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Richness, Only for Allah Jan29 2016 Turkish 31min
Sheikh Nazım
Allah created human beings; some of them rich, some poor and some normal. Two examples of Qarun and Suleyman (as) show that sometimes richness is good if you do not forget Allah. But sometimes it is bad. It makes you selfish and lose your belief. Only do it for Allah. Allah is al-Razzaq, be thankful for what you have and do not follow your ego.
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Hadra Jan29 2016 14min
Sheikh Nazım
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Allah Created Everyone’s Profession Jan28 2016 Turkish
Sheikh Nazım
Allah created a profession for everyone. Allah created us all different, physically and spiritually. So, we must look what is suitable for us to do in dunya, for our life and family. When there is no work, there is no time to be bored. You can do your worship. Time is very precious and limited. Don't challenge Allah on your existence. If you do there will be difficulties in this life and the next life. Be thankful to Allah for creating you.
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What Allah Wants Will Be Jan27 2016 Turkish 15min
Sheikh Nazım
What Allah wants, it will be. This is a rule for Muslims, in Islam. Don't think, I am doing this, I am in this position because of myself. Don't take responsibility or claim any thing. Say 'If Allah wants, it will be.' If you don't claim anything, and you have a pure heart, Allah may give. Say everything is from Allah.
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The Value of Belief Jan26 2016 Turkish 12min
Sheikh Nazım
With more power, more money, more richness, unbelievers become more against Allah. They think they are Gods. Richness is not important, only the barakat of Allah is important, knowing Allah is important. If your richness takes you away from knowing Allah it is not good richness. These things are not valuable. What is valuable is to follow Allah's order and to follow the Prophet (saws). You must thank Allah and be happy in your situation. Be patient, and accept.
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Look for the Real Life Jan25 2016 Turkish 14min
Sheikh Nazım
It is the right way, to be knowledgeable. To know good and bad things. But people now are crazy for university. It is for a better life for them, but don't forget why you are in this world. You may study, but make dunya serve you, to help you for akhirah, for your real life. This life is a dream, imaginary. So quickly it will pass. You must be a believer and you will be a winner for both sides.
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You Must Be Together Jan24 2016 Turkish 16min
Sheikh Nazım
You must be together. At the end of times there will be 73 parts of the Ummah, and only one will survive; the majority who are following the way of the Prophet (saws). Shaitan is not happy with the biggest part. He wants to divide it. Do not say 'My sheikh is better than yours.' You cannot love everyone the same. Because you love your sheikh, you cannot force other people to love your sheikh. Everybody is free. If you don't love someone, don't hate. Be respectful. Do not be enemies. Do not fight them. This is an order. You must love all your Muslim brothers, not only those in your tariqat.
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Richness in Akhirah Jan23 2016 Turkish 16min
Sheikh Nazım
Wealth is not only with money. It is with what Allah granted us. This dunya is not only to collect money, we cannot take it with us to our second life. Our real life. There is an easy way to transfer money to akhira. You must give here, in this life. If you give, Allah is giving you a thousand times more in akhira. You must believe. Do not give value for this dunya.
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Rasulullah Is Everything Jan19 2016 English
Sheikh Nazım
The Muslim community is the largest on Earth because Islam is for everyone. But remember there are so many enemies of Islam inside Islam. Don't be affected by ISIS or wahabi or salafi. They are poisoning everybody; and then they will poison themselves. This new generation of ideas; it is like mushrooms. Islam came with the love of Allah, Rasulullah, Sahaba and awliya who are carrying it. You must understand the pain that Rasulullah went through. Things did not come easy; they were difficult. Abu Jahal was also from Makka. Understanding the past gives you the power to understand your future. Don't hesitate with the love of Rasulullah. Allah will never be happy with those who prevent love of the Prophet. Without Rasulullah's love you are nothing.
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The Magical Valley Jan17 2016 English 34min
Sheikh Nazım
Allah Almighty is so soft; he wants his servants to be with Him. His door of tawba is open from east to west, you only need to ask for it. When Allah created the servant, with him he created the paradise. But time has no mercy and whatever you do with your time in the dunya is important. The dunya is like a magical valley filled with jewels. If you are asleep in this dunya, you will miss the jewels. Don't kill your time, use your time! Make dhikr and prayer, learn adab, how to love your brother, and to be humble.
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Why We Need Guidance Jan16 2016 English 23min
Sheikh Nazım
Are the Quran and Hadith enough for guidance? No. At the common level, ego rules and Shaitan is the guide. Allah has given a simple option: Love Rasulullah (sas). The good ones do, and so, seek those who are good. They receive guidance from the saints, who unconcerned for their own benefit only seek nearness to Allah.
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A Simple Explanation of Today’s Situation Jan05 2016 English 19min
Sheikh Nazım
Today’s world just cannot be fixed. Sayyidina Ali was instructed by the Prophet (sas) in his time to imprison an extremist group of jinn who he said would one day find a way to reach Earth for killing and taking away the peace for no reason. Simply, his implication was their connection to a new breed of animals, the extremists.
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Don't Be Cheated Jan03 2016 English 25min
Sheikh Nazım
Muslim youngsters have to be careful to not be cheated by those who think they can re-invent Islam. Rasulullah (sas) foretold the occurrences of today. Study his law, learn your history and give everyone’s rights. The world is a moving stage, not a One Man show. A believer’s tongue reflects his actions. He trusts in Allah alone. Power and Victory are His.
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Distributing Love Jan02 2016 English 32min
Sheikh Nazım
If you oppose Allah, He removes your blessings. Dropping oil prices signal the outcome for the Wahabis and Salafis. They, like Abu Jahl, became enemies of Rasulullah (sas). They distributed wealth to promote their brand of Islam. Unlike it, Real Islam is a gift of loving Rasulullah (sas). It spreads by a generous and humble sharing of Truth and of love for Rasulullah (sas).
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The Ship of Salvation Jan01 2016 Turkish 26min
Sheikh Nazım
New Year fun made a mess and dirtiness. The unhappy soul wants relief. Thank Allah for Haqiqatun Muhammadiyyah: its reality is “la ilaha illAllah Muhammadun Rasulullah”. With the Reality of Muhammad (sas) the soul becomes happy. It will feed, give shifa’a and spread Baraka all around. In these days of fitna and with more coming, it will prove to be the Saviour Ship (Safīnat un-Najāh) for Muslims.
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Hadra Jan01 2016 12min
Sheikh Nazım
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First Class Passenger Dec31 2015 Turkish 26min
Sheikh Nazım
New Year celebrations mask sadness at loss. The believer calculates his past actions and determines for the future to improve his love for Allah and the Prophet (sas). He understands life is temporary and that he is just a passenger in transit. He has the option for First Class travel. Allah is generous and will grant it to those who ask.
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The Love of Rasulullah (sas) Dec27 2015 English 34min
Sheikh Nazım
Love for Rasulullah must be tight. To understand correctly makes us precious like gold. There is practicing Islam and then, trying to practice it. Scholarly knowledge is a mere dot in an ocean. People in Tariqa know something about Rasulullah that is outside the ordinary. Why are they realising his love? It is because they follow those lovers who were made great through loving him (sas).
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