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Tariqa: The Power of Islam Feb16 2015 English 20min
Sheikh Nazım
Allah praises the Prophet. The heart of Sharia is to love, respect and praise him. It is also the practice of Tariqa, the power behind Islam. It is growing, becoming greener. Despite communism crushing it, the Naqshbandiyya is reviving in Russia. To criticize Tariqa is a big mistake. Those who do will regret it.
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A Sultanate Is Allah's Favour Feb15 2015 English 13min
Sheikh Nazım
Thanking the Royal family of HRH Raja Eleena, Sheikh Mehmet praised them for following the Way of Happiness: to know to follow Allah’s Command. He said Allah’s favour was seen in their generosity, that they are truly noble, worthy. He supplicated for them saying people living in a Sultanate are fortunate as it is a favour from Allah.
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Obey Mawlana’s Will Feb14 2015 English 15min
Sheikh Nazım
Questions raised during Sheikh Mehmet’s visit to Malaysia prompt him to explain his position: It is by Mawlana’s will and wisdom. He planted a tree and this tree is growing throughout the world. Watered by the Prophetic Light, it is flourishing, creating attraction for Tariqa and Islam. If not for Mawlana, the ego couldn’t be trained. Don’t bargain: Obey Mawlana’s will.
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Our Ancestors’ Islam Feb13 2015 English 19min
Sheikh Nazım
Islam fed by spiritual power has survived for centuries unchanged. Muslim belief if not sincere would have finished. The Salafi have created fitna by claiming our ancestors didn’t understand Islam. This deceit has misled the non-Arabic Muslims. The Companions tested in the Battle of Hunayn chose to love the Prophet above everything. Ignore those who disrespect the Prophet.
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To the Malaysians Feb12 2015 English 18min
Sheikh Nazım
Sheikh Mehmet is happy with the polite Malaysians. He reminds that guidance is necessary for understanding the purpose of life. Allah favours the good and the clever, like HRH Raja Ashman who until death held onto Mawlana. Tariqa is the heart of Sharia. It teaches about the Prophet’s intercession. Beware of criticizing others of sin; pride in one’s knowledge is the greater sin.
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Repent to Allah Feb06 2015 Turkish 19min
Sheikh Nazım
Those who believe in Allah and repent are on the right way. They will be forgiven. Allah is Merciful. He loves to forgive. Not just Muslims, He forgives all who obey and repent. Don’t be hopeless. Repent. Even sinners achieve Paradise through repentance. Their bad is converted to good. Daily supplicate what Sayyidina ibn al-Masud advised.
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To Be Satisfied with the Situation Feb05 2015 Turkish 13min
Sheikh Nazım
Man thinking something is good or bad for him is unimportant. Allah chooses the best. Modern teaching says: object. This causes more misery. No, put your head down. Stop being upset and angry. It was not written for you. Acceptance is ease. To be satisfied with your situation is the teaching of Islam.
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The Most Precious Is Time Feb03 2015 Turkish 16min
Sheikh Nazım
There is a Turkish saying: We must kill time. Allah gave time to make it live. It is limited and precious. A group of the Prophet’s companions, the ahl as-suffah, devoted their time purely for Allah. Nowadays people waste time. They complain they are bored. No. They must remember Allah. They must work for Him.
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Honesty Feb02 2015 Turkish 22min
Sheikh Nazım
The best examples of goodness and beauty are the awliya. They are “amin” meaning honest and trustworthy. They do not endanger, rather they are protectors of the trust both in this life, but more importantly, they help win the Hereafter. They are a rare find in these times. Follow them, they teach us. Our best example: Mawlana Sheikh.
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Depression and Denial Feb01 2015 English 25min
Sheikh Nazım
Depression is today’s illness. You are sinking into this moving sand. Why refuse the offer of help? Islam means surrendering to Allah. This is the first step out of Depression. Secure your due rights. Respect Islam, respect the Prophet, respect your Sheikh. This is Reality. Those who deny it will suffer Depression.
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Everybody Has a Seed for Love Jan31 2015 English 21min
Sheikh Nazım
People are looking for love. The love of dunya is disappointment but the Nation of Muhammad carries a seed for loving Rasulallah. Allah’s Oneness is known through him. All hearts will go to him. His love is spreading. The awliya can show how to melt in this one true love.
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Allah's Name Al Qadir Jan31 2015 Turkish 21min
Sheikh Nazım
Mawlana stopped short, saying little about Allah’s Name, al-Qadir. Allah’s Power is beyond imagination. What Allah wants happens. Rain in winter, heat in summer. The miracles of saints are proof of His Power Oceans. Signs to believe, to awaken. Only Allah is The Creative. Recite His Name: ‘al-Qadir’. It has its manifestation.
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Come to the Home of Peace Jan30 2015 Turkish 21min
Sheikh Nazım
Allah loves the good, the beautifully mannered ones; those who believe in Him and His Prophet. If you do not believe, come and believe. If you have sinned, come anyway. He is most forgiving. He calls to His Way. Smell the fragrance of Paradise, come to the Home of Peace.
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The Cure Is from Allah Jan29 2015 Turkish 17min
Sheikh Nazım
Every solution is from Allah. True faith is to rely on Him. Accept illness without complaint. Be patient and ask Him for the cure. With Mawlana’s prayers countless were cured. Not bidah, it is a sunnah from the Prophet’s time. The Quran says: “And when I am ill, it is He Who cures me”.
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Respect All Prophets Jan28 2015 Turkish 19min
Sheikh Nazım
The religion of Islam teaches good things. Respect for parents, for others, and specially the Prophets, because Allah has protected them from sin. All religions teach goodness but people corrupt them according to their opinion. Islam, the real religion, accepts all Prophets. Respecting, praising, loving, appreciating all the Prophets, is the order of Islam.
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The Meeting Point Jan27 2015 English 17min
Sheikh Nazım
Happiness is to know you deserve everything the Lord gave you. It is the best that you have. Stop running for something better. This is the point where the servant is happy with his Lord. This is the meeting point. Be smart and humble and catch it. The program is already set.
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King Abdullah Jan26 2015 Turkish 26min
Sheikh Nazım
Take heed. Even a king must die. King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia died recently. The Saud Dynasty had a poor reputation but Allah can change men. King Abdullah lifted his hands in prayer before the Prophet’s grave. In respecting the Prophet, he set an example for all and became a proof against the disrespectful.
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Plant Wind, Harvest a Hurricane Jan25 2015 Turkish 31min
Sheikh Nazım
A Believer is gentle and loves everyone. However now, the world is boiling. Those badly intended towards Muslims are plotting. Even the least foolish mind can see their traps. Let them plot. Allah is above them. Those who deceive will get their due. If they plant winds, let them harvest hurricanes.
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