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An Interview Sep23 2014 Turkish 17min
Sheikh Nazım
In an interview with a journalist from a Cypriot newspaper Sheikh Bahauddin talks about his memories of his father and about his father’s mission and achievements. He also emphasizes Mawlana’s deep connection to Cyprus and Cypriots and the intention of his successor Sheikh Mehmet to honor this and keep the derga in Lefke as the headquarters of the tariqa.
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Respect the Sheikh’s Cat Sep23 2014 English 22min
Sheikh Nazım
We are asking for the spiritual way and on that way you never ask to be at the top. You always ask to be the lowest. Even though he was the top Mawlana never said he was anything. But we must show him the respect he deserves and not even say psst to his cat.
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One Order to Follow Sep21 2014 English 27min
Sheikh Nazım
Mawlana gave us one order to follow for our own safety and well-being. He appointed Sheikh Mehmet head of the Naqshbandi Tariqa. To follow his order, to follow his direction is our only duty, our only goal. Let the heartache and confusion be over. Let us relax and go back to work.
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Stay at the Table Sep20 2014 English 34min
Sheikh Nazım
We are one family, Mawlana Sheikh’s family. We must accept what he orders us, what he serves at his table. Sheikh Bahauddin warns us to stay at the table and eat what we are given because that is what is best for us.
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My Good Friend Ego Aug31 2014 English 31min
Sheikh Nazım
“I am nothing,” said Mawlana Sheikh. He believed in the lowliest of people and gave them value and his training requires giving up ego. Those among his true believers know he dislikes bad manners. When the attention-seeking ego approaches quietly, pretending to be a friend, be aware it is your enemy.
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I Want to Be Nothing Aug30 2014 English 26min
Sheikh Nazım
Mawlana Sheikh was always very clear. He laid a strong foundation for his murids. To take away our confusion a strong link is needed. It is a test of loyalty. We must choose: the booty of this life or Allah and His Prophet? It is not for us to count what Allah grants. Sayyidina Musa sought Khidr (as). Why? To understand how to be nothing.
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The Divine Trade Aug20 2014 Turkish 17min
Sheikh Nazım
Do everything with the intention of doing it for Allah. Only good works profit the afterlife. Allah is generous in His favour so don’t be heedless. Just like a clever trader, snatch every opportunity for profit. Collect as much as you can but, protect it from the thieving ego and shaytan and all that may destroy it.
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We All Follow Mawlana's Orders Aug18 2014 Turkish 30min
Sheikh Nazım
The order of the Prophet is for Muslims to love each other and be as brothers. Shaitan tries to mislead those who are on the right way. He uses his invention the Internet to incite people. It is best to avoid it. The majority of Mawlana’s, followers are protected from it. They stay together and all of them follow Mawlana’s orders.
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Fire of Regret Aug17 2014 English 29min
Sheikh Nazım
Reaching the right address requires taking the correct highway or risk getting lost. On arriving, there must be someone who answers the door. Eternal life is forever and disobedience carries consequences therefore Mawlana’s followers must be responsible. Can they face the bitter regret on realizing the face turned towards them in life has now turned away?
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Naqshbandi Munāfiq or Naqshbandi Muʾmin? Aug16 2014 English 52min
Sheikh Nazım
Mawlana Sheikh is a huge sun. He appointed Sheikh Mehmet as his Khalif. The Sun was put in the right place. No one may question who it is they must follow. It is very clear. If you wish to save yourselves follow the order of your Sheikh; a stern warning from Sheikh Bahauddin.
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Addabanī Rabbī Aug15 2014 Turkish 17min
Sheikh Nazım
Allah mentored Rasulallah in adab (good manners). Muslims should learn adab. What is adab? It is good morality and delicacy. It is gratefulness to Allah in everything, to love the Prophet above everyone else and to respect the Sahaba, learned scholars and those higher ranked than oneself. Adab is a beautiful thing. To be without adab is to be like an animal.
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Hadra Aug15 2014 14min
Sheikh Nazım
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The Worst of Voices (31:19) Aug14 2014 Turkish
Sheikh Nazım
Remember Allah constantly. Live as He wishes you should live because in attaining Allah’s pleasure actions become worship. Do not rely on your nafs. Let free, it cannot be trusted just like a donkey that cannot resist braying. And the Quran reminds us: The worst of all voices is the voice of the donkey (31:19).
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Do Not Fear Death Aug13 2014 Turkish 17min
Sheikh Nazım
Nobody will live forever, so it is essential to contemplate death. Yesterday slipped by and we may not be alive tomorrow. Think and live this way. The dead one says: I was a traveller, I was called to my destination and so shall you. Cherish the present and accept Allah’s decree. No need for sadness. Contemplate death. By accepting it, its fear is removed.
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The One More Knowing Aug12 2014 Turkish 20min
Sheikh Nazım
Those who are proud of their knowledge must understand that Allah has given only the tiniest bit to them. Claiming to know more is foolishness because as much as a person knows, another one knows more. Be thankful even for very hot weather. It has benefit, as long as Allah and His Prophet’s advice is kept.
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Be Awake for Akhirat Aug11 2014 Turkish 17min
Sheikh Nazım
Our destination is Akhirat. We are like travellers, journeying through the desert in a caravan. It is dangerous. The heedless, the strays, will be left behind. This caravan is a company of the beloved servants of Allah. Safety means being awake and journeying with them. If not, ours will be the loss and the regret.
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Be Young Aug10 2014 Turkish 20min
Sheikh Nazım
Allah loves the young worshipper. To follow Allah is easy although shaitan tries to make it seem difficult. A young person has to war against many desires in order to obey Allah and in return Allah rewards him generously. Older ones also, by Allah’s consent, may achieve similar rewards by striving to remain young.
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Visit Mawlana, It's an Open House Aug09 2014 English 30min
Sheikh Nazım
Sheikh Bahauddin warns against hidden fitna within the self. Mawlana’s secret is with him. His succession cannot be questioned. Its purpose is to clarify. Each mureed must deal with Mawlana directly. The end result is critical and, Mawlana’s satisfaction counts. Know that you can visit him, his house is open.
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