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His Name with My Name Forever Sep25 2015 Turkish 26min
Sheikh Nazım
On the second day of Eid Allah gave the Prophet (sas) Suratu l-Kawthar. Our hearts will be washed in the pool of Kawthar so that we enter Paradise clean. The ones who insulted the Prophet (sas) by saying he had no sons to carry on his name are the ones cut off (abtar) because the Prophet’s name continues forever beside that of Allah (awj). La ilaha ila Allah Muhammadun RasulAllah.
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A Feast in Akhira Sep24 2015 Turkish 12min
Sheikh Nazım
Allah made two days feast days for the Nation of Muhammad (sas). The other days people celebrate are man-made. He wants people to remember Him and benefit from His endless Mercy. To visit, to make others happy, to respect what Allah has given is rewarded with a real feast in Akhira.
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Ziyarat Mawlana Sheikh Nazim Sep24 2015 12min
Sheikh Nazım
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Ziyarat Hj Aminah Sultan Sep24 2015 13min
Sheikh Nazım
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Yawm ul-‘Arafah Sep23 2015 Turkish 15min
Sheikh Nazım
It is a very holy day. The Hajjis fulfill their obligation to Allah and all their sins are erased. If you fast this day Allah will forgive you for the sins of the past year. Allah is happy to grant dua on this day. You should pray for the coming of Sayyidina Mahdi (as).
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Yawm ut-Tarwiyah Sep22 2015 Turkish 14min
Sheikh Nazım
The 8th of Dhū l-Hijjah is called Yawm ut-Tarwiya. It is the first day of Hajj on which the pilgrims make their intention and move towards Arafah. Allah loves to give on this day. The believer also is generous. What is kept is dirty like the dust of earth. What is given is precious and is stored in paradise.
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Accept the Truth Sep21 2015 Turkish 18min
Sheikh Nazım
Allah makes a place holy and we cannot ask why. S Omar said to the black stone that it was only a stone and can neither benefit nor harm. But S Ali corrected him and said that it does give benefit by order of Allah. All our promises on the Day of Promises were put inside that stone. And S Omar accepted the truth.
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The Heavenly Pilgrimage Sep20 2015 Turkish
Sheikh Nazım
Hajj is a heavenly order. Only one time, one place. Everything in Islam is perfect because it is divinely given. Don't wait until you are old, make Hajj whenever you can. It is a precious gift from Allah.
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Visiting Graves Sep19 2015 Turkish 13min
Sheikh Nazım
The people who are saying not to visit graves are people who don’t believe in the life after death. Allah said to stay away from such people. We visit the graves of Prophets and Awliya in order to show our love and respect and to please Allah and to receive His blessing. The Prophet (sas) said, ‘Who visits my grave, it is as if he visited me in life."
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The 10 Days of Dhū l-Hijjah Sep18 2015 Turkish 18min
Sheikh Nazım
Don’t think about the terrible things in this world but think about the good things Allah has given us. Allah has given us the 10 days of Dhū l-Hijjah to do the things that please Him and for which He blesses us. You may fast all 9 days but the fast of the 8th and 9th days brings the most reward. And on the 9th recite 1,000 Ikhlas.
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Hadra Sep18 2015 16min
Sheikh Nazım
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The Secret of Happiness Sep17 2015 Turkish 15min
Sheikh Nazım
There is a time for everything. Nothing is forever in this life. Complaining changes nothing and then the next life will be worse. Be happy to be a servant of Allah. The secret of happiness is to be thankful to Allah even for the small things. Belief brings happiness.
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The Teaching of Shaytan Sep16 2015 Turkish 12min
Sheikh Nazım
The world thinks that today is the peak of civilization but in fact that is the teaching of shaytan. We are in the last days. Nobody is content with what Allah has given but always wants more. And shaytan is encouraging them to take what they want.
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We Are Asking Madad Sep15 2015 Turkish 18min
Sheikh Nazım
Without the help of Allah, His Prophets and His saints no one is strong enough. All of us need help. Allah says you must remember Him. The ones who object to this are liars and they lie about everything. Stay away from them.
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Heavenly Queue Sep06 2015 English 29min
Sheikh Nazım
We are all in a queue, one behind the other. Some are beginning and some are experienced. Salafi are beginners. They think they know everything because they don’t know all that there is to know. Religion is not simple. We are against ignorance and we want all people to go to Paradise.
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Parity in Humanity Sep05 2015 English 26min
Sheikh Nazım
Allah sent the photo of the drowned child to teach humanity to identify with all life. What does a child know about religion? Spiritual people are not looking at your religion but at your humanity, to tame the wild side of each person. There is equality in our humanity. We are saying - It is enough suffering in Syria. O Allah, end the suffering.
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Can You Eat Plastic? Aug30 2015 English 18min
Sheikh Nazım
Today it is all about the packaging and not about the contents. Even religion has become like this, no one cares about sincerity. Allah made his religion so simple and open. Use your sense. Killing others is not acceptable. The true teaching is to care for everything.
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Addressed by Allah Almighty Aug20 2015 English 13min
Sheikh Nazım
Abdul Qadir Jilani said that if addressed by the Lord as 'My servant' he would not care what was done with him afterwards - he would be content. To be a servant you have to have a murshid. If you find such a one hold on to him and you might, one day, be addressed as, ‘My servant’.
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