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Adab Ya Hu Apr10 2016 English 16min
Sheikh Nazım
Adab Ya Hu was the sign that greeted those who entered the sufi dergah. It means you are the last and the smallest. All is by Allah and it is by His permission that you enter the mosque, that you pray or worship. It is all from Him. This is the right understanding.
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The Importance of Understanding Apr09 2016 English 17min
Sheikh Nazım
It is important to find stable ground to stand on. When you are working for Allah, He will take care of you. All doors are open. Understanding is important in order for His servants to know Him.
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Ready for Khalwat Apr06 2016 English 18min
Sheikh Nazım
The Sheikh is going into khalwat and is opening the door for us too. Khalwat is a big test under the eyes of the Prophet (sas). Sheikh Bahauddin shares stories of Mawlana's experiences in khalwat in order to make it clear and get us ready.
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The Cure for Spiritual Heaviness Apr03 2016 Turkish 14min
Sheikh Nazım
What sins you commit become heaviness for you. It is much easier to carry material heaviness than it is to carry spiritual heaviness. It brings you troubles in dunya and punishment in akhira. So ask forgiveness from the Most Merciful Lord while you can.
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If You Want to Be Loved by Allah Apr02 2016 Turkish 13min
Sheikh Nazım
Allah told His Prophet: Tell them, if you love Allah follow me (3:31). Follow the Prophet (sas) and those who follow him, the way of Tarīqa. Be kind, be merciful, be polite as he was. Allah will love you.
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The Spiritual Spring and Khalwat Apr01 2016 Turkish 28min
Sheikh Nazım
The spiritual season of the three holy months arrives April 8. It is special this year as it begins on the holy day of Jumaa. All murids should try to make one khalwat (seclusion). This is food for the soul. What makes the soul strong, weakens the ego.
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Hadra Apr01 2016 13min
Sheikh Nazım
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Imprison Your Ego Mar31 2016 Turkish 11min
Sheikh Nazım
The ego continues to test you until your last breath. Even the Prophet (sas) asked Allah to protect him from the ego. The more you feed it, the more it wants. It is never satisfied and you can only keep it locked up for your sake and that of others.
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Jealousy: The Biggest Illness Mar27 2016 English
Sheikh Nazım
The biggest illness of the ego is jealousy. All people have it to different degrees. It is the last thing that the saints get rid of. The people of today are consumed by jealousy even for the Prophet (sas) and his saints. That is why they are destroying maqams, objecting to mawlid, and killing the people.
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Abdun Ṣabūr wa Shakūr Mar26 2016 English 21min
Sheikh Nazım
Be thankful. Allah loves His servants who are thankful to Him and He gives them more. Be patient and thankful because He is The Patient and The Thankful. Take the middle way and seek fame in Allah’s eyes not in the eyes of the world.
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Muslims Have Never Been Terrorists Mar22 2016 English 18min
Sheikh Nazım
You are tiny in comparison to the greatness of Allah’s creation. However, you and even the ants have a mission and a reason, all servants of Allah. No one has the right to take any life. This is not Islam. Terrorists do not respect the creation or the Creator.
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Dressed by Your Sheikh Mar20 2016 English 27min
Sheikh Nazım
Mawlana always gave a small pill with an atomic effect. He said “Enjoy your present, the future isn’t yours. Be patient and wait for things to resolve." You must approach your Sheikh without the dress of dunya and then he will dress you in your higher stations. He also talked about the anniversary of Nabil’s passing.
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Surrender to Your Murshid Mar19 2016 English
Sheikh Nazım
There are two sides to tasawwuf. You must surrender to the Murshid and the Murshid must accept your surrender and behave as a father to his children. There is no surrender in dunya, dunya is about maximizing. There is no fathering in dunya, dunya is about taking. With Mawlana you are on solid ground, he doesn’t want any losing among his children.
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Islamic Communists Mar15 2016 English 21min
Sheikh Nazım
Beware of those Muslims who behave like communists. They reduce Islam to the lowest common denominator, the lowest level of understanding and of learning, as if Quran has only one meaning. They are without mercy and without appreciation for the works of others.
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Ladies’ Day Mar08 2016 English 22min
Sheikh Nazım
Sheikh Bahauddin gives some advice to ladies on the occasion of International Ladies’ Day. Women he says are being cheated with only one day when men have the rest of the 364.
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Strong Belief Mar05 2016 English 28min
Sheikh Nazım
Ask Allah for strong belief because with strong belief everything is easy. Shaitan is always fighting to destroy belief, now and in the past. Sheikh Mehmet talks about Shah Naqshband and the Grandsheikhs in India and how they strengthened the belief of so many. They are an example for us.
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How to Continue Without Him Mar01 2016 English
Sheikh Nazım
Set no limits on Allah, when you ask from Him, ask big. To sleep at the feet of your Sheikh is very precious. The test is how to continue without him. Be with the Haqq because that never changes. 
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Beware of Shaitan Feb28 2016 Turkish 17min
Sheikh Nazım
Our meeting here is just for Allah, not for buying or selling. Shaytan hates such gatherings. Good and bad are clear. Beware shaytan and leave doubtful things which are the door through which shaytan enters.
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