is a gift from Allah. Begin with just two rakats. When you pray, it is heavy and difficult for your ego and for shaitan. Allah will reward you more and more.
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Advice for Leaders Jan30 2016 Turkish 15min
Sheikh Nazım
If leaders of jama'a are not strong enough to fight their ego, they should become normal dervishes. Shaitan and his followers can destroy a whole group of good people through their leader. If you are not sure, you must ask your Sheikh. Do not be like a traitor, it is a big responsibility. In both dunya and akhira, the leaders will be accountable.
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Richness, Only for Allah Jan29 2016 Turkish 31min
Sheikh Nazım
Allah created human beings; some of them rich, some poor and some normal. Two examples of Qarun and Suleyman (as) show that sometimes richness is good if you do not forget Allah. But sometimes it is bad. It makes you selfish and lose your belief. Only do it for Allah. Allah is al-Razzaq, be thankful for what you have and do not follow your ego.
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Hadra Jan29 2016 14min
Sheikh Nazım
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Allah Created Everyone’s Profession Jan28 2016 Turkish
Sheikh Nazım
Allah created a profession for everyone. Allah created us all different, physically and spiritually. So, we must look what is suitable for us to do in dunya, for our life and family. When there is no work, there is no time to be bored. You can do your worship. Time is very precious and limited. Don't challenge Allah on your existence. If you do there will be difficulties in this life and the next life. Be thankful to Allah for creating you.
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What Allah Wants Will Be Jan27 2016 Turkish 15min
Sheikh Nazım
What Allah wants, it will be. This is a rule for Muslims, in Islam. Don't think, I am doing this, I am in this position because of myself. Don't take responsibility or claim any thing. Say 'If Allah wants, it will be.' If you don't claim anything, and you have a pure heart, Allah may give. Say everything is from Allah.
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The Value of Belief Jan26 2016 Turkish 12min
Sheikh Nazım
With more power, more money, more richness, unbelievers become more against Allah. They think they are Gods. Richness is not important, only the barakat of Allah is important, knowing Allah is important. If your richness takes you away from knowing Allah it is not good richness. These things are not valuable. What is valuable is to follow Allah's order and to follow the Prophet (saws). You must thank Allah and be happy in your situation. Be patient, and accept.
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Look for the Real Life Jan25 2016 Turkish 14min
Sheikh Nazım
It is the right way, to be knowledgeable. To know good and bad things. But people now are crazy for university. It is for a better life for them, but don't forget why you are in this world. You may study, but make dunya serve you, to help you for akhirah, for your real life. This life is a dream, imaginary. So quickly it will pass. You must be a believer and you will be a winner for both sides.
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