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You Must Be Together Jan24 2016 Turkish 16min
Sheikh Nazım
You must be together. At the end of times there will be 73 parts of the Ummah, and only one will survive; the majority who are following the way of the Prophet (saws). Shaitan is not happy with the biggest part. He wants to divide it. Do not say 'My sheikh is better than yours.' You cannot love everyone the same. Because you love your sheikh, you cannot force other people to love your sheikh. Everybody is free. If you don't love someone, don't hate. Be respectful. Do not be enemies. Do not fight them. This is an order. You must love all your Muslim brothers, not only those in your tariqat.
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Richness in Akhirah Jan23 2016 Turkish 16min
Sheikh Nazım
Wealth is not only with money. It is with what Allah granted us. This dunya is not only to collect money, we cannot take it with us to our second life. Our real life. There is an easy way to transfer money to akhira. You must give here, in this life. If you give, Allah is giving you a thousand times more in akhira. You must believe. Do not give value for this dunya.
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A Great Blessing Dec26 2015 Turkish 5min
Sheikh Nazım
If you do not love and respect the Prophet (sas), whatever else you do, you will be in loss here and hereafter. Cyprus is doubly blessed for receiving his holy relics. Honour them and receive a rain of blessings, a strengthening of belief. Be Muslim. Do not fear anyone but love your Prophet wholeheartedly. It is the biggest order of Allah.
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Better and Better Dec26 2015 Turkish 16min
Sheikh Nazım
We must be pure for Allah and not mix desire with religion. Allah created everything with wisdom. Questioning ‘why?’ is ignorance. We must improve ourselves by fighting shaitan and ego. Tariqa is sending help. Slowly, slowly, with the right intention, small improvements in ourselves can remove both material and spiritual illnesses and we will get better and better.
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Ziyarat of the Holy Relics Dec26 2015 Turkish 14min
Sheikh Nazım
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The Rain of Iman Dec25 2015 Turkish 25min
Sheikh Nazım
The rain of iman makes hearts green. The arrival in Cyprus of a relic of Prophet (saw) is a sign. Baraka descends with his light and beauty. Unbelievers discussing climate change and the planet getting hotter can do nothing. They dirtied the rivers one after another. Allah curses them. The most basic Islamic teaching is that ablution cannot be performed with dirty water.
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Ziyarat of the Tabarruk Dec25 2015 4min
Sheikh Nazım
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Hadra Dec25 2015 16min
Sheikh Nazım
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If You Love Allah, Then Follow Me (3:31) Dec24 2015 Turkish 13min
Sheikh Nazım
To love and obey the Prophet (saw) is to love Allah. It is the main target for a Muslim. Most of their lives people run after what they think they want. They are never satisfied and their life becomes a punishment but in gaining the love of Allah both this life and the hereafter are gained.
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The Baraka of the Prophet (sas) Dec23 2015 Turkish 15min
Sheikh Nazım
Believing in the Creator and His Prophet (sas) is from the good things, otherwise life has no value. Respecting the relics of the prophets generates barakah. Just as the ark of Moses led to victory for Bani Israil, visiting the Prophet’s holy hair brings blessings and favours on its viewers.
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You Must Love and Praise Him (sas) Dec22 2015 Turkish 14min
Sheikh Nazım
The word ‘sha-a’ir’ necessitates a heart filled with fear and high praise for Allah. A real believer is conscious of Allah. If during Hajj we must be respectful about the ‘sha-a’ir’ how then for the Prophet (sas)? Allah’s reward for praising of His Beloved is unimaginable. Praise him abundantly. It is the most important thing for Muslims.
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Mawlid un-Nabi Dec22 2015 37min
Sheikh Nazım
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A Mercy for Whole Creation (21:107) Dec21 2015 Turkish 13min
Sheikh Nazım
Our Prophet (sas) was sent as a mercy for creation. He loved peace but then too, as today, fitna existed. It is mercy to be rid of oppressors and unlike the non-believer who fights for pleasure, our prophet fought oppressors nobly. Islam is not terrible. To bring people to the right way is a big favour.
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Real Iman Dec20 2015 Turkish 14min
Sheikh Nazım
Tariqa trains and teaches ego control. Only then can man become perfect. The way of Maulana is to love Akhira. This is real iman, it is to like what the Prophet (sas) liked. Spirituality can only grow when love for Allah becomes real. Beware of those whose desires for dunya are growing. If not you will be the losers.
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Mawlid un-Nabi Dec19 2015 Turkish 8min
Sheikh Nazım
It is customary in our tradition to visit Mawlana Sheikh’s maqam especially in the blessed month of mawlid un-Nabi. Allah knows, and will reward it abundantly from the Prophet’s (sas) station. Supporting and driving this, is Mawlana himself. This is the best thing for a Muslim as it results in greater spiritual power and a stronger belief.
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Allah Orders Goodness Nov27 2015 Turkish 21min
Sheikh Nazım
Allah orders justice and generosity; Allah only orders goodness. However now, every place in this world is captured by shaitan. It is demonizing Islam and ordering every badness and man’s animal nature is following it, and, will follow it until the coming of Mahdi (as). Do not follow liars. Allah loves honesty.
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Hadra Nov27 2015 10min
Sheikh Nazım
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Be Clever Nov26 2015 Turkish 11min
Sheikh Nazım
When Allah likes someone, He shows the way. Europeans consider themselves clever but those who don’t know their Creator are stupid. When they reach their real life they will be filled with regret. Seeking status or wealth is the sign of a weak ego but to know Allah and be well behaved towards Him is to be clever.
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