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Khalifatu l-Mu’minin Jul25 2014 Turkish 19min
Sheikh Nazım
It is almost Eid although it doesn’t feel like because of the pain and suffering in the Muslim world. Why is this? Sheikh Mehmet repeats his father’s answer - it is because the Muslims follow the way of the unbelievers and are not unified under one Khalifa.
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Bashkir Music Jul25 2014 14min
Sheikh Nazım
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Hadra Jul25 2014 19min
Sheikh Nazım
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Bad Thoughts Jul24 2014 Turkish 16min
Sheikh Nazım
Bad thoughts come from ego but Allah shows a beautiful way to fight them. A bad thought held in the mind is not a sin. However, when it is spoken about or acted upon it becomes a sin. To fight the ego is difficult but winning against it makes things easy and Allah rewards this.
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For the Sake of Allah Jul23 2014 Turkish 20min
Sheikh Nazım
Give for the sake of Allah without asking for reward or recognition from others and Allah will reward your generosity with His. Sheikh Mehmet reminds us of the story of S. Ali (ra) and its mention in Quran.
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The Biggest Favour Jul22 2014 Turkish 15min
Sheikh Nazım
To hope to please Allah in every action this should be our goal. Then all our life, easy or hard, results in goodness. These are the biggest favours of Allah.
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The Sweet Life Jul21 2014 Turkish 14min
Sheikh Nazım
It may seem like everyday is the same and we are doing nothing but to pray and gain the pleasure of Allah and His Prophet, this is the Sweet Life that Mawlana was always telling us about.
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Today’s Muslim Jul20 2014 English 26min
Sheikh Nazım
Sheikh Bahauddin speaks out on the condition of the Muslims of today. We must feel sadness for those who are suffering but we must also ask why. What have we done to deserve it?
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Mawlana in Hyde Park Jul19 2014 English 35min
Sheikh Nazım
Lailatu l-Qadr is coming. Sheikh Bahauddin reminds everyone that we are connected to Maulana, the perfect guide; a saint absorbed in Allah’s love, attracting people as he sat in Hyde Park. Sainthood can be achieved. Its power comes from love. Allah, the Generous bestows it on those who seek His attention.
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Laylat al-Qadr Jul18 2014 Turkish 23min
Sheikh Nazım
Sheikh Mehmet speaks about the last days of Ramadan, about Laylatul Qadr, about the songs of farewell, about Zakatul Fitr. He tells us of the wisdom behind thinking of every night as Laylatul Qadr and every person as S. Khidr (as).
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Hadra Jul18 2014 17min
Sheikh Nazım
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Iʿtikāf Jul17 2014 Turkish 19min
Sheikh Nazım
We have reached the last 10 days of Ramadan and Sheikh Mehmet explains the benefits and rewards of the sunnat of the Prophet (sas) to seclude himself in the mosque - I’tikaf.
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The Battle of Badr Jul16 2014 Turkish 22min
Sheikh Nazım
Sheikh Mehmet reminds us of the Battle of Badr which was fought in Ramadan. Despite great odds the enemies of Islam were routed and the Muslims given victory. The companions who fought at Badr were especially honored by Allah and even to write their names brings blessing for us today.
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Allah Loves the Thankful Jul15 2014 Turkish 18min
Sheikh Nazım
Sheikh Mehmet discusses the difference between Al-Hamdulillah and Ash-Shukrulillah and their importance for progressing on the Way.
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With Difficulty Comes Ease (94:5) Jul14 2014 Turkish 22min
Sheikh Nazım
Without difficulty there cannot be ease. The ego, just like the child, must be disciplined to accept, and even welcome, difficulty because after it Allah promises ease. Allah creates everything with a purpose and the purpose of man is not to spoil children or pets or their egos.
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Important Question Jul13 2014 English 20min
Sheikh Nazım
Sheikh Bahauddin tells us about a man who was inspired to ask people he met in the street what they would do if the Prophet (sas) appeared in that moment in front of them. Their reactions were surprising. Sheikh Bahauddin makes the lessons to be learned from this clear and personal.
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The Rolling Ramadan Jul12 2014 English 23min
Sheikh Nazım
Ramadan is a month of being tested and although Ramadan is affecting us badly says Sheikh Bahauddin, it nevertheless, is happy with us. This is by Allah’s calculation. It is His Wisdom that makes Ramadan roll through generations, through all conditions and climes.
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The Right Way Jul11 2014 Turkish 25min
Sheikh Nazım
All the predictions of the Prophet (sas) have come to pass. Now we are waiting for S. Mahdi (as). We should not worry but cling to the right way - the way of Ahlu s-Sunnah wa l-Jama’at, the way of Sheikh Effendi, the way of Allah.
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