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4047 videos available
The Key Is Surrendering Oct13 2014 English 29min
Sheikh Nazım
To be Muslim means to be surrendering. When you claim things for your self, you are not surrendered. Do your duty and don’t make noise. Do for your sheikh, not for your self. He tells the story of Shamsi Tabriz and the wine.
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The Real Sultan Oct12 2014 English 28min
Sheikh Nazım
Everybody can use advice, young or old, rich or poor. The advice of the real Sultan, Mawlana Sheikh Nazim, is to treat everyone with respect, don’t waste your time arguing and fighting, you don’t have to prove yourself to anyone just do what you have been assigned to do. Accept and follow.
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Satisfaction Oct11 2014 Turkish 25min
Sheikh Nazım
Satisfaction is the highest form of peace and it is achieved by remembrance of Allah. Find a guide who has only Allah in his heart and share in his state of satisfaction.
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Shirk Oct10 2014 Turkish 36min
Sheikh Nazım
Don’t be with the oppressors, the ones who worship other than the One God. Watch out for them. Association with them with bring you fire.
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Contentment Oct09 2014 Turkish 21min
Sheikh Nazım
Contentment is good behaviour and one of the biggest favours of Allah. Allah knows what is best for you. Don’t look to what others have. Parents used to teach this to their children but now no one knows it themselves and so cannot teach it.
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Jail Oct08 2014 Turkish 21min
Sheikh Nazım
By way of a true story, Sheikh Mehmet, warns against following the wrong people on the wrong way. We will be punished for any wrong turn whether done knowingly or unknowingly. But Allah is the Forgiver. We must learn from our mistakes.
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Don’t Lose Hope Oct07 2014 Turkish 21min
Sheikh Nazım
Allah is the Forgiver. Don’t lose hope. If you make a mistake without knowing He will forgive you. However, you must not repeat your mistake or persist in it or claim you were right, because stubbornness is from shaytan.
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Sheikh Abdullah, The Right Address Oct05 2014 English 34min
Sheikh Nazım
In this strong sohbat Sheikh Bahauddin questions the correctness of those who say they are inheritors of Sheikh Abdullah. He reiterates the fact that Sheikh Nazim was Sheikh Abdullah’s only murid and only inheritor and that he in turn named Sheikh Mehmet as his inheritor.
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HD Iman Oct04 2014 English 33min
Sheikh Nazım
There is more than the mind can grasp and the eyes can see. There is what the heart can hope. Everything is possible for Allah. These things together give you HD Iman.
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Eid al-Adha Oct04 2014 Turkish 32min
Sheikh Nazım
We sacrifice a sheep or cow on the occasion of Eid in obedience to Allah’s Order and in memory of Sayyidina Ibrahim. There is much blessing in this for both the one who sacrifices and the animal sacrificed. There is no pain for the animal so don’t worry.
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Ziyarat Hj Aminah Sultan Oct04 2014 11min
Sheikh Nazım
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Ziyarat Mawlana Sheikh Nazim Oct04 2014 14min
Sheikh Nazım
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Hajj ul Akbar Oct03 2014 Turkish 36min
Sheikh Nazım
In this very important sohbat Sheikh Mehmet discusses the importance of not forgetting the Orders of Allah. He advises us not to listen to the talk of others but to listen to our heart. He makes clear his intention to obey his Sheikh and to rely on Allah.
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Raw, Cooked, Burned Oct02 2014 Turkish 16min
Sheikh Nazım
If left to ourselves we could never control the ego. If we follow the orders of the sheikh we can learn to control it. If we don’t listen the ego only grows worse as we age. We are raw. Tariqa cooks us until the ego is burned and we are clean.
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Dhul Hijjah Oct01 2014 Turkish 26min
Sheikh Nazım
Sheikh Mehmet reminds us that the Month of Dhu Hijjah is one of the 4 holy months in which fighting is forbidden. Performance of the Hajj is a fard. Muslims today do not take this seriously but travel the world and do not save for Hajj. Those not on Hajj should fast the first 9 days or at least the 8th and 9th day.
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Calculation Sep30 2014 English 27min
Sheikh Nazım
Calculate large, don’t underestimate the favours of Allah. He gives you big gifts, try to fulfill them. And remember that the Sheikh tests each of us, large and small. So practice what you preach.
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Allah likes the Truthful Sep29 2014 Turkish 19min
Sheikh Nazım
Sheikh Mehmet warns us about the punishment for lying. Our Prophet (sas) was Al-Amin, the Truthful, and Al-Sadiq, the trustworthy. If we are to follow him and be of his nation we must try to be truthful and trustworthy. Then we will deserve, whether man or women, to be called ‘man’.
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Purely for Allah Sep28 2014 Turkish 25min
Sheikh Nazım
Sheikh Mehmet discusses the difference between the scholar whose aim is purely for Allah and the scholar who aims to please people. One has the level of the prophets of Bani Israil and if you sit with him your reward is great. The other is deceived and a deceiver and leads to ruin.
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