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The Month of The Prophet (sas) Dec26 2014 Turkish 31min
Sheikh Nazım
This is the holy month of Rabi’al Awwal, the month in which the Prophet (sas) was born, Mawlid. We must celebrate by giving charity and salawats. The night of the 12th is like Lailatul Qadr. The most important thing is to love the Prophet (sas), the Beloved of Allah, and to teach this love to our children.
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Hadra Dec26 2014 13min
Sheikh Nazım
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Ziyarat Mawlana Dec25 2014 Turkish 17min
Sheikh Nazım
Any place where Awliya’Allah stayed for 40 days becomes a maqam for them. To visit them there is as if you were visiting them alive. You receive blessings and rewards and they are happy with you. To deny this is to have learned nothing from Mawlana Sheikh Nazim.
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As-Sadiqin Dec23 2014 English 28min
Sheikh Nazım
Without Maulana Sheikh dunya could never leave the murid’s heart. His force is behind his murid. Chasing dunya, the self gains nothing. Allah will give everything. To begin with Sheikh means also to complete with him, to be with true ones, the Sadiqin.
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Spiritual Adrenaline Dec21 2014 English 23min
Sheikh Nazım
The heart must boil with something. Mawlana put a happiness, a spiritual adrenaline in our hearts and we must share it, give it. He gave us the address to find this inner peace and we must hold on to it and not let it go.
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Don’t Give Fatwa Dec20 2014 English 41min
Sheikh Nazım
Just as Sheikh Muhammad follows Mawlana Sheikh Nazim who followed his sheikh, Sheikh Abdullah, true spirituality is to continue with the Sheikh. Sharia is not to be used for individual gain. Decisions relating to Allah Almighty are a serious matter and carry serious consequences.
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Zakatu-l ‘Ilm Dec14 2014 English 10min
Sheikh Nazım
You should try to make your prayer and practice as perfect as you can. Listen to the scholars and learn. This brings benefit for you and for them it is like zakat - they are required to teach what they know.
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One Plus One, One Sheikh Dec13 2014 English 27min
Sheikh Nazım
There is rich life and poor life but none of them are easy and they all end up in the same place. Only with a Sheikh can you change this classic life: born, work, die. There is only one Sheikh who can take you to the oceans of Rasulullah. There are many khalifas but only one Sultan.
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We Are Servants for Allah Only Dec13 2014 English 10min
Sheikh Nazım
Tariqa teaches Adab. There is an adab for the derga and an adab for the mosque. Certain things are not appropriate to be done in holy places. And to be Muslim is to accept this good advice.
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His Beloved Ummah Dec12 2014 English 13min
Sheikh Nazım
The Prophet (sas) is the Beloved of Allah, and we are the beloved of the Prophet (sas) - his beloved Ummah. Love for him will bring color, excitement and life to your life. Put this in your heart and make it grow.
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Chocolate and Vanilla Dec12 2014 English 18min
Sheikh Nazım
In this vast universe there are special ones who can see it all without a telescope and who can also see the human heart. Mawlana Sheikh Nazim was one. They don’t own anything, they only serve their Lord. When one passes another takes his place and each one has his special flavour.
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It Is Very Simple Dec11 2014 English 35min
Sheikh Nazım
You must understand that Mawlana made it very simple and straightforward. Don’t be stupid and don’t be confused. Follow your Sheikh and give your sincerity to him. All that matters is that you keep your position in front of him.
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Bab at-Tawba Dec11 2014 English 23min
Sheikh Nazım
In a special message to the young people Sheikh Bahauddin speaks about the Mercy and Generosity, the Beauty and Forgiveness of Allah Almighty. No matter what you may have done, run to Allah, to his Gate of Forgiveness.
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Sail with the Wind Dec10 2014 English 18min
Sheikh Nazım
You must sail your boat according to the wind. The wind is not at your command, it is independent of you. The spiritual way tells you how to sail with the wind. Life is not supposed to be easy but with the tests come the rewards. Without the sadness how would we know the joy?
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Love Rasulullah and Pray Dec10 2014 English
Sheikh Nazım
In Sheffield recently, Sheikh Bahauddin talked of the value of loving Rasulullah dearly, of appreciating him and nurturing his love. His love sustains us. The cause and effect of the Azan is Rasulullah. So pray, understand the value of prayer, and make it effective.
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Qasida Dec09 2014 English 8min
Sheikh Nazım
There is music for dunya and music for Allah. They are not the same. Even in the time of the Prophet (sas) they sang for him and he was happy with them.
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University Dec09 2014 English 28min
Sheikh Nazım
Sheikh Bahauddin speaks to a group of students about Sayyidina Jalaluddin Rumi. He also advises them to study good and useful things and to remember that life is short but akhira is eternal. Love the Prophet (sas) and look for sincere people is his advice.
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Love of Rasulullah Dec09 2014 English 5min
Sheikh Nazım
From the Prophet (sas) we learn love and kindness and respect for all. A Muslim doesn’t have permission to hurt even a fly.
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