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1244 videos available
Don’t Be Hopeless Nov24 2015 Turkish 9min
Sheikh Nazım
Who is hopeless and anxious in the world at this time? It is the unbeliever. Believers have Allah’s support, a big favour. Allah can do anything and everything. Al Muqtadir is not a small word. Allah may say, “Be” and it will be. People studying at universities, doctors, professors, must think on this.
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Follow the Right Way Nov23 2015 Turkish 16min
Sheikh Nazım
Safety lies in the straight way. The Naqshbandi Tariqa shows Muslims how to keep the Right Way: follow what the Prophet (sas) did and what he said. Allah chose him as an example for Muslims. Those who leave this endanger themselves. Disrespecting him, his family and companions will lead to regret.
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Clear Your Heart Nov22 2015 Turkish 16min
Sheikh Nazım
Sheikh Mehmet Efendi tells the story of one of the companions promised paradise by the Prophet (sas) while still alive. The reason for his being rewarded was that his heart was clear of any bad thought, bad intention or cheating. To be clean and clear on the inside is more important than on the outside.
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Praying (Dua) Oct26 2015 Turkish 12min
Sheikh Nazım
There are two kinds of dua. One to ask Allah to give good things to people and the other to ask Allah to curse them. We don’t do the second kind. We pray for guidance for all the ummah and this brings reward for them and for us. This is the way of mercy, the way of Allah.
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Be Responsible (Mukallaf) Oct25 2015 Turkish 18min
Sheikh Nazım
The main difference between man and animal is that we have responsibility and intelligence. This gives us the highest rank and honor. Prayer is our duty. But it is not a heavy responsibility, it is light and dresses us in light.
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Don't Be Stubborn Oct24 2015 Turkish 12min
Sheikh Nazım
Allah does not like stubbornness. Stubbornness means to persist in doing wrong even when you know better. Those who are steadfast on the right way are not called stubborn. Shaytan was the first stubborn one.
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The Blessing of Ashura Oct23 2015 Turkish 31min
Sheikh Nazım
Allah made this day holy since the time of Adam (as). Every prophet was saved or blessed on this day and awliya get their wilaya. In Islam there are two parties, one that curses sahaba and one that disrespects Ahlu l-Bayt. Tariqa is the third party that respects them all and keeps the real Islam. Beware those who say what they do not do. Follow the ways of mercy, peace and justice.
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Hadra Oct23 2015 10min
Sheikh Nazım
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Don't Worry Oct22 2015 Turkish 6min
Sheikh Nazım
Don’t worry because only what Allah wills happens and He knows best. In everything he put a secret. The only thing worth worrying about is if you are following Allah’s orders.
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The Baraka of Time Oct21 2015 Turkish 15min
Sheikh Nazım
There are no limits for Allah, not in space or in time. He is the Creator of both space and time and is not confined by them and he can expand them for His Prophets and His Awliya. Mawlana was never in a hurry, he moved with the baraka of time.
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Pure for Allah Oct20 2015 Turkish 13min
Sheikh Nazım
Religion must be pure, for Allah only. You cannot mix it with the pursuit of the benefits of dunya. The more people who follow you the more responsible you are for keeping pure. The only aim must be to please Allah, His Prophet and His Friends.
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Be Humble Together Oct19 2015 Turkish 8min
Sheikh Nazım
Those who are humble Allah raises high. Those who are proud Allah brings low. Believers must be humble with each but proud with unbelievers because of the favour Allah has shown them. Sheikh Hisham is humble and it is good to be together.
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All You Can Give Is Your Thanks Oct18 2015 Turkish 14min
Sheikh Nazım
Muharram is one of the four holy months. Take from its benefits. Don’t be sad at the condition of the world today. Be happy and take what Allah offers in this holy month. He is Owner of everything, all you can give Him is your thanks.
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The Invitation of the Sultan Sep26 2015 36min
Sheikh Nazım
Ziyarat Hala Sultan
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His Name with My Name Forever Sep25 2015 Turkish 26min
Sheikh Nazım
On the second day of Eid Allah gave the Prophet (sas) Suratu l-Kawthar. Our hearts will be washed in the pool of Kawthar so that we enter Paradise clean. The ones who insulted the Prophet (sas) by saying he had no sons to carry on his name are the ones cut off (abtar) because the Prophet’s name continues forever beside that of Allah (awj). La ilaha ila Allah Muhammadun RasulAllah.
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A Feast in Akhira Sep24 2015 Turkish 12min
Sheikh Nazım
Allah made two days feast days for the Nation of Muhammad (sas). The other days people celebrate are man-made. He wants people to remember Him and benefit from His endless Mercy. To visit, to make others happy, to respect what Allah has given is rewarded with a real feast in Akhira.
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Ziyarat Mawlana Sheikh Nazim Sep24 2015 12min
Sheikh Nazım
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Ziyarat Hj Aminah Sultan Sep24 2015 13min
Sheikh Nazım
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