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They Ran after Modern Life May10 2011 Arabic
Sheikh Nazım
Shaykh Mostafa Alayli, an old Murid of GrandShaykh Abdullah Daghistani (qs) and a cousin of Shaykh Hisham and Shaykh Adnan Qabbani, was visiting Mawlana. After Fajr Mawlana addressed him and explained the reasons behind the troubles in our days, "They Ran after Modern Life - و ركضوا وراء الحياة الحديثة".
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Huviyetimiz May10 2011 Turkish
Sheikh Nazım
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Su Koymaya May10 2011 Turkish
Sheikh Nazım
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With the London Jama'at May09 2011 English 21min
Sheikh Nazım
“With the London Jama'at" contains several messages that are important not only to the people of London but to all of us too. And like the London Jama'at includes people of different backgrounds, in this sohbat Mawlana speaks in English, Turkish and Arabic answering people's different interests and needs.
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Everyone Needs a Guide May09 2011 Turkish
Sheikh Nazım
Asked about a book of Tafsir written by a Shaykh called Jubbeli Ahmad, a figure of big popularity in the Turkish religious circles, Mawlana asks important questions. These questions should be answered before setting out to achieve such a huge aim as writing more than twenty volumes of Tafsir. In the Sohbat, "Everyone Needs a Guide - Herkese Bir Mürşid Lazım", Mawlana shows the rules for the transmission of Knowledge, whether by learning or by teaching.
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Laying the Foundation of Haji Aminah Sultan's New Mosque in Cyprus May08 2011 Turkish
Sheikh Nazım
Mawlana went to Nicosia to lay the foundation of a new mosque. This new mosque will be built in the name and according to the will of Haji Aminah Sultan, may Paradise be her abode, Mawlana's wife. Mawlana's sons, Shaykh Mohammad Effendi and Haji Bahaa Effendi, and daughters, Haji Naziha Hanim and Haji Rukeya Sultan were all present. Some of his grandsons and many of his murids, too, joined in this blessed event.
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Muhabbet Ilahiler May08 2011 Turkish
Sheikh Nazım
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Why Were We Created? May07 2011 English
Sheikh Nazım
"Why Were We Created?" is the important question posed to the big group of murids coming from Glastonbury, Spain and other parts of the World.
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May Our Faces Be Full of Light and Our Hearts Pure May07 2011 Turkish
Sheikh Nazım
"May Our Faces Be Full of Light and Our Hearts Pure - Yüzümüz Ak Kalbimiz Pak" is the important dua Mawlana ordered to be made. Addressing some Turkish sisters from Istanbul, Mawlana gives important instructions and orders.
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Hadra May06 2011
Sheikh Nazım
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Juma Sohbat May06 2011 English
Sheikh Nazım
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A Warning to All, Particularly to Cypriots May06 2011 Turkish
Sheikh Nazım
This evening, Mawlana gave an important warning and ordered it to be broadcast. "A Warning to All, Particularly to Cypriots - Kıbrıslılara ve Bütün İnsanlara İhtar"
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Bu Hale Dustu May05 2011 Turkish
Sheikh Nazım
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Prepare against Them Whatever You Are Able of Power (8:60) May05 2011 Turkish
Sheikh Nazım
What is happening in Sham today is not without reasons. Mawlana explains some of these reasons. "Onlara Karşı Daima Hazırlıklı Olun - Prepare against Them Whatever You Are Able of Power (8:60)"
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Be with Good People May05 2011 Turkish
Sheikh Nazım
"Be with Good People - İyi İnsan İle Görüş" is a short and simple but very sweet advice given to two Iranian young men.
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We Are Capable of Sending Punishment on You May04 2011 Turkish
Sheikh Nazım
Many parts of the world suffer from natural crisis. Mawlana explains the ayah, "We Are Capable of Sending Punishment on You - Biz Sizin Üzerinizde Azap Yollarız".
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Halk Sesi May04 2011 Turkish
Sheikh Nazım
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The Killing of Bin Laden May03 2011 Arabic
Sheikh Nazım
Yesterday Mawlana received the news of the killing of Bin Laden. In a powerful Sohbat Mawlana pointed to us the incomprehensible Mightiness of Allah (swt) and the limitless brutality of Man. After praying two Rak'ats Shukr and wrapping up the Sohbat, Mawlana made an extremely important but subtle distinction between his judgement on that man and Allah's Judgement. A distinction that many believers fail to make and therefore end up in the confusion and the absurdities that are everywhere nowadays. "The Killing of Bin Laden - خبر مقتل بن لادن"
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