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Think Only Good Jul20 2016 Turkish 12min
Sheikh Nazım
The Prophet (sas) said to think and look only at what is good at all times. This makes him happy with us and keeps us pure Muslims from whose hand no one fears harm. We ask Allah to help us do good for others.
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Those Who Have No Value Jul19 2016 Turkish 14min
Sheikh Nazım
There are two kinds of people who will have no value on Judgment Day. The first are those who are proud because the dress of pride belongs solely to Allah. The second are those who doubt the orders of Allah and choose not to follow them.
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Allāh Does What He Wants Jul18 2016 Turkish 14min
Sheikh Nazım
We want things but what happens is what Allah wants. Everything is according to His Will. But we should be happy even in these difficult times because what He wants is what is best for us.
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Mahdī (as) and the Role of Women Jul17 2016 English 22min
Sheikh Nazım
Shaykh Mehmet is interviewed by a lady journalist from Pakistan. She asks about the role of S. Fāṭimah (ra), S. Zaynab (ra) and H. Anne (q). She also asks about the coming of the Mahdī (as) and the role of feminine and masculine forces.
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Everyone Is a Shepherd Jul17 2016 Turkish 15min
Sheikh Nazım
Everyone has responsibility at least for himself, his family. Like a good shepherd he must take care of them. If the parents are good the children learn and the whole community is good. This is the way of the Prophet (sas).
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In Your Ego's Hand Jul16 2016 Turkish 16min
Sheikh Nazım
Pray not to be left in the hand of your bad ego because ego never takes you to a good place if it controls you. You must control it and take it higher. The events in Turkey during the night are a sign of the End of Times and a lesson to all Muslims not to disobey the orders of Allāh.
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Victory Is from Allāh (8:10) Jul16 2016 Turkish 13min
Sheikh Nazım
Sheikh Mehmet gives thanks for the aborted coup in Turkey the night before. There was a minimum of bloodshed and it was over in a night when usually it would have lasted a year. It was a sign from Allāh. The people remembered Allāh and He gave them victory.
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Be Straight (11:112) Jul15 2016 Turkish 28min
Sheikh Nazım
A Muslim doesn’t cheat, either in the world or in religion. Keep Allāh’s Orders. Don’t change to please people or to follow imagination. Karāmāt are not obligatory. A friend is one who speaks truly.
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Real Islām Is Ṭarīqah Jul14 2016 Turkish 19min
Sheikh Nazım
All the fitnah in the Muslim world today is caused by a handful of bad scholars, who, perhaps without knowing, are following shayṭān. Ṭarīqah, especially the Naqshbandīyyah, will correct the situation just as S. Abū Bakr (ra) corrected the Arabs who strayed after the passing of the Prophet (sas).
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Allāh's Order Is for Everybody Jul13 2016 Turkish 16min
Sheikh Nazım
Allāh’s order is for everybody the same, even for the Prophet (sas). It is obligatory to learn and important to teach. You can’t follow your ego and teach what pleases people if it is not correct. There are no exceptions.
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The Way of Happiness Jul12 2016 Turkish 13min
Sheikh Nazım
Ṭarīqah shows people the way of happiness, which comes by accepting that all things are from Allāh and that there is wisdom behind them. Liked and disliked things come equally from Allāh and if we have patience we will learn and be at peace.
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Life Is like a Play (6:32) Jul10 2016 Turkish 15min
Sheikh Nazım
All our life is the same, like a play repeating over and over. The non-believer is bored because he is aimless. The believer, however, is always happy because each day is an opportunity to come closer to his Lord and he is thankful for all he has.
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An Exalted Character (68:4) Jul09 2016 Turkish 15min
Sheikh Nazım
The Prophet (sas) was created with a perfect nature. There is a proper way to behave towards all of creation. He showed the perfect way, for friends, for enemies, for animals, for the earth. Follow him to be of the people of Paradise.
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Don't Be Angry Jul08 2016 Turkish 22min
Sheikh Nazım
When asked for advice the Prophet (sas) repeated “Don’t be angry”. To control anger is very difficult but can be learned slowly. There are only two reasons for righteous anger, to help the oppressed and to defend Allāh’s order. S. Abū Bakr was an example of this.
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The Six Days of Shawwāl Jul07 2016 Turkish 11min
Sheikh Nazım
Every month has its speciality. Shawwāl is hard. To fast the six days after one day of ‘Īd is sunnah and added to Ramaḍān it counts like a year of fasting. It takes away all sin.
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Happy Days Jul06 2016 Turkish 4min
Sheikh Nazım
We must be happy with these days. Allāh is happy with them and they are from his generosity, which is for the next world. Be happy all days.
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The Holy Feasts Jul05 2016 Turkish 15min
Sheikh Nazım
There are two holy ‘Īdayn (feasts) that are gifts from Allāh. Allāh is happy with the people and sends them rewards. The people of today say they are Muslim but they don’t show respect for the Prophet (sas) and they will be asked about this.
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Ziyārah Mawlānā Sheikh Nazim Jul05 2016 16min
Sheikh Nazım
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