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The Promise Oct28 2014 English 11min
Sheikh Nazım
Real men are the ones who keep their promises. Bayat is a promise. Even if we forget our promise, the Sheikh will honor his - to take us to Akhira with Iman.
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Sahib Mubarak Oct27 2014 English
Sheikh Nazım
Sheikh Mehmet uses the example of one of the Awliya in South Africa to illustrate the point that, with the help of Allah, and following a sheikh, a single weak man can move mountains. Don’t give up. Do your best for Islam.
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The Love of a Murshid Oct26 2014 English 13min
Sheikh Nazım
The love of a husband, or wife or child is temporary. Love your Murshid. He brings you closer to a level that you don’t know. A level of feeling confidence and comfort with Allah and Rasulullah. A true murshid is a heavenly gift. Without his love you are nothing.
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Nasiha Oct26 2014 English 31min
Sheikh Nazım
Nasiha (advice) must first be given to oneself and then only to others. Ego rejects real advice because learning is painful so having a Murshid is important. His Nasiha is a ready-to-eat meal. It teaches acceptance, good manners and how to learn all in one. So remind, keep it simple, the response will come.
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Dua Oct26 2014 English 4min
Sheikh Nazım
In Quran Allah tells us to ask, make Dua, and He will answer. Sometimes we are answered in this world, sometimes in the next but we are always answered. Sheikh Mehmet speaks on what to ask for.
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Waiting to Be Muslim Oct25 2014 English 28min
Sheikh Nazım
Islam makes people beautiful says Sheikh Bahauddin. He illustrates this using the stories of Rasulullah’s Companions. We must learn to be generous without becoming fearful. Generosity reflects Islam. This attribute must be used to draw people who are hungry and waiting to become Muslim.
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Those Who Build a Mosque Oct25 2014 English 9min
Sheikh Nazım
Sheikh Mehmet speaks to group of Muslims at Fajr prayer in a new mosque in South Africa. He blesses them and congratulates them on keeping their faith strong, they and their children, and for bringing so many others to Islam.
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Rizq Oct24 2014 English 5min
Sheikh Nazım
What is meant for you cannot go to another. It is the Rizq/provision ordained for you by an unimaginably generous Lord. The guest brings his own rizq and also baraka for the host.
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How to Be a Believer Oct24 2014 English 18min
Sheikh Nazım
Sheikh Mehmet welcomes in the Muslim New Year with a talk on the nature of belief; what a believer must believe in order to be pleasing to his Lord.
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Holy New Year Oct24 2014 English 5min
Sheikh Nazım
This is the New Year of the Hijri calendar which determines the holy days of Islam. This New Year, unlike the one that is celebrated around the world after Christmas, this day and the 10th day, Ashura, are holy days and to celebrate them brings goodness.
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The Spiritual Mission Oct23 2014 English 10min
Sheikh Nazım
Sheikh Bahauddin spoke on a visit to a primary school in South Africa. Set up more recently by our Naqshbandi brothers, Maulana had requested such projects 14 years ago. Their need is great. Their mission: to serve our Creator by bringing Islam to the poor.
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Pray As Much As You Can Oct23 2014 English 11min
Sheikh Nazım
If the bank was giving money for free, wouldn’t you take as much as you can? So the blessing of prayer is being offered you by a Generous Lord - Take as much as you can.
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The Blessed Times of Day Oct23 2014 English 3min
Sheikh Nazım
Sheikh Mehmet talks about the special blessings that result from being awake and aware at certain times of the day.
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The Natural Religion Oct23 2014 English 13min
Sheikh Nazım
All people are born Muslim, only their parents make them something else. Islam is Allah’s original religion brought by all the Prophets since Adam (as). It is natural for all people whether rich or poor, black or white. Other religions are no longer the original but have become artificial.
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The Rich and The Poor Oct23 2014 English 10min
Sheikh Nazım
Sheikh Mehmet reminds us to give thanks for what Allah has given us whether wealth or poverty. Those who accept are happy. He prays that those who give charity without asking for reward will be blessed.
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Love Rasulullah Oct22 2014 English 14min
Sheikh Nazım
Everything comes from loving Rasulullah says Sheikh Bahauddin. Islam invites to peace not strife. In the present climate Muslims must learn to surrender. They must seek the guidance of the awliya who can bring them to the love of Rasulullah.
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Be in the Crown Oct18 2014 English 31min
Sheikh Nazım
We had the honor of being with Sheikh Nazim. However small and insignificant we might be, we belong to him and we are one of the jewels in his crown.
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Advice Oct15 2014 English 45min
Sheikh Nazım
Follow your heart, not your mind or your ego. Follow your heart and be in connection to all the Grandsheikhs and to the Prophet and to Allah Almighty. Follow your heart and say: I hear and I obey.
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