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Don’t Ask Too Much Jul27 2015 Turkish 16min
Sheikh Nazım
The worst sin is to tell people something is a sin when it is not, in order to benefit oneself. Allah has informed us what is good and what is bad. It is not up to us. The Prophet (sas) advised us not to ask too much and so make things more difficult.
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Description of Ignorance Jul26 2015 Turkish 17min
Sheikh Nazım
Ignorance is to not believe in God, every day you must remember your Creator and be thankful to Him. People today confuse reality with theories. This is the second Age of Ignorance. People are too lazy to worship and laziness is the worst attribute.
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Hala Sultan Jul25 2015 Turkish 13min
Sheikh Nazım
Her maqam is more holy even than Abu Ayyub al-Ansari Mawlana said. The Prophet (sas) visited her often in Mecca and once he had a dream that his companions were riding over the sea to conquer a Green Island (Cyprus). And she asked that he pray that she be with them. She will be baraka for this island until the Day of Judgment.
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Good People Find Each Other Jul24 2015 Turkish 13min
Sheikh Nazım
Good people need to be with good people (24:26) and Allah will open wide for them His doors of Mercy. People like others to be like them, to drink, to not believe. You must be careful who you marry and who are your friends.
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Hadra Jul24 2015 11min
Sheikh Nazım
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Worship like Breathing Jul23 2015 Turkish 11min
Sheikh Nazım
Allah’s orders must become as natural to you as eating, sleeping, breathing. You must accept them without complaining or bargaining. This will raise your station and purify you so that nothing can touch you.
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Eid ul-Abrār Jul22 2015 English 10min
Sheikh Nazım
To fast 6 days in Shawwal is a forgotten sunna of the Prophet (sas). It’s reward is equal to the fast of a year. The day the fast ends is called Eid ul-Abrār - the feast of those who are very obedient to Allah. For those who cannot fast all they can fast only the 7th of Shawwal instead.
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The Light of My Eyes Jul21 2015 Turkish 15min
Sheikh Nazım
The Prophet (sas) loved prayer - it is the light of my eyes he said. Tahajjud is the most valuable of the voluntary prayers. You can even pray it sitting as the Prophet did, in the last third of the night and it will bring you baraka and health.
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Come Back to Allah Jul20 2015 Turkish 13min
Sheikh Nazım
Do for Allah and He will do for you. Cyprus was conquered by those who were living and dying only for Allah. Turks came recently but they were not coming for Allah and since then there have only been problems. The solution? Come back to Allah and He will help you.
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Hajja Anne Jul19 2015 Turkish 17min
Sheikh Nazım
Allah created everything and everybody equal. Who obeys Allah is the best. Who fears Allah is not afraid of anything else. Man or woman - who is near Allah is best. S. Maryam, Asiya Pharaoh’s wife and Hajja Anne also. She helped Mawlana to serve the Nation of the Prophet and did not hold anything back or ask for anything in return.
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False Teachers Jul18 2015 Turkish 14min
Sheikh Nazım
Teachers who are teaching from their egos are usually teaching the wrong way. They are trying to satisfy their egos and crazy people try to make it come true. Communism is an example and the people claiming knowledge about Islam today. He tells the story of the Mu’azzan with the worst voice.
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The Holiest Feasts Jul17 2015 Turkish 18min
Sheikh Nazım
Allah has given us 2 holy feast days - after Ramadan and after Hajj. He likes for us to praise what He praises. Even those people who pray only twice in the year, the 2 Eid prayers, will be saved inshaAllah by this show of respect. And it is sunna to visit the graves on these days and your family and friends both living and dead. Eid Mubarak.
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Ziyarat Mawlana Sheikh Nazim Jul17 2015 12min
Sheikh Nazım
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Ziyarat Hj Aminah Sultan Jul17 2015 15min
Sheikh Nazım
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Hadra Jul17 2015 17min
Sheikh Nazım
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Only One Jul16 2015 Turkish 12min
Sheikh Nazım
Allah is only One. He has no partner. He is the best Creator of everything. He is not pleased by those who are not pleased with what He created. We must do our best to please Him.
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Make It Difficult for Your Ego Jul15 2015 Turkish 12min
Sheikh Nazım
According to a hadith of the Prophet (sas) it is better to have a simple and rustic life. The ego gets used to luxury easily but it is better to give it some difficulty so that it becomes your servant and you don’t become it’s.
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The Best Manners Jul14 2015 Turkish 10min
Sheikh Nazım
Islam orders respect for all and good manners, especially for parents even if they are not believers. Avoid speaking about the things on which you disagree. The Prophet (sas) said he is bringing people slowly, slowly and with politeness. Make people happy to see you.
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