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Two Points of View Nov28 2011 Arabic
Sheikh Nazım
Mawlana tells a funny story about a man pretending to be a scholar.
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Beware of Impostors Nov27 2011 Arabic
Sheikh Nazım
After welcoming and congratulating him and his family on their Hajj, Mawlana addresses Shaykh Hisham Qabbani on the rule for Islamic gatherings. Sh. Hisham Hz. is attending an Islamic conference in Istanbul in two days. Mawlana sets the basis for an Islamic conference. In so far as it is Islamic, any conference has to comply to the Quranic command: "Hold together to Allah's Word". It has to protect two main pillars "unity" and "Haqq". Therefore, anyone (or anything) that sneaks in such gatherings to create confusion, argument or dissent, should be immediately dismissed and banned. "Beware of Impostors - احذروا المدسوسين".
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The Words of the People of Allah Nov25 2011 Arabic
Sheikh Nazım
Many times in his sohbats, Mawlana addresses some shaykhs or politicians. Some of those addressed by Mawlana requested that the video, in which they were addressed, to be removed from the Internet. Mawlana gave an important answer in which he clarified the nature of his addresses and the secrets of Sohbat. "The Words of the People of Allah".
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Address to Ulama Nov23 2011 Arabic
Sheikh Nazım
This sohbat is addressed to Sh Habib Ali Jifry and the Islamic scholars meeting in Amman Jordan this evening. Mawlana discharges his obligation to warn the Scholars that everything is clear in the Quran. After this talk the responsibility lies with the scholars to get the message across to the people. 
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The Coming Muharram Nov16 2011 Arabic
Sheikh Nazım
Today after breakfast, Mawlana gave an important announcement and instructions concerning, "The Coming Muharram - Gelen Muharrem - شهر محرّم القادم".
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An Opening Is Coming Soon Nov10 2011 Arabic
Sheikh Nazım
After Eid, Mawlana met three Palestinian families and gave them good news, "An Opening Is Coming Soon - فَرَجٌ قريب". Mawlana explained about this year's special tejelli/manifestation on Arafat.
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The People of Hums Nov01 2011 Arabic
Sheikh Nazım
With his guest, Sh. Mostafa Alayli, Mawlana recalled some of the funny stories about "The People of Hums - Humus Ehli - أهل حمص" in Syria. Mawlana spent one year in Hums near the Maqam of Seyyidina Khalid Ibn el Walid. Mawlana loves and praises the people of Hums who are known for their funny stories.
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The Expected Zuhur of Al Mahdi (as) on Arafat Nov01 2011 Arabic
Sheikh Nazım
Shaykh Hisham calls Mawlana from Mecca and Mawlana tells him about "The Expected Zuhur of al-Mahdi (as) on Arafat" this year.
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Egypt: Ahlu r Ribat Oct31 2011 Arabic
Sheikh Nazım
Last night Mawlana mentioned Egypt and the marvels and mysteries of that land. Mawlana asked how the land, that had been the seat of power and wealth and the Mother of Civilization, fell into the precarious conditions it finds itself in today? Then, after Fajr prayer, Mawlana explained about the soldiers of Egypt and the meaning of the people of "Egypt: Ahlu-r Ribat -  مصر أهل الرباط "
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Hakawi Oct28 2011 Arabic
Sheikh Nazım
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The One Allah Loves Oct22 2011 Arabic
Sheikh Nazım
Are Allah's love for His creation and people's love for each other, related, and how? What can we learn from this relation to correct our own footsteps. Mawlana was talking again about Qadhafi's tragic end, and addressing his guest, Sh. Mustapha Alayli, at the breakfast table. Mawlana gave an important message to all presidents and leaders. He gave them the key to political peace and harmony, "The One Allah Loves - من أحبَّهُ اللهُ".
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Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem Oct15 2011 Arabic
Sheikh Nazım
If one cannot control oneself, how can one control others? Mawlana summarizes and explains the present political, and general human, paradox with this question. Last night, addressing the Arabs, Mawlana, in concise words, reminds them of the valuable things they forgot, or were made to forget, starting with "Bismillahi r-Rahmani r-Raheem - بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم".
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Affarin to the Head of the Copts Oct11 2011 Arabic
Sheikh Nazım
Mawlana was informed about the response of the Head of the Coptic Church to the bloody clashes of yesterday and Mawlana said, "عفارم لرئيس الأقباط - Affarin to the Head of the Copts".
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Faraenah We Musa Oct10 2011 Arabic
Sheikh Nazım
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Halal Is Clear and Haram Is Clear Oct10 2011 Arabic
Sheikh Nazım
“Halal Is Clear and Haram Is Clear -الحلال بيّن و الحرام بيّن" conveys a very strong message. In our days, people are avoiding Shariat and running away from religion; and therefore are falling deeper and deeper into darkness. And those who call for Shari'at have from religion only its form leaving its meaning and essence out. And the cure? It is Mahdi (as).
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Meclis Mashurat An Nabi (sas) Oct10 2011 Arabic
Sheikh Nazım
"Meclis Mashurat An-Nabi (sas) - مجلس مشورة النبي" unveils the mistake that many Muslims make, whether intentionally or unintentionally, when they claim that Islam is Democratic. Asteghfirullah! There is no "Democracy" in Islam; but there is "Mashurat".
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For Every Pharaoh There Is a Moses a.s. Oct10 2011 Arabic
Sheikh Nazım
An Important Message From Mawlana Shaykh Nazim to The Copts of Egypt: Mawlana watched the Copts' fury in the streets of Cairo last night and the bloody clashes with the Egyptian troops. Mawlana was very unhappy with what he watched on TV. After Fajr prayer Mawlana gave a strong address, but this time to the Copts and all the Christian brothers in the Muslim world. "كل فرعون له موسى - For Every Pharaoh There Is a Moses - Her Firavun İçin Bir Musa Vardı"
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Keep the Surviving Group Oct07 2011 Arabic
Sheikh Nazım
Some Egyptians and Syrians asked about: the constitution, the conflicting political parties, the lawful ruler and the signs of the end of times. They also asked, 'Since Mawlana always calls for the rule of Shari'at, does this mean accepting the rule of Ikhwan (Muslim Brotherhood) or Salafis, who are the only powerful voices calling for Shari'at in the political arena?' Mawlana gave clear answers to all these questions and an important warning: "Keep the Surviving Group - إلزموا الفرقة الناجي".
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