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For Guests Jun11 2011 English
Sheikh Nazım
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For Holy People of China: God Save You and Every Good One Jun11 2011 English
Sheikh Nazım
Mawlana advised some Chinese sisters not to work outside their houses. They said that they are all unmarried. Mawlana said, "I know" and explained to them the true meaning of justice. Then he spoke about an essential characteristic of the Chinese nation and wrote them, "For Holy People of China: God Save You and Every Good One".
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Hadra Jun10 2011
Sheikh Nazım
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What Is the Main Goal? Jun10 2011 Arabic
Sheikh Nazım
Mawlana was asked about the young people in Egypt who, for the sincere love of their country, are willing to, and did, sacrifice everything to free their people from poverty and oppression. How can these young ones succeed in their intentions and be rewarded for their deeds. Mawlana posed an important question: "What Is the Main Goal? - ما هو الهدف الرئيسي".
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Be Good Jun10 2011 English
Sheikh Nazım
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Juma Sohbat Jun10 2011 English
Sheikh Nazım
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Secim Ve Secimlere Jun10 2011 Turkish
Sheikh Nazım
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There Is No Harm or Damage in Islam Jun09 2011 Arabic
Sheikh Nazım
One day after Fajr, Mawlana asked about the difference in meaning that a native Arabic speaker would understand between the two words: "ضرر" (harm) and "ضِرار" (the exchange of the verb - in this case "the harm" - between two parties). This will shed some light on the meaning and the value of the Prophet's (sas) hadith (saying): "There Is No Harm or Damage in Islam - لا ضرر و لا ضِرار في الإسلام". There is no redundancy in Prophet's (sas) speech - Astaghfirullah, Never!
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My Brother Shaykh Yusuf Islam Jun09 2011 English
Sheikh Nazım
A murid from old time with some of his family members came to visit Mawlana yesterday. Cat Stevens, or Yusuf Islam, spent pleasant 45 minutes in Mawlana’s sohbat. Because he is “My Brother Shaykh Yusuf”, as Mawlana called him, Mawlana sang for him, he sang for Mawlana, and both sang together.
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Taskent Jun09 2011 Turkish
Sheikh Nazım
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Keep Ur Honor Jun08 2011 English
Sheikh Nazım
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Long Live Those Who Accept the Truth! Jun07 2011 Turkish
Sheikh Nazım
In a meeting with two professors, Mawlana explains many of the truths that are absent from our political and social lives and many of the falsehoods that came to replace them. Mawlana stresses the importance of distinguishing between truth and falsehood and of accepting the truth. Therefore, "Yaşasın Doğruyu Kabul Edenler - Long Live Those Who Accept the Truth!"
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Anadol Insan Jun07 2011 Turkish
Sheikh Nazım
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The Only Effective Tariqat Is Naqshi and Sahibu Zaman Is Naqshi Jun07 2011 Turkish
Sheikh Nazım
Shaykh Mohammad, an elderly man, came only to see Mawlana and kiss his hand. After kissing the hand and without asking for anything else, he got up to leave. Mawlana told him not to go yet because there was some emanat (trust) for him. "The Only Effective Tariqat Is Naqshi and Sahibu Zaman Is Naqshi".
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Chinese Sisters Jun06 2011 English
Sheikh Nazım
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Do Not Waste Yourself Jun06 2011 English
Sheikh Nazım
Mr. Metin Shady, a prominent figure in the world of media, business and politics of the Cypriot society. Metin Bey came to ask Mawlana about his brother-in-law who is being hospitalized in London. Mawlana's response was totally unexpected! And thus we have the unique sohbat, "Do Not Waste Yourself". Despite its serious subject and message, the sohbat is incredibly funny.
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Hadrat Insan Jun05 2011 Arabic
Sheikh Nazım
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And Spend on the Way of Allah (2:195) Jun04 2011 Arabic
Sheikh Nazım
A brother from Kuwait was visiting Mawlana two days ago. Haji Youssef, the Kuwaiti, carried to Mawlana the love and salams of his family and all the brothers and sisters in Kuwait. Mawlana was very pleased with him and addressed him in the Sohbat, "And Spend in the Way of Allah - وانفقوا في سبيل الله". In this sohbat Mawlana explains many of the points of debate among Muslims in the clearest and most concise way.
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